There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 190 H-085 There seems to be something about this place?

With the invasion of 3D Dragon 2, the firewall in Qian Gang's mobile phone seemed to be in vain, and all his hidden address books and communication records were brought out by 3D Dragon 2.

Send a message immediately.

When he saw the communication records appearing on the interface, Sun Qian's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked 3D Dragon 2 to send a message to the last call record.

When the 3D Dragon Type 2 completed Sun Qian's order, an unexpected voice sounded not far from them.

Carl, who was discussing with Vernon and Zhao Weimin on how to continue hypnotizing Qian Gang, trembled when the cell phone he put in his pocket actually rang.

Sun Qian and Fang Che noticed this immediately. They looked at each other and came to Karl's side calmly.

Before Carl could put his hand in his pocket, 3D Dragon 2 sent another message, and this time the mobile phone in Carl's pocket received the message again.

Lucario, attack the key points secretly!

Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!

Fang Che and Sun Qian took action at the same time. One was dealing with Karl's elf dream-inducing tapir, and the other was directly attacking Karl himself.

Seeing this scene, Vernon and the others were dumbfounded. Due to the King's reaction, several people released their ace cards. For a moment, the venue was tense and the atmosphere was quite weird.

Ache, Sun Qian, what are you doing?

Zhao Weimin frowned. He was about to ask Fang Che and Zhao Weimin why they attacked their friends, but was pulled aside by Zhao Wanxi.

After Zhao Wanxi explained what happened specifically, everyone turned their attention to Karl, who was already tied up.

Researcher Carl, please take out the mobile phone in your pocket.

Zhao Weimin took a step forward, and this time Vernon and the others did not stop them. Although Carl was from their Sand Bear Alliance, if Carl had contact with the Shadow Group, it would be absolutely impossible for them to block the actions of the Chinese side.

Karl's face was gloomy. He was tied to the spot by Bulbasaur, and he couldn't resist even if he wanted to.

The dream-inducing tapir that he had just put outside was easily held back by Lucario. Although the dream-inducing tapir was very strong and had reached the level of a quasi-king, when facing Lucario, It failed to dodge the wave missile, which also resulted in it being unable to dodge Lucario's attack.

Under a series of secret attacks on key points and close attacks, the Dream-inducing Tapir himself was somewhat in danger.

A trainer from the alliance walked up to Karl. He dug into Karl's pocket, and then took out a mobile phone with a message from 3D Dragon 2 on it.

Seeing the above information, there is no need to doubt Carl's identity. He is a member of the Shadow Group, the Diwenxing who directed Qian Gang to plant the bomb!


Vernon only felt that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He never expected that Carl, who he had high hopes for and who was so valued by the Sand Bear Alliance, was actually a member of the Shadow Group!

You know, several major alliances regard the Shadow Group as a place for talented people to gain experience or gain experience. He never expected that some high-level officials would actually defect and join the Shadow Group!

If this spreads out, the Sand Bear Alliance will be completely disgraced.


Facing the furious Vernon, Carl actually just sneered lightly, I didn't expect that I would make such a big mistake and fall into the hands of a brat twice.

Karl knew that the only shadow group member caught by the Chinese Alliance before was Qian Gang. It was this stupid pig who exposed his plan, and it was because of this stupid pig that he was also exposed. If the current situation did not allow it, He wanted to kill this stupid pig first.

But, do you think that by arresting me, you can stop my plan?

A strange luster flashed in Carl's eyes, and he saw that the Dream-inducing Tapir, who was entangled with Lucario not far away, gave up on Carl and used teleportation to leave the venue.

Zhao Weimin and others were extremely shocked, because Xu You had clearly set up a barrier that could not be entered or left. Why could the Dream-inducing Tapirs still leave?

Moreover, even if Karl lets the dream-inducing tapirs leave, so what? Could it be that he is planning to let the dream-inducing tapirs go outside to capture hostages so that they can negotiate?


