If you want to ask Fang Che what the most useful props produced by the Little Penguin Mall are, there is definitely a seat for the infinite move skill machine.

From the exchange of venues at the beginning, to the farmer's three punches, and then to the dance of the dragon, it's all a good use!

The exchange of venues allowed Lucario to gain the ability to fight across levels, and helped Fang Che win many games in the early stage.

The farmer's three punches also resolved the giant pincer mantis's inner obsession, and now it has worked harder to become the strongest boxer.

Although Dragon Dance has not yet demonstrated its effectiveness, Lucario has integrated Dragon Dance and Sword Dance while concentrating on studying wave missiles, and its actual combat capabilities have been greatly enhanced.

Now, a high-quality secret treasure can actually give Fang Che's elf three opportunities to learn moves that cannot be learned by itself. This is very profitable!

However, because this secret treasure is random, the probability of drawing self-destruction is probably the same as drawing impact. If you want to draw good skills such as Exchange Field and Dragon Dance, you may need a lot of luck. .

With any luck...Iron Dumbbell, it will be you!

Fang Che touched his pocket. He didn't release the iron dumbbell, but he had already decided that the first time he used this secret treasure, he would definitely use the iron dumbbell.

After all, although there is no writing on the Iron Dumbbell panel, it seems to have really good luck.

The high-speed train from the Imperial Capital to Liuli City traveled very fast. Anyway, when Fang Che felt a little hungry, he had already taken a taxi back to the entrance of his gym.

Because Su Ya and Fang Xuan were still in the Western Secret Realm, Lu Qiling was still managing the gym.

After seeing Fang Che come back, Lu Qiling breathed a sigh of relief. After all, no one could be impostered when registering for the U18 Poké Ball Cup. The No. 1 High School in Liuli City was already as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Lu Hui also sent several messages to Fang Che. Now that Fang Che was finally back, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Oh, this is the seed player who is expected to win the national championship. It is their Liuli City's hope to be proud in front of the entire league!

Fang Che didn't have any opinions on these expectations. After all, in his current opinion, participating in the U18 Poké Ball Cup was not as fun as rafting on the ancient lake with Zhao Wanxi.

Back in the backyard, Fang Che simply made himself some noodles, and then summoned a group of elves.

Lucario and Boss Cordora found that they had returned to their most familiar home, and immediately started to familiarize themselves with their territory with a few new brothers.

Fang Che grabbed Tie Dubell, and then placed a disc directly on Tie Dubell's head.


Iron Dumbbell was a little confused. It had no idea what its trainer was doing, but it still stayed there obediently and did not move. After all, with its body, any struggle would be enough for Fang Che.

Soon, under Fang Che's operation, the infinite skill machine began to operate, and a silver-white stream of light rushed into Tie Dubell's body. When he saw this stream of light, Fang Che's eyes instantly lit up.

The silver color represents the steel type, and the iron dumbbell has acquired a steel type skill.

Double tap of the steel fist - Power · 60, rotate the body, wave the arms to cause two blows to the enemy, and have a 30% chance of making the opponent cower.

The skill extracted from Iron Dumbbell is Steel Fist Double Strike. If Fang Che remembers correctly, it seems that the only one who can learn this move is the steel-type fantasy beast, Meilu Meta, right?

From this point of view, the luck of the iron dumbbell is also very good!

As an elf of the steel and super-types, Metagross is better at physical attacks from punches to the flesh, but unfortunately, the strongest physical attack moves of the super-type that Metagross can master are only thoughts. Hammer, and in the steel system, Metagross can only master the 90-power Comet Fist on the official alliance panel.

Now that he has the Double Tap of Steel Fist, Iron Dumbbell’s combat power will be upgraded to a higher level after evolving into Metagross.

After all, Melmeta's steel fist can only attack twice, but Metagross has four arms!

No guarantee, the future Metagross might be able to master the four strikes of the steel fist!

With Iron Dumbbell being such a good start, Fang Che immediately took the infinite skill machine and started looking around. He wanted to see who else was more lucky and could get good skills.

