Chapter 259 H-154 First of all...!

In a dark space, Fang Che squinted and watched as the red light surrounding him and Zhao Wanxi gradually dissipated. When they could see their surroundings clearly again, they found that they were already in a dilapidated small town. On the streets.

It's so dirty here.

Zhao Wanxi frowned. The stone pavement under her feet was covered with moss, and the houses on both sides of the street were also covered in dust, with no signs of life at all.

Legend has it that the Ultimate Cave was originally a peaceful and beautiful world, but due to the destruction of an unknown force, its light was taken away, and it eventually became a dead place.

Fang Che leaned over and patted his trouser legs. When they landed, it was like floating in the air, so there was a little dust on his trouser legs. Then he raised his head and looked around, as if to identify the direction.

But it is a pity that in the ultimate cave, there are no sun, moon, stars, and no traces of the passage of time, only darkness.

Of course, this dimness is not the kind of darkness that makes one unable to see anything, but the kind of dimness that allows people to see things clearly, but can also feel the lack of light around them.

If you stay in a place like this all the time, the human spirit will definitely be suppressed and cause problems.

Zhao Wanxi also looked around. She looked thoughtfully at the rear where the two landed, and there seemed to be a faint sound there.

Shall we go take a look?

Zhao Wanxi noticed something strange happening over there, and Fang Che naturally noticed it too, but because they were too far away, he couldn't detect what kind of elf was moving.

Come out, Lucario.

Fang Che released Lucario, and Zhao Wanxi also released the Demonic Fire Red Fox.

After the demon fire red fox appeared, she raised the branch in her hand, and the flames burned and brought a glimmer of light to the surroundings.

However, the moment this light appeared, it was taken away by the gray space, as if the light attached to the flame was not allowed to exist in this world.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were slightly stunned at this scene, and then the two of them got closer and moved forward under the protection of the warmth radiated from the demon fire red fox's body.

Lucario took the lead to explore the way forward, while Fang Che began to constantly match the surrounding environment with the map given by Teacher Wang.

Unfortunately, Teacher Wang's map was incomplete, or inaccurate. Fang Che looked at it for a long time and couldn't find where they were.

Soon, Lucario, who went to explore the road, had returned to Fang Che's side. In his hand, there was a creature that was constantly struggling, like a black evil ghost.

This is...the evil eating king among the ultimate beasts?

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up, and she immediately recognized the race of the elf in Lucario's hand, which was the Evil Eater King.

The Evil Eater King is an elf with dual attributes of evil and dragon. It has super physical strength and racial value. It is also quite good in terms of attack. The only thing that is criticized is its speed.

However, with its huge size and unique tactics, the Evil Eater King is still very practical.

However, looking at the Evil Eater King in Lucario's hand, it seems that it has not grown up yet. After all, its size is only fifty centimeters, and it is not as tall as the adult Evil Eater King, which is several meters tall.

Did this guy cause the strange movement just now?

Fang Che raised his eyebrows. This Evil Eater King's talent is at the king level, and it also has a special ability - Gluttony. However, its level is only level 19, and it doesn't look like the elf that acted strangely just now.

Lucario shook his head. The elves that had caused strange movements in that area had already left. When Lucario arrived there, he only saw this evil eating king wandering the streets looking for food. It brought the Evil Eater King to Fang Che.

Fang Che nodded, and then he signaled Lucario to put down the Evil Eater King.

Even though the Evil Eater King has precious dragon attributes, Fang Che has no intention of cultivating it. After all, the Evil Eater King has five restrained attributes: insect, dragon, fighting, ice, and fairy. Among them, the goblin attribute is four times more powerful than the Evil Eater. Your Majesty, this is very unfavorable for Fang Che to fight opponents who use fairies flexibly.

As for the resistance attribute of the Evil Eater King, most of the elves on Fang Che's side can resist it, so the Evil Eater King is not suitable for his team.

Not to mention what Zhao Wanxi said, her team was more inclined to the super type and the elf type, and the elves were relatively good-looking. After the evil food king joined them, something felt quite wrong.

