[Infinite Skill Stone·Tai Jing Explosion: After contacting an elf in the Tai Jing state, the elf can learn the skill Tai Jing Explosion. 】

[Tai Jing Burst] Power · 80, releases energy attacks with Tai Jing attributes, compares own attack and special attack, and uses the one with a relatively higher value to inflict damage to the opponent. When the user becomes Tai Jing, the attribute of the move becomes It is the same as the user’s Taijing attribute.”

Seeing the introduction of the Tai Jing Explosion skill, Fang Che activated the Infinite Tai Jing Stone a second time without hesitation, allowing all his elves to learn this powerful move.

While letting his elf learn the Tai Jing Explosion, Fang Che also did not forget to charge Zhao Wanxi's Tai Jing Bead so that Zhao Wanxi could let the elf enter the Tai Jing state as soon as possible.

Hongmingyue looked at Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi who were busy. It yawned and then lay on the ground.

The joy of meeting the person who predicted the prophecy has gradually faded away, and the heavy feeling of waiting for decades has flooded its heart. It may have to sleep for ten days and a half to regain its consciousness.

Fang Che bowed slightly towards the Roaring Moon, and then he and Zhao Wanxi left the mountain.

After having the God Infinite Crystal, they could leave this paradoxical space freely. However, when they thought about the entrance to this paradoxical space after leaving, they didn't know where they would go. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi felt that it was appropriate. Let’s “adventure” again.

Well... In fact, when Fang Che was wandering around with the Infinite Crystal Stone, the other three overlords in this paradoxical space also took notice. They were different from the low-key Roaring Moon. With king-level strength, they are absolutely unstoppable in their own territory.

When they learned that the person of the prophecy had appeared and was still exploring in their own territory, these three overlords could not wait to give their nests to Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. After all, Fang Che was carrying the future of all the paradoxical dimensions. .

However, due to the regulations of Taile Bagos, they could not really directly give the treasures in their hands to Fang Che. In the end, they could only choose to support Fang Che through a fake match.

A group of over seventy-year-old king-level overlords fell down directly after being punched by a bullet from the giant pincer mantis. If Fang Che had not known their true thoughts, Fang Che would have thought that the overlords in the paradoxical space were trying to make trouble. !

After defeating three king-level overlords in a daze, Fang Che obtained a three-point perfect-quality secret treasure. At the same time, the level of the elves under his command also experienced a surge.

This is an unprecedented improvement!

Lucario, level 49, is less than 10% experience bar away from the gym level, and the breakthrough rate of the skill Wave Missile he chose to break through has also reached 5%.

Boss Cordora, level 50, gym level, Super Speed ​​Three-in-One move has a breakthrough rate of 1%.

Variety Monster, level 49. Like Lucario, it is less than 10% experience bar away from breaking through. However, Variety Monster still has not made a breakthrough in any skill. The skill breakthrough of the power of data The panel seems to have no effect on the Variety Monsters.

Giant Pincer Mantis, level 45, has failed to break through or is on the verge of breaking through like its big brother. After all, even though the little brother has also gained a lot of experience, he cannot make up for the huge difference in level for the time being.

As for skill breakthroughs, Giant Pincer Mantis still hasn't made up its mind which skill to break through. Fortunately, it still has a long time to think about it.

Swampert's level has also failed to break through level 50. Although it was one level higher than Lucario before, after using the experience provided by three king-level overlords, it is still 2% experience short of breaking through. Article, after going out and defeating three or five gym-level elves, you should be able to complete the breakthrough.

As for its skill breakthrough, it has been increased from 67% to 70%. Although it is only an increase of 3%, many elves with king-level potential need half a year to a year to achieve such a big improvement. The most important thing is Even if it is training, this breakthrough level will not be reduced.

The Black King, who was originally the new member of the team like the Giant Pincer Mantis, has surpassed the Giant Pincer Mantis. Its level has reached level 46 and it has completed its evolution.

What surprised Fang Che was that the Black King's skill breakthrough rate reached 10% after evolving, second only to the Swampert in the team.

