There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 255 H150 Feathers of the God of Fire!

Chapter 255 H-150 Feathers of the God of Fire!

Outside the intensive care unit, Zhao Weimin no longer had the steady image that Fang Che had seen before. He was now a father worried about his son.

Many people from the alliance had come to express condolences to Zhao Longhu, but they were all kicked out by Zhao Weimin.

Fang Tianyang also arrived here, and with him was the Fire King Xia Yan.

After all, judging from the injuries on Zhao Longhu's body, it was obvious that the injuries were caused by the fire elf. The reason why Xia Yan came here was to have one more person to give her opinions.

Old man Zhao, how is Longhu's current situation!

Because he was in the hospital, Fang Tianyang kept his voice very low. He looked at Zhao Weimin with a vicissitudes of life, and his heart trembled slightly.

Zhao Weimin is a champion trainer, protected by an elf force field, and his lifespan may be longer than that of his son and daughter, but now Zhao Weimin looks quite haggard, which is very abnormal.

It was me who harmed the second son!

Zhao Weimin sighed and sat on the chair in the corridor, with a trace of bloodshot eyes in his eyes, If I hadn't agreed to his plan to get involved with those bastards, the second son would not have been so seriously injured.

Fang Che, who had just returned to the intensive care unit with Zhao Wanxi, heard Zhao Weimin's murmur. His mind moved and he immediately realized that the shadow group activities that Zhao Longhu participated in this time were approved by Zhao Weimin!

Fang Tianyang was already anxious to death. He moved to the window and looked at Zhao Longhu inside, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Although Zhao Longhu was not his son, he and Zhao Weimin had a pretty good relationship. In the early years when Fang Xuan met Zhao Qiansun, he often took Zhao Longhu and the others home to play. Fang Tianyang looked at them as if they were his own sons.

In fact, although the families at the top of the imperial capital may have competition and friction with each other, their relationship is very good, and it is basically impossible to add insult to injury.

Of course, except for some second-rate families who have no brains.

Grandpa Zhao, I have something to ask you.

Fang Che pulled Zhao Wanxi to Zhao Weimin. His words stunned the others in the corridor, What mission did Second Uncle perform?

He just checked and found that there was no information within the Shadow Group. It was obvious that Zhao Longhu's mission this time was not made public within the group.

Zhao Weimin raised his head, his lips trembled slightly, and then he softly said three words.

God's Refining!

Hearing Zhao Weimin's words, Fang Tianyang and Xia Yan took a breath, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

Old man Zhao, you are crazy. Longhu has just reached the Heavenly King level, and you dare to let him come into contact with the Divine Refining!

Fang Tianyang lowered his voice. If it weren't for being in the hospital, he would have wanted to slap Zhao Weimin to see if Zhao Weimin was awake.

The so-called God's Trial refers to the trial that the gods left on the Elf Star.

If one can pass the Divine Refining, then it is possible to obtain direct blessings from the gods, and it is not impossible to even harvest legendary elves.

In history, God's Refining has appeared a total of nineteen times, and if you include this time, it should be twenty times.

However, the number of times the God's Refining passed was zero.

Every time the Divine Refiner appears, a large number of kings and even champions will excitedly explore it, but except for a few powerful champion-level trainers, none of the other trainers can come back alive.

Over time, the Elf Alliance's attitude towards God's Refining changed to fear and avoidance. They did not restrict trainers from accessing God's Refining, but they would not be responsible for any trainer who died in God's Refining.

Er Zi told me that a group of people within the Shadow Regiment formed a group to break into the Refining of Gods. Even the top guys came out. In order to collect intelligence, he decided to participate in this operation.

Zhao Weimin's eyes flashed with pain. Although the Alliance's attitude towards the Shadow Group was a bit resigned, the Alliance has never given up on digging out the deepest cadres and leaders of the Shadow Group.

This Operation Divine Refining is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dig out the deepest secrets of the Shadow Group.

Zhao Longhu didn't want to miss it, and Zhao Weimin agreed with Zhao Longhu's decision after thinking carefully.

He thought that with the guarding super elves around, as long as Zhao Longhu was not on the front line, he would have a chance to escape. At least he would have no problem keeping himself safe.