The Evil Eater King chose to run away without hesitation after being put down by Lucario. After all, it was suddenly caught while looking for food, and now it was extremely scared.

Ignoring this evil eating king, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the place where Lucario had detected elves' activities.

What a strong smell of electricity!

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up. Among the ultimate beasts, that guy was the only one with electric properties!

The electric beam wood, the lighting elf, was spraying terrifying electric shocks from its body when it was witnessed. Apart from it, there were no other ultimate beasts that were good at electrical attacks.

Electric beam wood is not our target.

Fang Che shook his head. There may be no doubt about the strength and potential of the electric beam wood, but it is still not Fang Che's goal.

Zhao Wanxi nodded, and she looked at the demon fire red fox beside her, Honghong, can you sense if there are any other ultimate beasts around you?

The demon fire red fox shook his head. Except for the evil eating king just now, there was no life breath around him. Even the electric beam wood that Fang Che and the others deduced might have been active in this area was not in it. Within the range of perception.

Lucario gave the same answer at the same time, and its waveguide power did not detect the presence of life.

Fang Che rubbed his chin. The Ultimate Cave is very big, and there are many Ultra Beasts. According to the alliance's survey, the number of Ultra Beasts in the Ultimate Cave may be comparable to the number of elves in reality. one third of .

I have never heard of a small town like this without an ultimate beast.

Maybe we mistakenly entered the territory of a powerful ultimate beast.

Zhao Wanxi looked at the sky intently. The gray sky always gave people a depressing and unpleasant feeling.

Fang Che also agrees with Zhao Wanxi's view that there is only one way for an area to be free of elves, and that is that this is the territory of a powerful elf, so those ultimate beasts will choose to escape without hesitation. .

However, it is still unknown who the overlord of this area is and what kind of strength he has.

Keep exploring.

Fang Che nodded to Lucario. With Lucario's strength, he was relatively safe in this relatively peaceful area C.

Lucario put his hand on his chest and then disappeared from Fang Che's sight.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi continued to explore along the street. They saw many places similar to supermarkets, but all the items on the shelves in the room had disappeared.

In the past, trainers broke into the Ultimate Cave and wanted to move some of the materials inside to resell them. However, they did not expect that except for the secret treasures, the materials in the Ultimate Cave could not stop the erosion of time after they were taken out. Turned into ashes.

Since then, no one has cared about the materials in the Ultimate Cave.

One or two hundred years later, the ordinary materials in the Ultimate Cave gradually disappeared with the passage of time.

I don’t know if the elves in the Ultimate Cave took it away, or if there are still some survivors in the Ultimate Cave.

There are no secret treasures in the supermarket, and even the useless daily necessities have all disappeared, like an empty shell. However, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi still found some clues in the supermarket that they wanted to pursue!

Look, these are the marks of hacking!

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up, her eyebrows curved, and then she pointed at a gap on the shelf and called out to Fang Che in a low voice.

Fang Che came to Zhao Wanxi wearing a mask. He looked at the small gap and his eyes brightened.

Among the ultimate beasts, there are not many elves who can use chopping skills, or can use chopping attacks. The most obvious one is Fang Che's target this time, the paper sword!

Ah Che, tell me, could the overlord of this area be Zhi Yujian?

Zhao Wanxi stroked the gap that looked new, and then asked Fang Che curiously.

Fang Che shook his head. It was most likely impossible. After all, according to records, although Zhi Yujian's temper was not very fiery, at least he had the kind of character that would definitely kill an intruder with all his strength.

They have been intruding into this territory for so long. If the overlord was Paper Edgeworth, they would have entered the battle long ago.

Listening to Fang Che's analysis, Zhao Wanxi also felt that it made sense, but she was still confused about who the overlord of this area would be.

While Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were still discussing what kind of elf would be the overlord of this area, an urgent waveguide message came from Lucario.

It entered a fighting stance!

Sensing this, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi immediately used teleportation to come to Lucario's side. When they saw clearly who Lucario was fighting, they both gasped!

