To be honest, if you say that Shuiyueyu was born just two and a half years ago, no one would believe it.

An elf born two and a half years ago, if he doesn't use some extremely cherished secret treasure, is at most in the growth stage, and breaking through to the elite level is already considered a gift.

Similar to the Water Leaping Fish, it is almost invincible to the elites, and there is no pressure in a single battle in the gym. Most people will call it a monster!

And Fang Che had four of these monsters in his hands, four!

Wanxi, do you think I still want to participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup?

After sending the elves to play, Fang Che sat on the ground, leaning on the tree trunk with his hands behind his head, and complained to Zhao Wanxi with a contented expression, I'm going to participate in the U18 Pokeball Cup now, isn't that right? Are you taking a baby cup?

Originally, in Fang Che's view, the campus competition was the Baby Cup, and the U18 Poké Ball Cup National Competition could probably meet real opponents.

However, as his elves became stronger and more perverted, Fang Che suddenly felt that the U18 Poke Ball Cup could also be considered a baby cup.

Zhao Wanxi and Zhao Guodong believe that the person most likely to become Fang Che's rival is Long Yingxiang of the Long family, but the elf in Long Yingxiang's hands was Shui Yue Yu Tian Ke, who had just been conquered by Fang Che!

Even if that flashing ultrasonic larva evolves into a desert dragonfly, it cannot be a match for the water leaping fish.

With four times the power of water bursting and a 50% attack increase in freezing fist, any fire, rock, flying, dragon, ground or grass type elf will be a piece of paper in front of the water leaping fish.

It just so happened that Ultrasonic Larva and Desert Dragonfly, both dragon and ground type elves, were suppressed four times by the ice type!

As for Long Yingxiang's other elves, they were either related to the flying type or the dragon type, but they were all restrained by Shui Yueyu anyway.

If Fang Che and Long Yingxiang were to have a battle now, there would be a high probability that Long Yingxiang would be jumped out of the water and kill all the elves.

The final winner of the U18 Poké Ball Cup National Competition will have a chance to challenge the king of the league. Although it is an exhibition match, you can go for it.

When Zhao Wanxi heard Fang Che's emotion, she dropped a bombshell without looking back.

In previous years, when the U18 Poké Ball Cup reaches the finals of the national championship, the league will send a king to sit in, and the champion will also have the opportunity to consult with the king.

Usually at this time, the king of the alliance will use the elves that he has just conquered or that are not ranked in his hand to fight against the U18 champion. As long as the winning champion can get some benefits from the king, his reputation will be spread throughout the country. It was spread for quite some time.

As for what happens if the winning champion defeats the King?

Then he will receive a medal of honor issued by the alliance. With this medal, the winner can participate in any action of the alliance at any time, except of course actions related to national secrets.

In addition, the winner will also receive a perfect quality secret treasure awarded by the alliance.

In the past hundreds of years, the U18 Poké Ball Cup winners have defeated the Alliance King only three times. All three times were due to the Alliance King being careless and the winners taking advantage of the opportunity to win by chance.

In Zhao Wanxi's opinion, the U18 Poké Ball Cup can indeed be said to be a baby cup for Fang Che, especially when Cordora evolves into Boscodora, and the water-leap fish evolves into a giant swamp monster. Among the younger generation of the country, unless someone can be recognized by the legendary elves to follow, there is no way anyone can be Fang Che's opponent.

The king... I hope my grandfather will be in charge this year, so that I can get a perfect quality prop for free.

Fang Che complained that if Fang Tianyang was in charge, he would definitely get the perfect quality items rewarded by the alliance, but there was a high probability that the alliance would not let Fang Che take advantage of this loophole.

Generally speaking, the king of the competition will be designated by the alliance after the top four are decided, and the alliance will consider all aspects to ensure that the designated king will not have anything to do with any player among the top four. This also ensures that the king will not collude with the players to cheat.

In fact, the king will not choose to cheat. After all, the alliance's perfect quality secret treasure can be said to be their baggage to a certain extent. This is a cheat and the perfect secret treasure will be given away. Unless it is his own descendant, no one will Would be so generous.

