There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 215 H-110 This damn sense of oppression!

The battle is over. The explosive fist of the electric shock monster still failed to hit the blue jay. The speed of the blue jay was too fast with the blessing of the wind.

Moreover, before evolving into the Steel Armored Crow, even though the blue crow was much larger than its peers due to its special ability, it still maintained a flexible posture. If it evolved into the Steel Armored Crow, it might not be able to evade it so easily. Open the opponent's attack.

However, once the blue crow evolves into the steel-armored crow, there is no need for it to avoid the lightning punch of the electric monster. With the steel-armored crow's defense and special abilities, it is no big deal to take a thunder fist.

After Fang Che defeated Liu Li, the exchange match ended.

Today, the battle between Class 1 and Class 5 is the highlight, but the exchanges between other classes are not so explosive.

After coming down from the ring, Lu Hui and Fang Che exchanged fists, and then Lu Hui looked curiously at the Blue Crow who was following Fang Che.

Good guy, you still chose the Steel-Armored Crow. Grandpa Fang and Uncle Fang will definitely be pissed to death.

Lu Hui stretched out his hand with some emotion to touch the blue jay's feathers. The blue jay hesitated for a moment, but because of the relationship between his master and Lu Hui, he still allowed Lu Hui to touch his wings.

Lu Hui couldn't believe the soft touch. After a while, this heroic-looking blue crow would turn into a powerful steel-armored crow!

Lu Hui, who has played with Fang Che since childhood, knows very well that when it comes to flying elves, excluding those magical beasts, Fang Che's favorites must be Kuailong and Steel-Armored Crow. Obviously, Fang Tianyang and Fang Xuan's main forces have armors. Bird, but Fang Che just couldn't understand the beauty of the strength of the armored bird!

Maybe, every generation has its own romance. Anyway, Lu Hui can hang out with Fang Che. He also thinks that the armored bird is not as handsome as the steel-armored crow!

My grandfather found this blue jay for me. Speaking of which, why are you making such a big fuss?

Fang Che touched the blue jay's head, and then put the blue jay away. He looked at Lu Hui with some curiosity. Lu Hui was not the kind of person who liked to be competitive.

Lu Hui shrugged, It's not because of you.

Fang Che was a little confused. How come he could take the blame even if he wasn't in school these past few months?

Lu Hui sighed. The reason Class 5 was targeting Class 1 was because Fang Che was not in school. They thought Class 1 was leaderless and easy to control.

In addition, in the previous campus competition, Fang Che eliminated the strong players of Class 5, resulting in Class 5's performance being quite poor, and the subsequent resources were incomparable to other classes, so Class 5 became angry.

After hearing Lu Hui's explanation, Fang Che slapped his mouth, as if he could really be blamed for this?

Ya'er, if he wants to take the blame, he will have to take too much blame from the entire league. He showed up in front of the entire league before, and he put pressure on so many people.

I won't take the blame!

Fang Che shook his head quickly. Although he took a leave of absence and hadn't come to school for several months, he was still a good student who pursued progress. If this sudden blame was placed on him, no matter whether it was responsibility or not, he would follow. thereafter.

He is not some Spider-Man. With great power comes great responsibility. He cannot put it on his lips.

He has more faith, and the greater his ability, the greater his ability!

The former is the ability to master, and the latter is the ability to do it.

The merits and demerits of right and wrong can be judged by future generations, but at present, we cannot be bound by the morality of the public.

Every trainer who breaks through to the Heavenly King level has been through blood and fire several times before he succeeds. Fang Tianyang almost died in the secret realm in order to let his Metagross break through.

It can be said that ordinary people envy the exciting life and strong strength of trainers, but those trainers who have pursuits don't envy the carefree lives of ordinary people.

As long as you become a trainer, whether it is for yourself or for your own elves, you must follow the path of involution to the end.

Fang Che has a golden finger, but if he sits at home and waits for nothing, then unless the Little Penguin Mall gives him alpacas and magical candies every day, he will never be able to break through to the King level in his life.

The same goes for Lu Hui. Although Fang Che teased him privately about his luck in marrying a rich woman, other people may even have this idea. They would be envious and jealous as to why they hadn't saved the little princess of the Gu family in the first place.

