There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 157 H-052 The second not-so-serious assessment!

Fang Che glanced at the note in Zhao Wanxi's hand, bared his teeth, and thought quickly about how to remind Zhao Wanxi.

To be honest, the second special ability of this smelly mud sounds very strong, but in actual combat it is just mediocre. After all, cutting your own body can protect your own life, but what about the trainer's?

But when used as test questions, it is really torture.


Fang Che coughed lightly. He was just about to remind Zhao Wanxi to check his answer again, when he heard Zhao Wanxi let out a surprise.

Has this stinky mud experienced a split?

Zhao Wanxi looked at the shallow cracks on the surface of the body of the smelly mud. She originally thought it was the skin color pattern of the smelly mud, but after comparison, she found that it was more like what was left after cutting out the body. mark.

Hearing Zhao Wanxi's muttering, Fang Che and Gao Lin were stunned at the same time, because they did not expect that Zhao Wanxi would really discover something special about the smelly mud in such a short period of time.

They looked at Zhao Wanxi with expectation. Maybe Zhao Wanxi could really get full marks in the smelly mud level!

Zhao Wanxi lived up to expectations and directly let the baby use the healing wave. The superficial cracks on the body of the smelly mud gradually faded and finally disappeared completely.

Looking at the active smelly mud, various information about smelly mud came to Zhao Wanxi's mind, and finally she came to a conclusion.

The power of the smelly mud will increase when using poison skills. The current test increase is 8%-10%. In addition, the smelly mud can survive by breaking its body like a gecko. The size of the split is currently unknown.

Gao Lin smacked his lips as he took the answer submitted by Zhao Wanxi, Old Zhao, your daughter is really a scientific researcher. In the past years, the senior cultivator assessment has always had a very special question that stumped the candidates. This year's question is Smelly Mud. I didn’t expect that your daughter actually got full marks for this question.”

According to the alliance's standard answer, as long as the poison skill is increased in power and the split body can still survive, you can get full points.

Zhao Wanxi also estimated the increase in the power of the smelly mud and poison skills, which was already an answer that exceeded the standard.

In other words, the full score for this question is three points, otherwise Gao Lin would have given it five points!

Hearing Gao Lin's words, Zhao Wanxi and Zhao Qiansun both breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that Zhao Wanxi's senior cultivator assessment was basically stable this time.

Unexpectedly, what I heard from the teacher before is that the smelly mud can split the body and form new smelly mud. It is actually true.

After Gao Lin revealed the true ability of the smelly mud, Zhao Wanxi looked at the smelly mud that had been put away by Gao Lin with some emotion. In the past, when she heard these words, she thought they were urban legends, but now she saw the real thing. .

It’s really the world of elves, full of wonders!

Okay, I have already obtained the three-point Wanxi in the first level. I will try to get full marks in the next two levels. Let me tell you quietly, there will be rewards if you get full marks in the senior cultivator assessment.

Gao Lin blinked at Zhao Wanxi. He could certainly say as much as he could to his best friend's daughter.

When they heard that there were rewards, Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che immediately became interested. The Elf Alliance could release rewards for high-level cultivators to get perfect scores in the assessment. It couldn't be any worse.

Zhao Wanxi suddenly became very ambitious. She must get all the remaining points.

After passing the flashing stinky mud in the first level, Gao Lin directly released the second elf, and a huge rock snake appeared in front of everyone.

The hall of the cultivation home is still very spacious, with a height of five meters, but after the big rock snake was released, the hall felt inexplicably shrunk.

Um, a big rock snake with a body length of more than fifteen meters?

Fang Che's eyes were a little straight when he looked at the behemoth in front of him. The average size of a large rock snake is between eight and ten meters. The ones that are better cultivated may reach twelve meters, but there is no such thing as a large rock snake that can reach fifteen meters. Passed.

How big would this big rock snake become if it evolved into a big steel snake?

The assessment content of the second level is to perform a full-body massage and examination on the Big Rock Snake. As a reminder, there are some problems with the Big Rock Snake's body, and you must find out where the problem lies.

Gao Lin put three fingers up on his chest, and the smile on his lips revealed the smell of cheating.

