There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 150 H-045 The pace of progress cannot be stopped!

After knowing Fang Che's specialness, Lao Ma's attitude obviously improved a lot.

Although it was a bit strange that Fang Che had only subdued one giant swamp monster, Lao Ma didn't ask any more questions. Maybe it was because people looked down on the elves in the secret realm.

After registering several people, Lao Ma sent them out of the Liuli City Library.

Fang Che looked at the big sun above his head and felt slightly in a trance.

In the secret realm, although the sun and moon also change, it always feels like it is not the sun and moon at home, and it feels a little uncomfortable to be exposed to the sun.

At the entrance of the library, the dean of students was already waiting beside the school bus.

Wang Kai and the others have to go back to school, while Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi are planning to take leave directly.

Ache, where are you planning to go?

Lu Hui was a little confused. If Fang Che didn't prepare for the U18 Poké Ball Cup, was he still planning to go out?

Fang Che raised his eyebrows at Lu Hui. He didn't need to go back to school now. What could the teacher teach him?

Gusong's elves combined may not be able to defeat Fang Che's giant swamp monster. Is he wasting his time by going back?

Although he thought so in his heart, it was naturally impossible for Fang Che to say such emotionally unquote words.

Wanxi and I are going to the Imperial Capital. She is going to take the senior trainer assessment. In addition, I plan to go to the Whirlpool Islands after that, and then there will be the U18 qualifying competition.

After hearing Fang Che's words, Lu Hui felt like an arrow had hit his knee.

Good guy, can you show off like this?

However, considering that the girl traveled thousands of miles to Liuli City just to cheer for Fang Che's first official competition, and then even stopped going to school, it was not natural for Fang Che to accompany him to participate in an assessment. What?

As for the Whirlpool Islands...

Lu Hui had only heard of this place, and he never thought he could go there.

Then I wish you all the best and have fun.

Waving to Fang Che, Lu turned around and got into the school bus. Fang Che could see that he couldn't wait to take out the mobile phone in his pocket. It was obvious that he had been a little crazy after being in the secret realm for a month. When I came out, I couldn't wait to find someone to chat with.

The school bus quickly disappeared in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. Regarding Fang Che's request for leave, the dean of students directly accepted it. Fang Che was destined to be a well-known alumnus of Liuli City's No. 1 High School in the future. It is impossible for Fang Che to go there personally for such a small matter.

Well! Let's go home. We haven't contacted each other for a month. I don't know if my father and mother are worried about us.

Fang Che stretched out and called a taxi casually. This was the city center and the transportation was very convenient.

After getting into the taxi, the two embarked on the road home with a little expectation.

However, Fang Che's expectations were obviously disappointed.

When the two of them took a taxi back to Liuli Gym, they saw an empty backyard, and Lu Qiling, who was known as the acting gym owner, was busy in front.

Fang Che found Lu Qiling with some confusion, Sister Xiaoling, where are my parents?

Seeing that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had returned, Lu Qiling showed a smile on her face, but there was a bit of bitterness in this smile.

Teacher and my wife went to Xichuan. I heard that there was something wrong in the secret realm in the west. We recruited our gym trainers to investigate and solve it. My wife also went with the teacher.

Fang Che was bashful, there was a problem in the western region, why did they send people from their eastern region to investigate?

The information revealed in this is a little subtle.

By the way, Ah Che, the teacher has left a message for you. He said that if you and Wanxi come back, they should go to the Imperial Capital as soon as possible to help Wanxi complete the senior cultivator assessment. A month later, there will be a cultivator competition in the Imperial Capital Exchange meeting, when the time comes, several kings from the White Bear Kingdom will come to participate in this exchange meeting. People without the title of senior breeder and elite trainer will not be able to participate in the exchange meeting.

Lu Qiling told Fang Che the instructions Fang Xuan left before leaving. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

Why did the King of White Bear Country come to hold an exchange meeting with their country’s alliance?

Is it possible that there has been any turmoil in the League of Nations recently?

Okay, then Wanxi and I will leave now.

Fang Che shrugged. He had just returned home and was about to embark on the journey to the imperial capital again.