Iron Dumbbell tilted its head, and it suddenly hit Genesect next to Fang Che. Genesect was completely unprepared and was knocked over by Iron Dumbbell.

Although Genesect is the legendary insect god, before its level increases, its physique is really not much stronger than an iron dumbbell.

After Genesect was hit by Iron Dumbbell, Fang Che also realized that Iron Dumbbell seemed to be helping him choose the right candidate, so Fang Che simply decided to trust Iron Dumbbell.

Putting the infinite move machine on Genesect, Fang Che watched the reaction of the infinite move machine with great anticipation. Soon a gray-white light poured into Genesect's body. This sight Fang Che frowned.

Because, the gray-white light represents the normal moves.

Although with the special ability of the Insect King's Majesty, Genesect can exert greater power when using normal moves, Fang Che still hopes that Genesect can acquire some good skills.

Nine colors of sublimation gathered at the top - Power·0: Ibrahimovic's exclusive Z move, after use, the attack, special attack, defense, special defense, and speed are increased by 100%.

Sorry, I was too loud just now!

Seeing Genesect's extracted skills, Fang Che apologized to the infinite move machine without hesitation.

He never expected that Ibrahimovic's exclusive Z-move would be within the range of extraction.

So, what about the exclusive moves of the mythical beasts?

Ho-oh's sacred fire, Lugia's cyclone attack, Fathead Fish's root wave, the flightless cliff sword...

Are these powerful and high-style unique moves also within the extraction range of the infinite move machine?

After all, your name is infinite!

Of course, if these skills are really drawn, Fang Che will never let the elves use them, because the power required to carry these skills is too strong. Even the champion level elves of the fire system may not be able to withstand the use. The price of sacred fire.

The exclusive Z moves of Eevee that Genesect drew should already be the best among the infinite move machines. I don’t know what kind of surprise the last chance left will bring to Fang Che.

Iron dumbbell, help me look for it again.

Fang Che looked at Iron Dumbbell expectantly. He wanted Iron Dumbbell to search carefully to see who had better luck and could use the last unlimited move machine.

The iron dumbbell shook its body twice, as if it was wondering what its trainer was talking about. It just wanted to bump Genesect and let Genesect play with it.

Does the owner of his house want to bump into another partner?

Iron Dumbbell looked left and right, and finally focused on the blue jay.

Well, just like him, the blue jay is a newcomer to the team. Everyone should keep up with the pace of the seniors and enjoy the time spent with their master!

Ever since, Iron Dumbbell rushed towards Blue Crow without hesitation.

The blue jay, who had just been admiring the beautiful scenery of the courtyard under the introduction of Boss Cordora, discovered the iron dumbbell rushing towards him. It was frightened and ran away in a hurry, but how could the blue jay who fled in a hurry be able to defeat the prepared enemy? Comes with iron dumbbells.

Iron Dumbbell just feinted a shot and easily caught the panicked Blue Jay.


The blue jay fell to the ground with a look of grievance. Although the iron dumbbell didn't use too much force, it was pushed up by the iron dumbbell after all!


The blue crow pointed at the iron dumbbell with its wings. It yelled at Fang Che in a rather aggrieved voice, as if it wanted Fang Che to make the decision for it.

Fang Che stepped forward and rubbed Blue Jay's head, comforted him a few words softly, and then placed the infinite move machine on Blue Jay's body. This was his last chance.

Lucario and other elves also came over, and they also noticed Fang Che's movements, so they looked at the Blue Jay with great anticipation, wanting to see what the Blue Jay could do under the magical control of their master. The change.

The power of the infinite move machine was injected into Blue Jay's body, and then Blue Jay was horrified to find that the disc his trainer placed on him was broken!


It’s none of its business, it really didn’t do anything!

The blue jay frantically wanted to explain, but Fang Che quickly held it down, and then comforted the blue jay again.

Although it joined the team earlier than Iron Dumbbell, it is only a few days old and is still an ignorant little guy, so it needs more care.

Let me see what skills you have acquired.

Fang Che only noticed a black light injected into Blue Jay's body. He wanted to know what skills Blue Jay had learned.