The level improvement of Bodangshui is not that exaggerated. Even if it eats a large portion of the experience provided by the three king-level overlords, its level has only reached the initial level of level 69. It has a long way to fill the abyss of experience progress bar. Way to go.

Finally, the elf with the fastest level-up in the team is undoubtedly the newly hatched Blue Jay.

After leaving the mountain top where Roaring Moon was, Fang Che's incubator placed under the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridge began to shake, and the chick tits joined Fang Che's team.

As a pet in the sky that Fang Che had been looking forward to from the very beginning, it can be said that the chick had enjoyed too many resources before it was born.

And the baby chickadee did not disappoint Fang Che's expectations. It had great potential and was not inferior to its brothers and sisters at all.

Especially after being cultivated with Zhao Wanxi's special nutrient solution, the size of the juvenile tits is at least half larger than that of the tribesmen of the same level.

After following Fang Che for a while, the chick's level reached level 29, on the verge of breaking through. Its height also reached an astonishing 1.5 meters, with a wingspan of up to four meters!

Blue Jay (female)

Level -29 (growth level)



Characteristics - strong chest muscles, sharp eyes

Special Ability - Flow: Flying speed increased by 10%

Special ability - Overlord: body size increased by 66% year-on-year, physical defense increased by 10%


Moves - Peck, Claw Grinding, Arrogance, Attack, Peck, Provocation, Fearful Face, Divine Bird Slam, Rock Breaker, Resentment, Downwind, Feather Perch, Clear Fog, Double Wings

Special moves - Flying, Mount Tai, high-speed movement, light wall, reflective wall, malicious pursuit, Tai Jing burst

Intimacy - 199”

Compared to other siblings, Blue Jay's special abilities don't seem to be too outstanding, and only the flying speed provided by the special ability Flow is passable.

However, after the blue crow evolves into the steel-armored crow and gains the steel attribute, the increase brought by mobility and dominance will be very strong.

At least, compared to the Flash Quasi-God Single Dragon, which also has championship-level potential, the Blue Crow is at least four hundred meters ahead of it at the starting line!

Let's go, get ready to go back.

Fang Che rubbed his fingers, and he and Zhao Wanxi waved to the four overlords who came to see him off, and then activated the power of the God Infinite Crystal Stone.

A magnificent light enveloped Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, and the next moment they disappeared from the world.

[Hey, I hope the day when our world recovers will come soon. 】

Hongmingyue looked at Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi leaving. It shook its head expectantly. Although it had never seen a complete paradoxical space, the picture spread in its inherited memory was comparable to this broken paradoxical space. Much more beautiful.



In the boundless dimensional rift, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi stood in a ball shining with colorful light. The ball led the two of them to move quickly in a certain direction. The constantly flashing dark particles outside made the two People feel shuddering.

The way it comes out is quite unique!

Fang Che scratched his head. He thought that as long as they activated the power of the Infinite Crystal Stone, they could return directly to the Central Stadium. But now it seems that is not the case at all.

I don’t know how long it will take for the ball to fly. If it takes too long, will it miss the U18 Poké Ball Cup qualifiers?

There was also the Shadow Group event from years ago, which he really wanted to participate in.

Zhao Wanxi stood next to Fang Che. She kept staring at the black particles outside the light ball. Perhaps it was because the black particles were flying too fast. After a while, Zhao Wanxi felt that her spirit was slightly in a trance.

Fang Che supported Zhao Wanxi, he tentatively stamped his feet, and after confirming that the ball of light under his feet was real, he sat down with Zhao Wanxi.

When he was in the Paradox Space, Fang Che only focused on fighting, leaving almost all the logistical supply work to Zhao Wanxi. Especially after making friends with the other three overlords, Zhao Wanxi made more elf food every day than before. At least twice as much, no wonder she felt so tired.

Originally, Fang Che thought that they could return to the imperial capital in an instant, so that Zhao Wanxi could go back to rest first, while he went to chat with the old guys in the alliance, but now it seems that it is better to let Zhao Wanxi lean on him first. Let's take a break.