I saw, in mid-air, an elf that looked similar to an iron tower, breathing out strange bronze light. It faced Lucario's wave missile attack without dodge, and instead used its huge size to suppress Lukario. Kallio.

Iron Fire Kaguya!

Fang Che never expected that the ultimate alien beast overlord in this area would be Tie Huo Kaguya.

No, this Tiehuo Kaguya is ten meters tall, and the streets Fang Che and the others walked on are all three- or four-meter-high bungalows. Where exactly is Tiehuo Kaguya hiding so that they were not discovered? ?

Now is not the time to dwell on this. This Iron Fire Kaguya is at the quasi-king level!

Fang Che's eyes narrowed, and he directly summoned Waves of Water, Swamp Monster, and Boss Cordora, and then ordered the three elves to come together to cheer for Lucario.

Similar to ordinary secret realms, in the ultimate cave, you can also obtain secret treasures by defeating the overlord of the ultimate beast. Of course, it is difficult to defeat the overlord.

This Iron Fire Kaguya will be one of the strongest opponents Fang Che has ever encountered.


As soon as the wave of water appeared, it aimed at Tiehuo Kaguya and released a steam attack. The powerful water vapor with a scorching aura washed over Tiehuo Kaguya's body, although it seemed that it could not break Tiehuo Kaguya. However, in fact, it has caused a certain amount of damage to Tiehuo Kaguya.

Iron Fire Kaguya's racial value is relatively average. If you want to defeat it, let Boscodora be the main force and use electric skills to conduct guerrilla warfare against it!

Zhao Wanxi immediately told Tiehuo Kaguya's outstanding abilities and weaknesses. Fang Che also knew this information. During Zhao Wanxi's science popularization, he had already asked Boscodora to complete three consecutive flights.

Boscodora, Volt attack!

Although Fang Che does not have electric or fire elves in his hands, Boscodora has the special ability of Lord Thunder, so he can barely be considered an electric elf.

Seeing Boscodora launching a lightning charge, Lucario immediately released dozens of wave missiles to block Tiehuo Kaguya's dodge space.

The power of these wave missiles is average, at most similar to the gym-level Lucario, but after Kaguya was hit by the wave missile, it was equivalent to being marked. When it wanted to dodge, Lucario directly exchanged The venue reached Tiehuo Kaguya, and then the flame fist and thunder fist continued to greet Tiehuo Kaguya.

Ba Na!

The Swampert raised its head and looked at Iron Fire Kaguya in the sky. It knew that its attack would not cause much substantial damage to Iron Fire Kaguya, so it chose to assist its brother.

A move of turbid current brought the giant swamp monster to the bottom of Tiehuo Kaguya, and then the giant swamp monster raised its head, and balls of dry mud directly hit Tiehuo Kaguya's body.

The mud bomb couldn't cause any damage to Kaguya Tiehuo, but the mud made Kaguya Tiehui's body miserable, and the swamp monster also controlled the turbidity water to mix in the mud bomb. In this way Tiehuo Kaguya's body was filled with mud.

In order to get rid of the mud, Tiehuo Kaguya had no choice but to release masses of high-heat energy sources from his body. However, after releasing the high-heat energy source, the mud on its body quickly dried up and solidified, making its movements sluggish.

Seeing this scene, Boscodora's eyes lit up, and like a missile, it directly hit the body of Tie Huo Kaguya with the galloping lightning.

At the same time, Bo Dang Shui opened his mouth, and a body of water exuding chills hit Tiehuo Kaguya in front of Boscodora.

The chilly water flow made Tie Huo Kaguya even more humid. At the same time, because of the cold air in the water flow, Tie Huo Kaguya's movements became stiffer.

Boscodora's volt attack hit Iron Fire Kaguya head-on. Under the flash of lightning, Boscodora unceremoniously added a double-edged hammer, and then fired at Iron Fire Kaguya in anger. After counterattack, he quickly ran away.

The first wave of attacks, Iron Fire Kaguya, was completely defeated!



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