Neither Fang Che nor Zhao Wanxi gave any response. They just walked up to the honest and honest Big Rock Snake and began to examine it carefully.

It is quite difficult to inspect the fifteen-meter-long rock snake. After all, every piece of its rocky body exceeds the limit of human control. Zhao Wanxi reluctantly inspected it with the help of a little girl and a long-tailed fire fox. A body of rock.

Fang Che was also a little helpless at this level, because the power of data would not provide information on physical problems other than abnormal conditions. The special ability of this big rock snake was strong body.

It can significantly increase the body size, and at the same time, it has a 5% increase in impact moves.

It sounds weak, but when the size of the Big Rock Snake is combined with extremely oppressive moves such as pounce, self-sacrifice, and double-edged head hammer, this special ability can be 100% more powerful than the evil skills of the Flash Single-headed Dragon. 10 out of 10 are much more useful.

After more than half an hour, Zhao Wanxi barely managed to examine one-third of the body of the big rock snake. She also found an injury at a certain connection point on the body of the big rock snake.

This is a puncture wound left by the Big Rock Snake when it fought with elves such as the Mountain King. It is usually invisible and will not have any impact on the Big Rock Snake's actions.

But when encountering a soaking attack here, it will cause double the damage to the big rock snake.

The big rock snake lay flat in the hall, enjoying the massage service from Zhao Wanxi and the two elves. Although it has a rock body, it still needs maintenance.

After another half hour, Zhao Wanxi found the remaining two problems. One was that the big rock snake had some vision problems. It was unknown what elf had attacked it, and it was difficult to cure.

The other is that the big rock snake once came into contact with a small piece of broken metal film. Part of its body was metalized, but it was not completely metalized, which made its body a little uncoordinated.

Gao Lin applauded after Zhao Wanxi found out three problems. No one knows the physical condition of Big Rock Snake better than him, because he is now the attending physician of Big Rock Snake and can find out the physical problems of Big Rock Snake. Zhao Wanxi has reached the level of a high-level breeder.

The three points of the second level are obtained!

Zhao Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief. She had obtained six points. Even if she could not get a single point in the next third level, she still had one point from the theoretical test in the last level, which could help her pass the examination of a senior cultivator. At least She has memorized all the theoretical analysis questions.

The third level is a little easier than the first two levels, but I just don't know if you can accept it.

Gao Lin clapped his hands, and Gardevoir, who had returned at some point, appeared next to him, and then Gardevoir directly released his super telepathy and covered the entire hall.

As Gao Lin released the third elf, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi took an unnatural step back, because what appeared in front of them was the ghost elf Death Coffin!

The third level of the assessment requires you to enter the death coffin and stay for more than three minutes.

Gao Lin's expression became slightly serious. As a ghost-type elf, Death's Coffin likes to absorb the life breath of humans and elves. As long as you are weak in heart or body, you will be targeted by ghost-type elves.

The reason why the alliance uses the Death Coffin as an assessment item for advanced cultivators is to see whether the cultivators are upright!

Only those with strong fire and firm beliefs can remain unwavering in front of ghost elves.

Senior breeders are already considered the mainstay in the Elf Alliance. The people they come into contact with are often elite or even gym-level trainers. If a senior breeder has a wrong intention, it will have a very bad impact on the alliance. .

In fact, what Gao Lin did not tell Zhao Wanxi and the others was that if Zhao Wanxi could not pass the level of the Death Coffin, even if Zhao Wanxi scored seven points and obtained the qualification certificate of a senior breeder, she would not be able to become a senior core cultivator in the alliance. Nurturing home.

Do you want to enter Death's coffin and stay there for three minutes?

Zhao Wanxi's expression was a little unnatural. In fact, except for ghost trainers, it was impossible for anyone to face this test calmly.

However, in order to pass the examination perfectly, Zhao Wanxi still walked towards the death coffin with anxiety.

The Death Coffin let out a sinister sneer. It opened its four arms condensed by ghost power, as if to welcome Zhao Wanxi to become one with it.