The ball of light flew so fast that Fang Che even squinted for a moment. Did they really travel such a long distance when they fell into the abyss?

This ball of light... isn't it going in circles to confuse him and prevent him from discovering the true distance between the paradoxical space and the real world?

I don't know if it sensed Fang Che's thoughts. The light ball trembled slightly. It moved three minutes faster than before. The surrounding black particles retreated like a black river.

About half an hour later, the light ball passed through the unknown barrier that looked like a lake. Fang Che looked back and saw a ripple on the unknown barrier, and then it returned to calm.


When Fang Che looked back at the front of the light ball again, he and Zhao Wanxi had been thrown into a jungle by the light ball.

Hiss, strange... sky.

Fang Che rubbed his temples. His previous guess in the light ball came true. The exit and entrance were really not in the same place!

Zhao Wanxi also woke up from the shock. She rubbed the corners of her eyes, then subconsciously took out the alliance illustration and began to locate their location.

Fortunately, although they failed to return from the entrance, their current location is not too far from the imperial capital. This is the outskirts of Anxiong County, a county near the imperial capital. It is only about 150 kilometers away from the imperial capital, which is considered very close. .


Just when Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were about to contact their respective grandfathers, the alliance illustrated books in their hands suddenly rang. When they opened it, they saw that it was a communication from the two old men.

Because the entrance to the Imperial Capital Central Stadium disappeared about ten seconds ago, the two old men immediately thought that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi might have returned, so they immediately dialed the alliance numbers of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other, and then both answered the phone.

Well, Grandpa, we are back.

Don't worry, Grandpa, we are all fine. With A Che protecting me, we are not injured.


Has the entrance to the abyss in the Central Stadium disappeared? I understand.

I will tell you the specific situation after A Che and I return.


Eh? The Alliance is planning to launch a cleanup of the Shadow Group, so the Shadow Group's external activities before this year have been temporarily cancelled?

Our location is in the suburban forest outside Anxiong County. I will go back with Ache soon. Grandpa, you don't have to pick us up.


I know, I will pay attention to Diwenxing. But even if his true form appears in front of me, your grandson I will not be afraid of him. You don't know how rich our harvest is in the secret realm this time!

Let's not talk about it for now. Ah Che and I will rush back now. Let's talk when we get home.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi hung up the phone and looked at each other and smiled.

Although the two old men were worried, they were not too anxious after making sure that they were not injured. They would slowly talk about the things in the paradoxical space after they returned.

Zhao Wanxi used the Alliance Illustrated Book to record the information of many elves in the Paradox Space. If the Alliance wants to obtain these materials, it must at least pay some intellectual property fees!

Hehe, young master of the Fang family, you are so confident in your own strength that you are not afraid of me even if I stand in front of you?

Just when Zhao Wanxi was about to let the evolved demon fire red fox take them back to Anxiong County using teleportation, and then take a taxi back to the center of the imperial capital, a figure suddenly appeared on the branch behind Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. above.

As the figure spoke, two strange spiritual blades pierced the chests of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

She opened her mouth from behind on purpose, and then let her elf attack from the front!

Under what circumstances do you think I said those words?

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi didn't panic at all. The two mental sharp blades were directly blocked by the guard released by the demon fire red fox. During the time in the secret realm, Zhao Wanxi's elves didn't do anything. They followed Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. The experience of rubbing behind Che was also very satisfying.

Although it did not reach the average level of Fang Che's team, it at least exceeded the elite level.

The attacker's elf is very powerful, and has even reached the quasi-King level, but without breaking through to the King level, it is impossible for his elf to break through the defensive barrier released by the elite-level demon fire red fox head-on.

The two turned around and saw clearly the figure of the attacker standing behind them. She was a woman wearing a clown mask and a black professional suit.

In her hand, she was still playing with an elf ball.

Beside her, a rather funny-looking Sulip slowly emerged. It was obvious that it was responsible for the attack just now!



Yesterday, I was dragged out by the cold wind for half a night and asked for dinner. As a result, there was a strong wind and heavy rain here, and almost everyone was gone.

Just came back today...

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