He originally planned to rest at home for a few days, but his parents were not at home, and he and Zhao Wanxi didn't feel right staying in the backyard, so they might as well go directly to the imperial capital.

Zhao Wanxi also had the same idea. The exchange meeting next month was obviously very grand, and she didn't want to miss this grand event.

However, Ah Che, the title of elite trainer is not very good. The alliance stipulates that a trainer must have six or more elite elves to obtain the elite title...

Fang Che is fully prepared now, but only has four elite elves and a giant mantis that is about to break through the elite.

Although Fang Che's Lucario, Swampert, Cordora, and Diorama all have the ability to leapfrog challenges, this is not considered for alliance certification.

Regarding Zhao Wanxi's worries, Fang Che didn't have too many worries. In one month, it would not be a problem to upgrade the Giant Pincer Mantis to the elite level.

As for the remaining elite, you can go to the wild and capture any one to replenish the number. If that doesn't work, include the Gyarados at home.

Anyway, Fang Che conquered Gyarados with the Poke Ball, so he doesn't have to worry about Gyarados being disobedient now.

A quick trip was as pleasant as the wind. Before Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could wash off the travel dust at home, they bought tickets for the nearest train and headed to the imperial capital.

When Lu Hui came back from school and wanted to discuss things with Fang Che, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had already left the Imperial Capital Station!

Because the arrival was relatively sudden, Fang Che did not inform his grandfather, so no one picked him up when he left the station this time.

Where should we go first? The Imperial Capital Alliance or my home?

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che with a smile, and her question made Fang Che's heart skip a beat.

This is a good question, but also a deadly question!

Ahem, we are so busy now, can we go to your house?

Fang Che scratched his head. Although they did a good job of personal cleanliness when they were in the wild, the fatigue that they had just come back from the wild was still very noticeable.

The smile on Zhao Wanxi's face did not diminish at all. She waved her hand and said, Don't worry, my mother is not someone who cares about this. She often told me about how sloppy she was when she and my father were exploring in the wild. Experience.”

Seeing that Zhao Wanxi had said this, Fang Che could only shrug his shoulders and made a decision that made him feel very nervous.

When she arrived at the area, Zhao Wanxi, as the landowner, naturally received her. She stretched out her hand to call a taxi, then gave an address and let the taxi run rampant in the driveway.

Fang Che was sitting in the back seat. He wanted to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

We have bad traffic here, right?

Zhao Wanxi leaned into Fang Che's ear and teased softly. The traffic in the imperial capital is notoriously strange. Sometimes it is extremely smooth, and sometimes it can be so jammed that it makes you panic.

The fairy lane is okay, but driving on the motorway is quite a test of the driver's driving skills.

As the taxi swayed left and right and tried to find every opportunity, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi arrived at an upscale community in the evening.

Unlike Fang Che's family living directly in the gym, Zhao Wanxi's family lives in a top community allocated by the alliance. Almost all the residents here are alliance elites and their families, so safety and civility issues here are not needed at all. consider.

With Fang Che as a country bumpkin, Zhao Wanxi skillfully got him a pass. Without this, breaking into the community without permission would trigger an alarm.

Fang Che took the pass and followed Zhao Wanxi into the community. Many people recognized Zhao Wanxi along the way. They were very curious about Fang Che who was following Zhao Wanxi, but there was nothing wrong with him. An acquaintance came to disturb them.

After twists and turns, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi stopped outside an independent villa. This villa covers a large area. Although it is not as good as Fang Che's backyard, just looking from the outside, you can tell that the inside is absolutely perfect. All organs are present.


Zhao Wanxi rang the doorbell, and a yellow figure instantly appeared in front of her. Fang Che subconsciously put his hand on the elf ball, but he did not release the elf.

Hu Di~

What appeared in front of the two of them was a Hudi. Judging from its appearance, it should be Zhao Wanxi's mother's elf.

When Hu Di saw Zhao Wanxi back safely, a happy smile appeared on his face. Then he focused on Fang Che, and there seemed to be a trace of scrutiny in his eyes.