Catastrophe - Power·0: Use the power of disaster to oppress the opponent, forcibly weakening the opponent's physical and mental strength by 50%.

Hey! Iron Dumbbell, your father is not really Jirachi, is he?

Fang Che touched his head. He looked at the iron dumbbells flying in the air happily, and then took a breath of cold air.

The infinite move machine is a defective imitation that can only be used randomly three times, so it is designated as a high-quality secret treasure.

However, under the operation of Iron Dumbbell, an elf with great luck, Fang Che directly obtained three skills that are comparable to the perfect infinite moves and skills recorded in the machine.

Let’s not talk about Ibrahimovic’s exclusive Z-move for the moment. Double-click with steel fist is a fantasy beast skill, and Fang Che has never heard of this catastrophe obtained by Blue Jay.

Perhaps, this is a move skill that has not yet been defined by the alliance?

Forcibly weakening the opponent's physical and mental strength by 50%. Once used, the effect will not be like the overlord-colored domineering in a certain One Piece, right?

You've reached your limit before I take action?

Fang Che glanced at Blue Crow. Will this cute little girl become a high-ranking disaster queen in the future?

Well, this sounds very interesting!

Using the infinite move skill machine three times gave Fang Che three perfect experiences, so he happily prepared a lot of food for the elves and then let them play.

After Lucario and the others had eaten and drank enough, Fang Che washed up and then dressed up and rushed to school.

At this time, Liuli City No. 1 High School had filled out all the registration forms and was waiting for Fang Che to sign.

If anyone else had taken such a long leave as soon as school started, the school would have expelled them long ago. But Fang Che was a genius, and an extraordinary genius at that.

Fang Che had a duel with the Sand Bear King before at the exchange conference. Even if he lost, it would be an honor even though he lost!

Whose new trainer can compete with the serious king?

What, are you saying that the King of Sand Bear is not serious?

Haha, that’s what you think, anyway, they think the King of Sand Bear is already serious!

Sitting on the back of the Black King, Fang Che enjoyed the envious eyes of passers-by on both sides of the street, and then he came to the school leisurely.

Under the leadership of the Dean of Students, Fang Che came to the office and signed the application to participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup. Now the school leaders of Liuli City's No. 1 High School could breathe a sigh of relief.

By the way, Director, what has our class been training recently?

After Fang Che signed, he asked the dean of discipline curiously. He had never been in class for almost a day, so he was very interested in what was being learned in the class.

Although Lu Hui was also in the class, he knew that Fang Che was out exploring and accompanying his girl, so Lu Hui didn't send any messages to Fang Che at all unless it was nothing serious.

At most, I can send you a hello in a week to make sure Fang Che is not out in the wild.

The dean of students carefully collected Fang Che's application, and then happily introduced it to Fang Che.

Because the U18 Poké Ball Cup regional trials are about to begin, the school has also launched a campus competition. However, there are no rewards in this campus competition. At most, it is some credits or privileges.

The point is that campus competition allows students to accumulate combat experience and discover their own shortcomings.

The trainer class that Fang Che belongs to is a group of talented students. With the personal guidance of Gu Song, a fitness coach outside the school, their strength is growing very quickly.

Of course, this was soon aimed at peers, not Fang Che, a freak.

According to the introduction of the training director, the current leader of the trainer class is Fang Che's good brother Lu Hui. His ace, Prince Bo, has the ability to reach the elite level, which surprised Fang Che.

The last time I saw Prince Bo, he had just broken through the growth level, right? Now he can start to break through the elite level?

You must know that if Lu Hui, who does not have the power of data, wants to improve Prince Bo's strength, he will definitely need to invest a lot of energy and resources.

Lu Qiling obviously could not provide these resources to Lu Hui, which meant that either Lu Hui reached out to his family, or he had an adventure while exploring in the wild.

Of course, rescuing the little princess of the ancient family and winning her heart along the way is also an adventure!



The last one went in, although I don’t know why...

If you want to come out, you probably have to wait until the boss goes to work.

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