There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 159 H-054 Girlfriends Party!

There is no need to be so anxious about exploring the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands. After all, they are not ascetics. They have just come out of a secret realm and need to take their time.

Zhao Weimin and Fang Tianyang, who had been making trouble at home for two days, got up and returned directly to the Imperial Capital Alliance. Although they didn't want to do anything, they had to stay at the alliance headquarters even if they were mascots.

In fact, if Fang Che had not come to the imperial capital, Zhao Weimin would not have visited Zhao Qiansun's house in a month. If he missed Zhao Wanxi, his granddaughter, he would have asked Zhao Qiansun to take her to the alliance headquarters.

After the two old men left, Fang Che felt that his home seemed a little deserted. Except for Zhao Wanxi and Lan Ying discussing their upbringing, he seemed to have become a little idle.

Hey, you can't relax!

Fang Che patted his cheek, took out his tablet and logged into the league's intranet, and easily called up the exhibition match between the final winner of the U18 Poké Ball Cup and the King of Heaven in previous years.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Although the king seems to change frequently, the difficulty of exhibition games generally does not vary much.

As long as you can figure out what the kings will probably unleash, you can hope to defeat them.

What is this called?

This means that I am already studying the opponents for the King of Kings exhibition match!

However, after sitting next to the giant mantis who was practicing his boxing skills all morning, Fang Che felt like his head was spinning.

The winners of the U18 Poké Ball Cup over the years are basically from the Imperial City, and there are few geniuses from other regions. The winners of the Imperial City are almost all dragon or fighting type elves. The physical strength of these two types of elves is indeed superior to others. When elves with attributes are not too strong, it is their usual method to gain an advantage by relying on their strong bodies.

But in the final exhibition match, this advantage was almost gone. Even Fang Xuan, who had an armored bird in his hand, but Dora, was still vulnerable to a flying bird sent by the flying king.

No wonder Fang Xuan never mentioned letting Fang Che pass the King of Heaven Exhibition Competition. It turned out that he lost so miserably that year...

Do you want to watch the game again this afternoon?

After lunch, Zhao Wanxi came over. She and Lan Ying learned a trick to make explosive food in the morning, which is specifically for elves with big appetites. This elf food is very popular in the circle of high-level breeders and is a must for all high-level breeders. A technique you need to know.

With the explosive food, even if the trainer trains six Kirby beasts, there will definitely be no problem with food.

Now, Zhao Wanxi no longer has any objections to Fang Che's plan to train a giant beast team!

Seeing the flash of expectation in Zhao Wanxi's eyes, Fang Che put away the tablet with his backhand, I won't look at it anymore. I've been studying it for a while, but I feel it's better not to take the winner.

As long as you don't win, there is no need to think about how to play the King of Kings exhibition match.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes cutely. If Fang Che didn't win, the others would be even less qualified to compete for the win.

Would you like to accompany me to meet my best friend this afternoon? She has invited me to go shopping several times.

Fang Che glanced at Zhao Wanxi in surprise. He didn't expect that Zhao Wanxi also had a hobby of going shopping together, but it was a good thing that she could introduce herself to her best friends.

I'll go get ready.

Fang Che stood up and went back to the house. Since he was going out in the afternoon, he had to wander around for a while.

Although boys do not need exquisite makeup, they must be exquisite. No matter how sophisticated you are, people will miss you at first sight.

After returning to the house to tidy up, Fang Che put on a casual outfit that could buy a Maybach.

Although he has reached adulthood, it is only legal adulthood in the league. His mental age and social experience have not yet reached the point where he can wear a suit and tie and play with leather shoes.

Fang Che had just finished playing, and Zhao Wanxi over there had already received two fatal serial calls. It was obvious that her best friend couldn't wait to meet her good friend who had disappeared for two or three months as soon as school started!

After going out and turning left, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi soon arrived at a street in the center of the imperial capital.

Although the nickname here is a bit crude, it is indeed the center of the entire imperial capital.

Here, in addition to top-notch treasures, anyone can find what they want.

Wanxi, here!

When Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi arrived at the agreed place, before the flying Bi Diao could wait, they saw a blond girl with a bun on the side of the street waving to Zhao Wanxi.