However, what Zhao Weimin didn't expect was that when he received news about Zhao Longhu again, it was a critical illness notice from the Imperial Capital Alliance Hospital.

You... Hey, Old Man Zhao, you are confused!

When they heard that Zhao Longhu chose to get involved in the Refining of Gods in order to investigate the deepest cadres and leaders of the Shadow Group, Fang Tianyang and Xia Yan swallowed what they were about to say.

Zhao Longhu also did it for the alliance. Although they couldn't bear it, they couldn't say anything more.

After all, like Zhao Longhu, there are quite a few alliance elites who have died in the Shadow Group or other dark organizations.

I see... I understand.

Fang Che nodded after understanding the situation of lifting the Divine Refiner. He thought for a moment and then turned to look at Zhao Wanxi, Wanxi, you have analyzed the nurturing fluid we obtained from the paradoxical space before. ?

The last time they were in the paradoxical space, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi brought out some culture fluid from a billion years later. What Fang Che was thinking at that time was that the culture fluid from a billion years later would be better than the current one. The technology is a little higher.

Now, he wants to know what the alliance got from the culture fluid.

Zhao Wanxi nodded, The ingredients of the culture solution are very simple. Compared with the culture solution formula we have, it is just more delicate and adds some substances that are not available in our era.

At this point, Zhao Wanxi's eyes suddenly lit up, Ache, you have a way to save your second uncle, right? If you don't have a way, it's impossible to ask this question!

Fang Che sighed, I just want to ask if the culture solution is effective on humans.

The culture fluid in the paradoxical world can cultivate elves, which means that it involves genes.

If it can have an effect on humans, then Fang Che has a treasure that can help Zhao Longhu.

Zhao Wanxi nodded seriously, Although the replica culture medium is not as effective as the original, it can still be effective on humans. My second uncle relied on the culture liquid to get through the most difficult period.

Fang Che breathed a sigh of relief, put his hand in his pocket, and then took out a thumb-sized bottle. The bottle was empty, as if there was nothing.

However, when Zhao Wanxi looked closer, she could see a grain of gravel emitting colorful light.

This is the remnant of Xerneas' horn. Although there is only one particle, it still has the ability to conquer the world. It is mixed into the culture fluid for the second uncle to use.

The treasure Fang Che took out was naturally the remnants of Xerneas' horn obtained last month.

When he obtained this treasure, Fang Che wanted to find a super-powered or fairy-type elf and let him use it, so that he might be able to get closer to Xerneas.

But now, this treasure must be used to save people first!


Zhao Wanxi bit her tongue. Fang Che's introduction was whispered into her ear. She almost repeated it in surprise, but fortunately she reacted and suppressed her exclamation.

Hurry up and prepare the culture medium.

Fang Che put the small bottle into Zhao Wanxi's hand, and then looked at Fang Tianyang, Grandpa, please take Wanxi out.

He didn't dare to trouble Zhao Weimin now. The old man's mental state was not right and he might do something.

Of course, this may be because Fang Che's nerves are too tight. After all, Zhao Weimin is also the second-in-command of the alliance. It is inevitable to be sad for a while if something happens to his son, but it is still impossible to completely mess him up.

Fang Tianyang didn't ask what his grandson was doing. He just led Zhao Wanxi out of the corridor. Someone noticed Zhao Wanxi along the way, but they wisely got out of the way when they saw Fang Tianyang following Zhao Wanxi. position.

In the corridor, Xia Yan glanced at Fang Che thoughtfully.

If he read it correctly, just now Fang Che took out a small bottle and handed it to the little girl from the Zhao family. Then the little girl from the Zhao family became happy, as if her second uncle was completely out of danger.

It's hard to deal with. Are all young people today so scary?

Xia Yan smiled bitterly in his heart. He would not question whether Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were doing useless work, but anyone with a little insight could see how serious the injuries on Zhao Longhu's body were.

The alliance's efforts only temporarily put him out of danger. Whether he can survive or even wake up later depends on whether God Arceus is willing to give Zhao Longhu a blessing.

In this situation, Fang Che still has something to do. It can only be said that young people are young people, and they are much more useful than old men like them.