Regarding Fang Che's whimsical, Zhao Wanxi just applauded with a smile on her face. She didn't even want to say anything.

Soon, Zhao Wanxi prepared all the food for the banquet, and Fang Che also called back the elves who were playing happily.

Although the banquet prepared for Shui Yueyu was small, it was extremely lively. Even Laplace, a friend who ate and drank, had a great time.

But Dora, a foodie, was extremely happy to eat. This was obviously a banquet prepared for Shui Yueyu, but it flew up with joy.

Compared to Cordora and Giant Claw Mantis, Lucario seems to be much more gentle.

The Variety Monsters are still in their own world as always, but when the Water Leap Fish and the others come to play with the Variety Monsters, the Variety Monsters will happily transform into their appearance and play together.

Looking at the bustling elves, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi clinked their drinks. Nothing makes a trainer feel happier than seeing his elves healthy and happy.

It's been a week since you came in. Have you thought about what you should conquer the next elf?

After taking a sip of the drink, Zhao Wanxi asked Fang Che about his next plan.

Originally, Fang Che planned to explore the swamp area, so he could leave the matter of conquering the elves until the end.

But Lord Ren Shui personally came out to bless Shui Yueyu, which meant that there was really nothing worth exploring in this secret realm.

Next, we have to consider what kind of elves to conquer.

The elves in the secret realm are much better than those on the market outside, and Zhao Wanxi does not want Fang Che to waste his remaining two quotas.

After having enough tea and food, Fang Che also began to think about this matter seriously.

According to his idea of ​​forming a giant beast team, the most suitable ones for him to conquer in the secret realm are Gyarados and Big Rock Snake.

A well-talented Rock Snake can evolve into a Steel Snake after being matched with a metal membrane, while Gyarados can be combined with the Water Leap Fish.

Whether it's Team Rainy Day or Team Behemoth, Gyarados is a very good choice.

To be honest, I already have a lot of elves in my hands. In the next period of time, I will also buy a chickadee, and I may also get an iron dumbbell. If I have more elves, I won't be able to cultivate them.

Fang Che scratched his head. He had a lot of elves now. Although he could take good care of all the elves with his ability, conquering too many elves at once would not be conducive to the establishment of emotional bonds.

Unless he meets an elf that he particularly likes, Fang Che has no intention of accepting any new elf in the secret realm.

Zhao Wanxi nodded. Although it was a pity, it was related to the bond between the trainer and the elf. She couldn't persuade her much.

In the next few days, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi led the elves around, looking for possible treasures and challenging the elves in the secret realm.

This time, the main challengers are Zhao Wanxi's Nine Tails and Fang Che's Giant Pincer Mantis.

The two of them have the lowest levels, and they need to raise their levels as soon as possible to keep up with their teammates.

It is worth mentioning that when Zhao Wanxi was not paying attention, Fang Che injected the power of data into the bodies of the Nine-Tailed and Long-tailed Fire Fox, so that their improvement speed would not be slower than that of the Giant Pincer Mantis.

Zhao Wanxi also discovered this, but apart from feeling strange, she could only lament that Fang Che's training talent was so good that he could even help her elves grow together.

In this way, time came to the third week after Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi entered the secret realm, which was the last day of September.

In the evening, Fang Che looked at the sunset that had not set for a long time in the secret realm. He only felt that time seemed to pass very slowly.

Today was the time for the Little Penguin Mall to refresh, and he couldn't wait to see what new products this money-grabbing product would bring to him.

Zhao Wanxi noticed Fang Che's excitement, but she couldn't understand why Fang Che was so excited. Even after the accident a few days ago, Fang Che seemed extra calm. What could make Fang Che reveal his emotions? Such an expectant look.

The moonlight gradually became darker. Fang Che was lying in his sleeping bag. He closed his eyes and started to watch the countdown of the refresh button in his mind!





Fang Che clicked the refresh button with his consciousness, and in the next moment, five brand new products appeared on the shelves.

When he looked at the first product with familiarity, the information on the product directly made Fang Che feel like he was lucky.