Sister Xiaojue.

Zhao Wanxi jumped off Bi Diao, and she happily came to Xiao Jue's side, while Fang Che stayed where he was to pay Bi Diao's bill.

Ah Che, let me introduce to you. This is Xu Jue, a sophomore at the Imperial City Elf Academy. She is the daughter of the current super king.

By the time Fang Che came over after paying the bill, Zhao Wanxi had already pulled Xiaojue in front of him.

Senior sister?

Fang Che looked at the blond girl in her early sixties in shock. His eyes shifted to Zhao Wanxi, and then he felt that there was something wrong with his cognition.

No, the girl in front of me looks like a junior high school student. Unexpectedly, she is a senior from the Imperial City Elf Academy?

However, the sense of nobility in her that makes people feel inferior does not make people doubt her identity as the daughter of the King of Heaven.

Fang Che, it's nice to meet you. We had discussed you before you kidnapped Wanxi. We originally planned to wait until you went to the Imperial City Elf Academy before we contacted you, but we didn't expect you to Together with Wanxi.

Xiao Jue stretched out his hand generously, and Fang Che held Xiao Jue's fingertips with some confusion, Have you discussed me before? I don't think that I, who have just become a trainer, am worthy of discussion by the geniuses of the Imperial City Elf Academy.

Xiaojue showed a smile, Do you remember Charlie?

Fang Che suddenly realized that Xia Li was also a student at the Imperial City Elf Academy. He had known that Xia Li knew Zhao Wanxi before, but now it seemed that Xia Li and Xiao Jue were in the same clique.

Regarding the small groups in the Imperial City, Zhao Wanxi mentioned it to Fang Che more than once. She even suggested that Fang Che form a small group after arriving at the Imperial City Elf Academy and recruit a group of talented people from the Imperial City, but Fang Che refused.

It's too tiring to work in a small group, so it's more fun to be a lone ranger, especially when he, a lone ranger, doesn't need to worry about resources.

What did Sister Xia Li say about me?

Fang Che was very interested in Xia Li's evaluation. After all, his first real leap battle was with Xia Li. Riolu's sword dance and persistence brought him victory, and also for Xia Li. It was an unimaginable defeat.

Xiaojue shrugged, Similar to Wanxi, who can't walk around after seeing her lover, Xia Li hasn't appeared in front of me for a long time. She just asked for leave and ran around with her boyfriend.

When he was in Liuli City, Fang Che already knew that Xia Li's boyfriend would travel across the country to challenge gyms, but he didn't expect that Xia Li, who seemed gentle and generous, would directly ask for leave to follow him?

Hiss, is it possible that all the girls in the imperial capital are so...cute?

Sister Xiaojue!

Zhao Wanxi was a little unhappy. What did it mean to see her lover unable to walk?

She and Fang Che haven't confirmed their relationship yet!

Moreover, she just went to accompany the partner she had chosen. In Xiaojue's words, it seemed as if she had let her mind go and followed her body.

Okay, okay, I made a mistake. We, Wanxi, are very sensible, not the kind of people who are in love~

Xiaojue coaxed Zhao Wanxi like a child, but she clearly looked like a child.

The first meeting with Zhao Wanxi's best friend was quite successful. For the next afternoon, Fang Che acted as the two girls' follower. I don't know where they got the physical strength to walk around the central street from the beginning. Go to the end, and then wander from the end to the end!

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the male compatriots passing by, Fang Che suddenly felt a little funny.

Fortunately, he exercises regularly on weekdays, otherwise he would really not be able to hold on.

After an afternoon of shopping, they didn't buy anything except Xiaojue who bought a lipstick and two pieces of clothing.

By the way, Ah Che, do you want to have an elf battle? Just think of it as a senior to test the abilities of your future juniors!

In the evening, the three of them went to an elf-themed restaurant to dine. While waiting in line to get their order, Xiao Jue suddenly wanted to have a fight with Fang Che. She wanted to see what Fang Che was capable of.

Hearing Xiaojue's proposal, Fang Che subconsciously wanted to refuse. After all, he didn't think Xiaojue, who trained elves two years earlier than him, could be any better.