When Hu glanced at the elf ball on Fang Che's waist, a trace of surprise clearly flashed in its eyes, because it sensed the aura of several of Fang Che's elves through the elf ball. They were not at all of this age. The spirit that a human being should have!

Hu Di, let us go in quickly. We have just come out of the secret realm and we need to take a good rest.

Zhao Wanxi was obviously more lively when she returned home. She hugged Hu Di first, and then winked mischievously in Hu Di's somewhat disgusted eyes.


Hu nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the door of the villa opened.

Following Hu Di's guidance, Fang Che visited Zhao Wanxi's home with great interest.

Like Fang Che's home, Zhao Wanxi's home also has a man-made lake, but it's just a little smaller.

Next to the man-made lake was a regulated battlefield. Fang Che thought for a while, but he didn't quite understand who this venue was prepared for.

Zhao Wanxi doesn't seem to be the kind of fighting genius who often plays battles on the battlefield.

Entering the villa, Fang Che immediately saw the blue-haired woman sitting on the sofa in the hall. Her gentle appearance looked like his mother Su Ya!

Zhao Wanxi’s mother, Zhao Qiansun’s wife, was also the senior cultivator of Yi Zhihua in the cultivation department of the Imperial City Elf Academy, Lan Ying!

Hello, aunt, I am Fang Che, Wanxi's friend.

When Lan Ying turned her attention to herself, Fang Che took a step forward and bowed slightly to briefly introduce himself.

Lan Ying glanced at Fang Che, with a look of satisfaction in her eyes.

As early as when Zhao Wanxi came into contact with Fang Che, Lan Ying had obtained Fang Che's information. She was extremely satisfied with the son of this old friend.

Not only does he have excellent fighting talent, but his private life is also quite standard. Even though he comes from a family of heavenly kings, there is no sign of messing around. He is a perfect match.

Why have you been out playing for so long? Looking at your tired appearance, you just came back from the secret realm?

Lan Ying first complained about her daughter leaving without saying goodbye. You must know that Lan Ying was very worried when she knew that her daughter had taken leave from school and disappeared. But later she found out that her daughter had gone to Liuli City to find her lover. I feel relieved.

Zhao Wanxi stuck out her tongue, her eyes a little dodgy. The one she feared most at home was her mother. After all, because of the old man's doting, Zhao Qiansun did not dare to yell at her, but Lan Ying could carry her. Her ears taught her lessons for a long time.

Let's take Ah Che to have a rest first. I'll ask your dad to bring some food back in the evening. Ah Che is coming to our house as a guest, so we can't neglect him.

Lan Ying stood up and pinched Zhao Wanxi's face, then she smiled at Fang Che.

She and Fang Che's parents were old friends, but they really didn't have much contact over the years. No one expected that their children would become a couple.

Fang Che wanted to say something else, but Zhao Wanxi took Fang Che's arm and rushed upstairs. She didn't want to listen to her mother's words down below.

Looking at her daughter who left in a hurry, Lan Ying sighed. The daughter she had raised for seventeen years was about to run away. She finally understood how her parents felt back then.

However, this kid A'che is much stronger than my damn ghost, right Hu Di?

Lan Ying turned around and came to the courtyard. Hu Di appeared next to her. It contacted Lan Ying with its mental power, and then told Fang Che's elf strength in detail.

When she knew that Fang Che actually had four elite-level elves in his hands, even the well-informed Lan Ying couldn't help but take a breath.

You know, even the most outstanding genius in the imperial capital, Long Yingxiang of the Long family, seems to have only cultivated an elite ultrasonic larva so far!

His other elves are only in the growth stage, and whether they can compete with elite level elves is still a question.

If she remembered correctly, when she was in the Imperial Capital Alliance Arena, Fang Che defeated the Nianmei Lulong in Zhao Guodong's hand by holding an elf. This strength was simply outrageous.

Now that Fang Che is allowed to participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup, isn't he playing in the Baby Cup?

However, the better Fang Che is, the more satisfied Lan Ying will be.

In this world, no mother-in-law can refuse such an outstanding son-in-law.



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