[Gene culture fluid can enhance the potential of unbroken elf eggs and allow them to acquire an ability that is different from ordinary people. Selling price - 800 ball coins]

The genetic culture fluid is probably the same type of item as the genetic perfection fluid that Fang Che obtained before. However, unlike the genetic perfection fluid, the genetic culture fluid is used for elves that have not yet been born.

Improving potential and allowing elves to gain abilities that are different from ordinary people is directly telling Fang Che that as long as he takes this genetic culture fluid, an elf can gain a powerful special ability.

You know, that shining single-headed dragon can only increase the power of the evil skills it uses by ten percent.

After getting used to all kinds of powerful elf abilities, Fang Che no longer looked down upon the single-headed dragon's 10% improvement.

The special abilities should be the same as Cordora's Heart of Rock, Lord of Thunder, and King of Water from Water Leap Fish.

Speaking of this, Fang Che hopes that among the few products released this time, there are skills that can help Giant Claw Mantis reborn. Otherwise, it will be a blank slate elf mixed among a group of big boss partners, and it will always feel like a husky mixed with wolves. .

After throwing out the eight hundred ball coins and taking the genetic culture fluid directly, Fang Che hurriedly set his sights on the second item.

Perhaps because Fang Che didn't wash his hands today and was a little lucky, this second product also made Fang Che quite greedy.

[Infinity Gloves: A high-tech glove equipped with multiple systems that can perfectly use abilities such as MEGA evolution, Gigantamax, Z-moves, etc. It also contains eighteen attribute spaces and can carry the Z-Pure with eighteen kinds of attributes. crystal. Selling price - 3000 ball coins]

Unlike Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet, Fang Che's refreshed Infinity Gauntlet can be perfectly equipped with multiple systems, which means that Fang Che does not need to tie so many auxiliary props to his hands.

In addition, the gloves also have their own space, which means that Fang Che can let his spirit release Z moves without switching Z pure crystals, although until now, Fang Che has never experienced the power of Z moves.

Under normal circumstances, Z moves will only be revealed to the world during the King of Heaven battle. After all, trainers below the gym level cannot be given Z bracelets by the alliance, and they cannot be bought even on the black market.

This also leads to many people not knowing much about Z moves.

Two pieces! Can you make me bankrupt today?

Fang Che had a lot of money in his hands. He knew that this time the mall would be refreshed and it would be difficult to ask for money from his family in the secret realm, so he had already filled his wallet.

The two items cost Fang Che 3,800 ball coins, but this was only a fraction of Fang Che's ball coins!

[Low-level secret treasure·Essence of Fire: It can increase the fire energy in the body of fire elves. Selling price - 100 ball coins]

Fang Che was a little disappointed with the third product. It was just an Essence of Fire. Although this thing was much more precious than the Fire Gem, it couldn't catch Fang Che's eyes at all.

I hope the next two items will give me more surprises.

Fang Che muttered in his heart. He felt his body being touched. When he opened his eyes, he saw a worried Zhao Wanxi.

Are you okay? I see that your expression has been changing just now. Are you feeling unwell?

Hearing Zhao Wanxi's concern, Fang Che immediately showed a smile, I just thought of something. I'm feeling well.

Zhao Wanxi did not believe Fang Che's words. After all, she and Fang Che had lived together for such a long time. She was still very aware of Fang Che's little tricks of lying. However, she did not continue to ask. She would wait until Fang Che wanted to tell her. Will tell.

If you need anything, you can tell me directly.

Zhao Wanxi crawled out of the sleeping bag. She picked up the wet towel next to the sleeping bag and wiped Fang Che's face. Because Fang Che was a little excited when he was waiting anxiously, he didn't realize that he had wrapped the sleeping bag tightly. , my forehead was sweating.

Fang Che also got out of his sleeping bag, which made him a little embarrassed.

The next time the mall is refreshed, he must be calm and calm again, so that no one can see any more clues.

Taking the wet wipes from Zhao Wanxi's hand, Fang Che wiped his face and focused on the fourth item.

Hiss, is Wanxi a lucky star? Is this really good luck?



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