But no one knew what the circumstances were that led Lu to return as a new trainer to save the little daughter of a big family patriarch who was very caring.

Even though Lu Hui repeatedly emphasized that it was just an accident that he saved the little princess of the Gu family, no one could guarantee whether there was any terrible crisis hidden under this accident.

Following his classmates back to class, Fang Che found his seat.

Although he has not been in class for several months, Fang Che's seat is still quite clean. After all, students on duty help clean it every day.

The teaching plan prepared by Gu Song today is a detailed explanation of skills and bodybuilding. He is a coach at an off-campus gym. He only comes here to teach for his girlfriend. But now that he has become the class teacher of Class 1, he must teach the students something useful. s things.

Naturally, what he is best at is the knowledge of elves and skills related to the fighting system. Many elves can learn the bodybuilding trick, which can not only increase attack power, but also increase defense power.

However, this improvement varies from person to person. When many elves use bodybuilding tricks, the preparation time is too long, so they are unable to exert the full power of the bodybuilding tricks.

Just like the Sword Dance and the Dragon Dance, you have to dance the entire dance to get the full increase.

The special attack amplifying skills Meditation and Trickery also need to be used without interference.

It is precisely because there are certain restrictions on the use of amplification skills that Fang Che attaches so much importance to the combination of Lucario's Sword Dance and Dragon Dance.

If it could be integrated into one action, and then the completion time could be compressed as much as possible, the increase in combat power for the elves would be terrifying.

Oh, it is worth mentioning that according to the official records of the alliance, whether it is a fantasy beast or a legendary beast, they do not need any forward swing to use amplification skills and changing skills.

Back when god battles were still relatively common, Sky Dragon Rayquaza showed the world what six dances are in one second. After the six-fold dragon dance, he killed Groudon and Groudon who were in a state of battle rage with the finishing touch. Kyogre.

Although Fang Che's Genesect is a super-ancient fossil elf, it can barely get along with the fantasy beast because of the care of God. If it uses the amplification skill, it will only take a blink of an eye.

Although the amplification skills it has learned now are only nine-color sublimation, it can still learn many useful moves in the future.

Ache, this is the information related to the regional selection. This time, the people participating in the regional selection with us are the Fifth High School and the Thirteenth High School, as well as the competitive class of Liuli School of Economics. There are only 32 places in our area to enter. Regional selection.”

After listening to Gu Song's lecture on how to shorten the preparation time for bodybuilding, Fang Che received intelligence support from Lu Hui after class.

Although for Fang Che, this time the U18 Poke Ball Cup is completely a baby cup, but if he plans to send out the Blue Jays first, he still needs to master some information.

Otherwise, it would be ridiculous if he only used the Blue Jays and failed in the regional trials.

I remember that Fifth High School is not a school that specializes in water systems. Have you ever communicated with their students?

Fang Che flipped through the information and then asked Lu Hui.

Lu Hui has decided to become a water-type trainer. After all, his Prince Bo, Big Mouth Owl, and Lapras have great potential and strength. They are definitely enough to push him to the gym level trainer, and even Wang Zhanwang. Not a bad idea.

In this case, Lu Ying should have contact with people from Fifth High School.

As expected, Lu Hui nodded immediately, The average level at Fifth High School is probably at the level of Class 5. Even the ace of Fifth High School is not as strong as Liu Li.

I have met the ace of the fifth school in a club outside school before. His main force is a water-type and ice-type spiny shell. His characteristics should be continuous attacks. He has inherited the skills rock critical strike and missile needle. His strength is quite good. , but he is no match for my Prince Bo.

If you are only going to use the Blue Jay to fight, you just need to pay more attention to this guy.

Lu Hui flipped through the information he handed to Fang Che, and then found the ace of the Fifth High School, a red-haired young man wearing rimless glasses. Judging from his appearance, his handsomeness was on the same level as Lu Hui's , second only to Fang Che.

Fang Che held the information and said, Du Fei, holding the elf spiny shell, Cammy turtle, and yo-yo ball?

It can be seen that Du Fei's team is still very good. He is deliberately cultivating the team's strike surface. After the evolution of the Yo-Yo Ball, the Rainwing Moth can not only supplement the strike surface of the Water Arrow Turtle and Spiny Shell, but it can also be used on rainy days. A good player on the team.