Just when everyone was still wondering, Karl, who was bound by the Bulbasaur, suddenly softened and fell down. Seeing his appearance, Zhao Weimin and others immediately thought of a bad guess.

The Karl in front of him is not the real Diwenxing, he is just controlled by Diwenxing!

Xu You!

Zhao Weimin shouted into the communicator with a low expression, and the next moment Xu You teleported here with the help of a Gardevoir.

Vice President, someone used... to escape the barrier I set up!

When Xu You said that someone escaped from the barrier he set up, his voice was very low, so even Fang Che, who was standing very close, could not hear the hidden information in Xu You's words.

But it seems that the departure of the Dream Tapir Man may not be simple.

Zhao Weimin's expression became even darker. He glanced at Karl who was lying on the ground and said, Xu You, help me see if this guy has been being manipulated.

Xu You glanced at Karl on the ground with some doubts, and then the eyes of Gardevoir beside him flickered with blue light.


Gardevoir nodded to Xu You. There was quite a lot of superpower residue on Carl's body, which was usually invisible, but once the elf who released the superpower to control Carl left, this superpower became quite conspicuous.

Vernon looked at Carl on the ground with a serious face, and he felt slightly relieved. As long as Carl did not betray the alliance on his own initiative, the Sand Bear would still retain a little face.

Poor King Vernon has completely given up on the idea of ​​earning face for the Sand Bear Alliance. Now he just needs to stop being slapped in the face.

Can you track the escaped dream-inducing tapir?

Zhao Weimin looked at Xu You, who shook his head. The dream-inducing tapir left in a special way, and even he couldn't track it.

Perhaps, if you invite the bronze bell from the west, you might be able to catch it.

Hearing Xu You's answer, Zhao Weimin's expression became even darker, Immediately search the entire audience for the members of the Shadow Group, and be sure to catch all the rats who have hidden money in our team!

He can accept the geniuses going to experience in the Shadow Group, but he absolutely cannot accept that someone actually joins the Shadow Group and causes damage to the Chinese Alliance!

The old man was also an upright and hard-line person in his youth. Generally speaking, this kind of cross-border exchange conference will focus on stability. After all, it must appease people's hearts and avoid causing conflicts between the two countries.

However, that was not what Zhao Weimin thought about first. The Shadow Group provoked the Chinese Alliance in this way, and if they didn't give them any cruelty, they might really think that their group of monkeys could really become kings and hegemons.

As Zhao Weimin's order was issued, the entire venue began to investigate, and Sun Qian was also ordered to join the investigation team, because he had a 3D dragon in his hand that could be used to search for electronic products.

Naturally, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi do not need to investigate. Zhao Weimin knows the identity of Fang Che's dog star, and Zhao Wanxi is his granddaughter. If both of them want to investigate, they will be suspicious of Zhao Weimin.

Soon, several other shadow group soldiers lurking in the venue were also found out. They were all elite trainers from the Chinese Alliance who were responsible for the security of this exchange conference. The results of this investigation made Zhao Weimin's face... It's almost as black as the bottom of the pot.

Vernon and the others stood aside. After confirming that Carl was hypnotized, they were also interested in having fun.

Hey, it's a little strange. What preparations are they making?

Fang Che looked at the map of the Central Stadium in his hand. The members of the shadow group seemed to be making preparations. Five trainers, including Qian Gang, placed bombs in five directions of the venue.

Originally, Fang Che thought that these bombs were intended to disrupt the exchange conference between the two countries, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

With a trace of doubt, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the lighting control room where the bomb was first discovered. The place had been blocked by people from the alliance, but they still went in after Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi showed their IDs.

Zhao Wanxi looked around and said, There doesn't seem to be anything special here, no important facilities, and no precious materials.

The room they were in was just the lighting control room of the stadium. Although the lighting of the entire stadium was controlled here, it did not mean that this room was very important.

Even if this place is destroyed, there are other backup control rooms that can control the lights of the entire venue, so why did Qian Gang or Di Wenxing choose to be here?