When Zhao Wanxi touched the surface of the death coffin, she felt a trembling from her soul. This was her soul resisting the energy emitted by the ghost elves.


Zhao Wanxi took a deep breath, and then stepped into the interior of the Death Coffin with firm eyes. At the same time, Gardevoir's super telepathy completely covered the body of the Death Coffin.

Even though this Death Coffin was specifically bred by the alliance to assess high-level breeders, Gao Lin couldn't help but be careless when it came to his friend's daughter.

Zhao Qiansun was not so panicked. The spirit in the Death Coffin was different from the crystal lantern spirit. If it wanted to harm humans, it had to use direct attack skills. If it just relied on ghost energy, it would only make people weak for a while at most.

Looking at Zhao Wanxi who was locked up in the Death Coffin, Fang Che stroked his chin thoughtfully. He came in front of the Death Coffin, and then gently tapped the Death Coffin's body with his hand.

The Death Coffin took a step back unhappily. It was not an unruly elf, so it could not be touched easily.

Although Fang Che was very angry and attracted ghost elves, it smelled some strange smells from Fang Che's body, which made it feel quite uncomfortable.

Tsk, as expected, none of the elves that the Alliance can bring out are good.

Fang Che twirled his fingers with interest. With just one touch, the power of data had already transmitted back the relevant information about the Death God's coffin.

Like the Big Rock Snake and the Flashing Smelly Mud, Death's Coffin has quite a few skills, and it's obvious that it's been well-educated.

And this death coffin also has a special ability, illusion!

Illusion: Use the rich ghost energy to cause hallucinations in the enemy, amplifying the enemy's inner greed and ambition.

This is a special ability that can create wonderful opportunities in battle. When placed in an assessment, it can also reveal the true colors of some people with evil intentions.

With Zhao Wanxi's temperament, it would not be a problem for her to pass this test, but it might not be the case for others.

Ordinary people who came from humble backgrounds and fought for every resource would probably be full of flaws in front of this death coffin.

If it were me, what kind of ambition would be aroused? Do you want to become the leader of the elves, or do you want to complete the collection plan of mythical beasts?

Fang Che actually had no idea about his inner ambitions. After all, he was only seventeen years old, and he was still a fledgling trainer who was young enough to make a fool of himself.

His current goal is to win the U18 Poké Ball Cup National Competition for the first time, and then enter the Imperial City Elf University to study.

He hasn't thought about anything else yet.


The Death Coffin looked at Fang Che who was lost in thought. It took a step back again, then turned its back and stopped looking at Fang Che.

It's strange that a ghost-type elf would feel uncomfortable in front of a human trainer. This kind of thing has never happened before.

Three minutes passed quickly, and the Death Coffin released Zhao Wanxi within seconds. Zhao Wanxi, who suddenly left the illusion, was still a little stunned, because after being locked in the Death Coffin, she only felt that her brain was a little swollen, as if Thousands of mouths kept whispering ancient words in her ears, and she had no idea what was going on.

Congratulations, Wanxi, you have passed the senior cultivator assessment.

Gao Lin and Zhao Qiansun applauded Zhao Wanxi. Although the three levels seemed quite strange and simple, in fact not many people could get full marks.

Hearing Gao Lin's congratulations, Zhao Wanxi also smiled. Although she was confident that she could pass the exam, the joy when the results came out was enough to make her heart sweet.

Finally, there is the theoretical knowledge test. There are a thousand questions in total. It sounds exaggerated, but compared with the thousands of known elves, these questions are actually very few.

Completing these questions was a piece of cake for Zhao Wanxi. She didn't even need to think too much to answer the questions, and the final result was naturally a perfect score.

When the gold-plated Senior Breeder Qualification Certificate came into Zhao Wanxi's hands, it was already dusk. Being able to complete the assessment and obtain the certificate within one day was Gao Lin's highest authority.

Others, even if they complete the assessment, have to wait at least a week to get their certificates.

Along with the gold-plated certificate, Zhao Wanxi was given a reward from the alliance, a high-quality comfort bell. Although it was incomparable to the perfect quality comfort bell in Fang Che's hand, it was still extremely valuable. of prizes.



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