The intimidation characteristic reduces the opponent's attack power and fighting spirit. The storm can also control the wind and clouds in rainy days. In addition, it can learn water wave, water cannon and other powerful water-based moves. This rainy day team formed by Du Fei will definitely have a future. It is the main offensive force.

Although some of his elves are good, I think my blue jay will definitely win.

There was a confident smile on Fang Che's lips. He trusted his Blue Jay too much. Not to mention that it was on the verge of a breakthrough, let's talk about the explosion of Taijing and the catastrophe controlled by the Blue Jay. Apart from the big brother in the team, Other than the eldest sister, no other elf could be so arrogant in front of it.

Lu Hui looked at Fang Che's confident look and just shrugged. Then he took out two more photos, one of a man and one of a woman.

This is Xu Li, the ace of Thirteenth High School and the school beauty of their school. She specializes in fairies. The initial elf is Eevee. She also has kapok balls and a Jigglypuff on hand.

Looking at the photo of the girl pointed at by Lu Hui, Fang Che was a little surprised. This Xu Li looked handsome and tough, but in the end, the elves on hand were all cute pets?

However, the fairy type is indeed a difficult opponent. There are really not many skills currently mastered by Blue Crow that can deal with the fairy type, which is famous for its weirdness.

It seems that after returning, he will learn a wave of skills from Blue Jay to make up for his blindness.

Xu Li's strength is a little worse than mine, but she is stronger than Liu Li before. If she fights Du Fei, there is a 80% chance that she will win.

Lu Hui added, and then he introduced the last person very seriously, The next one is Xiao Ran from the battle class of Liuli School of Economics. He is a dragon trainer!

Fang Che glanced at the photo of the young man who looked a little gloomy. Could this guy with dull eyes be a dragon trainer?

Xiao Ran... I have never heard of a Xiao family in Liuli City!

Fang Che tapped the table with his finger. Being able to raise dragon-type elves and even dare to focus on the dragon-type shows that Xiao Ran's financial resources are definitely not weak, but he really doesn't know any Xiao family in Liuli City.

Xiao Ran's family runs a breeding house and is qualified to be a breeding house under the alliance method. According to relevant information, he previously bet a multi-dragon Mecia in the alliance breeding house during egg gambling, and later captured it in his own breeding house. Got a tooth.

Although Xiao Ran only has two hand-held elves, his strength is definitely the strongest! Neither Xu Li nor Du Fei can be Xiao Ran's opponent. Even I am not sure of defeating Xiao Ran.

Doron Mecia, the juvenile form of the dragon and ghost quasi-god Doron Baruto, the quasi-gods are all late bloomers, but in this newcomer competition that looks like children playing house, The quasi-god's powerful potential and unparalleled skill learning surface can completely crush the opponent.

What's more, Doron Mecia also has the most difficult ghost attribute. Even opponents who are stronger than it will feel quite uncomfortable when facing Doron Mecia.

The alliance's official bet on a quasi-god?

Fang Che looked at Lu Hui in shock, thinking that Lu Hui was joking with him.

As the son of a gym trainer, Fang Che was very aware of the goings-on inside the alliance breeding house. However, any elf eggs that could be used for gambling were strictly controlled by the breeder before being leaked out.

A quasi-god can be released, who checked it?

Lu Hui shrugged, I'm surprised. According to rumors, this multi-dragon Baruto was prepared by a certain senior breeder for his own child. He deliberately concealed the information about this quasi-god, and then Let it flow to the nursery.”

However, before his son could find the egg, Xiao Ran gambled away the egg.

After Fang Che heard the whole story, he took a deep breath.

Is there such an operation?

This Xiao Ran has the luck of a protagonist!

Oh, first I bet on the eggs to get the accuracy, then I get the teeth at home, and then I step into the gym, punch the king, and reach the pinnacle of life?

Hiss, this damn sense of oppression brought by the protagonist!



106 still can’t be released. If I find the editor tomorrow and still can’t release it, I will directly put it in the work-related section.

Anyway, I asked for leave and got full attendance, so the subscription for this chapter doesn't matter.

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