Soon, Zhao Wanxi came back with a small jar. She carefully wrapped the small jar in black cloth, with a look of joy on her face.

Fang Tianyang's face, who was following Zhao Wanxi, was quite strange. He was distressed, happy, and even a little jealous... The old man was so good at changing his face!

Back in the intensive care unit, Zhao Wanxi rushed into the ward with a small jar without even explaining to Zhao Weimin.

Fang Che snapped his fingers, and the metal monster instantly appeared in the ward and controlled the doctors and nurses who wanted to scold Zhao Wanxi. Then with the help of the long-tailed fire fox, Larulus and the metal monster, Zhao Wanxi With a speed that is unimaginable for ordinary people, Zhao Longhu was put into the cultivation tank dedicated to humans. Then she lifted the black cloth outside the small jar, and the bright colorful light attracted everyone's attention.

That vitality can be felt by everyone standing in the corridor, even across the glass, across the room.

Some people wandering in the corridor subconsciously wanted to move, but Zhao Weimin suddenly stood up and woke them up instantly.

Damn it, what did they want to do just now? It seems that they almost died!

In the ward, Zhao Wanxi looked at Zhao Longhu in the breeding tank, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

Zhao Longhu's face became much more relaxed in the colorful culture fluid, and the burns on his exposed skin were gradually recovering, and the speed of recovery was even visible to the naked eye.

Ache...what exactly did you give Wanxi?

Fang Tianyang finally couldn't help but ask at this time. He watched helplessly as Zhao Wanxi put a small bottle into a jar of ordinary culture fluid, and the culture fluid turned into this colorful appearance.

The remains of Xerneas' horn.

The culture medium has been used, Zhao Longhu's condition is constantly improving, and Fang Che no longer has to hide it at this time.


There were gasps of air everywhere in the corridor. They couldn't imagine that a child who was just a new trainer would take out the gift of a first-level god with just a simple move of his hand.

Moreover, this is the remnant of Xerneas' horn, not an ordinary gift from the gods.

You know, after the strength reaches the god level, unless the gods are willing, even if they die, humans will not be able to obtain a little dust from them.

Zhao Weimin moved his lips, but he didn't say anything. He looked at Fang Che with only satisfaction, gratitude, and relief in his eyes.

Although it shouldn't be considered his fault for letting Zhao Longhu come into contact with the Divine Refiner, Zhao Weimin still felt quite guilty in his heart, and now he can finally relax.

Zhao Longhu hadn't woken up yet, but after Fang Che took out the remains of Xerneas' horn, no one was worried anymore.

That is a gift from the first-level god, the god of life.

Soon, ten minutes passed. Zhao Longhu opened his eyes in the cultivation tank. All the burns on his body had dissipated. When he found himself in a colorful liquid, his expression still showed a hint of panic.

Seeing that her second uncle was awake, Zhao Wanxi immediately called the doctors and nurses in the room to examine and care for Zhao Longhu, and then she walked out of the ward.

Let's take the old men to have a rest first. It looks like the inspection will take some time.

Fang Che looked around. Many people's eyes were fixed on the culture solution that Zhao Longhu had soaked in. He twitched the corners of his mouth. The culture solution no longer contained Xerneas' power, but there was still a large amount of it left. of life force.

If anyone can drink a large bowl of it with full stomach, it will not only prolong life, but at least it can dispel physical diseases.

However, let Fang Che drink Zhao Longhu’s bath water...

Forget it, the Little Penguin Mall can refresh the remnants of the Xerneas Horn once, and it is not impossible for a complete Xerneas Horn to appear in the future!

When they arrived at the rest area, Zhao Weimin pulled Fang Che in front of him seriously.

Ah Che, if you want to thank me, I won't be able to finish it in three days, old man. Don't worry, our Zhao family can't let you lose a gift from God for nothing.

Although this thing is not worth the treasure you lost, it was brought back by Er Zi with his life. I hope you can accept it.

After saying that, Mr. Zhao Weimin took out a feather from his arms.

The feathers looked quite gorgeous, fiery red all over, but their appearance was dull and there was no trace of energy flow at all.

If Fang Che hadn't used the Eye of Data to investigate, he might have regarded this feather as a prank made by someone using dye!



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