The power of data, coupled with the financial resources of Little Penguin Mall and the Fang family, allowed him to achieve achievements in just a few months that many people would not be able to achieve in a lifetime.

In Fang Che's opinion, no matter how strong Xiao Jue is, he is still at the elite level at most. Being able to have one or two gym level elves is beyond his imagination.

After all, the winner of the U18 Poké Ball Cup two years ago was not Xu Jue.

Zhao Wanxi also had the same idea. As Xiaojue's best friend, she knew Xiaojue's elf quite well.

Xiao Jue currently has two sprint gym-level main elves in his hands, and the rest are all elite-level. These elves are really vulnerable to the monsters trained by Fang Che.

However, it was obvious that Xiao Jue's attitude was very firm. She really wanted to have a battle with Fang Che, and even brought up the idea of ​​​​evaluating the quality of Wanxi's future boyfriend. Fang Che couldn't help but refuse again. .

In desperation, Fang Che followed Xiao Jue to the playing field provided by the theme restaurant. At this time, two couples happened to finish playing a friendly doubles match, and the field became vacant.

Come on, you're welcome, senior, my strength is not weak!

Standing at one end of the field, Xiao Jue threw the elf ball directly, and a wily-looking fox elf appeared in the center of the field.

Super elf, Hu Di!

Fang Che glanced at Zhao Wanxi, who crossed her hands on her chest and then shook her head. It was obvious that she wanted Fang Che to be merciful and save some face for Xiaojue.'s up to you, Lucario!

In the end, Fang Che chose Lucario, the most pragmatic one among his men. It just so happened that Xiaojue and the others also believed that Lucario was the strongest elf in Fang Che's hands. Even if they lost, they wouldn't care too much.

Just as Fang Che thought, when she saw Lucario appearing, Xiaojue's energy leveled up. It was obvious that she was waiting for Lucario.

Hu Di, spread the spiritual ground!

Xiaojue waved her hand, with the aura of fighting against the princess. She knew that Fang Che's Lucario had a special way of exchanging fields, so she did not hesitate to let Hu Di start to spread the mental field that was beneficial to her.

Once the mental field is well laid out, Hu Di's ability to use super-power skills can be improved. Not only can his perception of the surrounding environment be as detailed as possible, which can effectively restrain fast-attacking elves.

Fang Che watched helplessly as Hu Di finished setting up the mental arena without giving any instructions. When Xiaojue opened his mouth again and was about to give orders, he clapped his hands fiercely.

With great speed, the wave missiles fired in succession.


Lucario standing in the field changed from stillness to movement very quickly, even approaching Hu Di's body without even reacting.

Seeing that the wave missile in Lucario's hand was about to hit Hu Di's body, Xiao Jue's original idea of ​​letting Hu Di predict the future was instantly given up, Precognition... teleportation, telekinesis!

Hu Di!

As early as the moment before Xiaojue gave the order, Hu Di had already sensed the danger and used teleportation in advance. When it appeared from the other side of the field, it happened to receive Xiaojue's next order and released a telepathic attack.

The reason why Xiao Jue did not choose the more powerful mental telepathy was because compared to telekinesis, the trajectory of mental telepathy was a bit straightforward, and once he was broken free, Hu Di would be mentally shaken for a moment.

As the daughter of the Super King, Xiao Jue has been cultivating the skill development awareness of her elf very early. The most suitable skill for a super elf with a strong spirit like Hu Di is telekinesis. As long as the telekinesis is well developed, other skills can be used. Super power skills can also be increased more or less.

Although her Hu Di is only at the elite level, if the development rate of her telekinesis power is measured by Fang Che's data, it has reached at least 5%.

Evil waves, earthquakes.

Fang Che looked at Lucario who was caught by telekinesis without any anxious thoughts. It was not difficult for Lucario to break this restraint at all.

In the field, Lucario clasped his hands together, and a dark wave instantly dispelled the telepathy around him.

Lucario, who is also at the elite level and whose special attack racial value has been increased by 10%, can easily defeat Hu Di's age when using restraint moves.

However, Xiao Jue was a little stunned when she saw this scene. After all, she had never seen anyone of her age break through Hu Di's telekinesis so quickly.

Oh, Fang Che is not her same age!



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