Not finding any clues in the lighting control room, Fang Che went around a few other places where bombs had been planted. The remaining places were the No. 4 toilet on the north side of the venue, the No. 1 toilet on the west side. The row of stands, the auxiliary exit on the east side, the national flag stand on the south side...

Wait a minute, is this a regular pentagon?

Fang Che discovered a clue. These five places had nothing in common. If anything, the distance between them was exactly the same, forming a regular pentagon.

The regular pentagon reminds people of a built-in star. Could it be that Diwenxing wants to use a bomb to create a built-in star?

But why?

Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che came to what they thought was the central area of ​​the inner five stars. This happened to be the arena that Fang Che and the others used before. Could it be that there was also a bomb under the arena?


Just when Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were about to tell Zhao Weimin and the others what they were thinking, a gold watch that looked a bit old suddenly appeared in front of Fang Che. When the gold watch gave off a strange silvery white light, , Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also disappeared from the ring.

The entire arena disappeared with them, leaving only a bottomless dark abyss in place!



Cold and damp, this was the only feeling Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had after they woke up.

The darkness around them made the two of them hold each other's hands tightly. When Zhao Wanxi released the long-tailed fire fox and forcibly used the flames to illuminate the surroundings, they both took a breath.

They seemed to have appeared in a machinery factory. The place was full of elves placed in petri dishes. From the appearance, some of them were ordinary wild elves, and some even looked like quasi-gods!

Is this Bankelas?

Zhao Wanxi took Fang Che's hand and came to a huge petri dish. Inside was a creature that looked like Banguiras. Its size was less than two meters, and its body color tended to be green. With black, it looks a little more weird than Bankiras.

Fang Che noticed some records on the vertical sign in front of the petri dish that didn't look like human writing at all. He didn't understand it, but he could use the power of data to read part of the information.

[Rasnod Laboratory·Iron Thorn No. 31······】

From that record, Fang Che learned that this was the laboratory of a researcher named Russ Nod. This laboratory was specialized in recreating the appearance of elves a billion years ago, which was somewhat similar to that in the real world. Restore the mechanism of super-ancient elves······

Wait! A billion years?

Fang Che was confused. Is this laboratory a billion years from now?

Is the elf in front of me an elf created by people a billion years later who imagined Bankiras?

It has only been a few years since humans appeared and how many years ago elves appeared. Where did that ancient gold watch that he found from the Little Penguin Mall take him?

Zhao Wanxi noticed Fang Che's astonishment, and she took a slight step closer to Fang Che. Fang Che's attention was completely focused on Tie Jingjia.

Iron Thorn (Genderless) (Near Death)

Level -73 (King of Heaven)

Properties - Rock, Electricity

Qualification-King of Heaven

Characteristics - Quark Charge [When carrying driving energy or on an electric field, the ability with the highest value will be increased by 1 level]

Special Ability - Mechanical Body: The damage received from physical attacks is reduced by 10%


Moves - Rockfall, Flame Fang, Freeze Fang, Thunder Fang, Iron Wall, Rock Blockade, Bite, Charge, Rockfall, Crazy Volt, Earthquake

Special moves - Electric Field, Fearful Face, Rock Crit, Dragon Dance, Guard, Stand, Saling, Sandstorm, Metal Claw, Crush, Dragon Claw, Power Gem, Ultimate Impact Sharp Stone Attack, Electric Ball, Weird Wave

Intimacy -0”

Iron Thorn's data made Fang Che open his mouth. The guy in front of him, who was not taller than himself, turned out to be a powerful elf at the level of a king. Although it was already in a dying state, just looking at its skill panel and special abilities, It will definitely have an advantage when fighting against ordinary king-level elves.

Is this what elves will look like in the future?

Fang Che couldn't help but look at the other petri dishes. There were 13 King-level iron thorns here alone, and more than 30 gym-level future elves. Some reality could be seen from them. The look of an elf.

Perhaps, human beings' restoration of super-ancient elves is just like future people's restoration of elves of their era, with a large degree of subjective conjecture.



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