There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 126 H-022 Badge of Courage!

Alienation Secret Realm? Whirlpool Islands?

Fang Che was a little confused. Did he have a pillow when he fell asleep? He really didn't know that there was an alienated secret realm near the Whirlpool Islands. It seemed that the alliance was really strict about the alienated secret realm.

When will the secret realm be opened to the public?

Fang Che became interested. If he didn't participate in the campus competition, what he needed to pay attention to was the U18 Poke Ball Cup Glass Competition, but this competition will be held in two months.

During these two months, he had to find some fun to spend this boring time.

Originally, he was planning to go to the imperial capital to accompany Zhao Wanxi to take the senior cultivator exam after participating in the campus competition. Now it seems that he can take her to visit the secret realm of alienation first.

The secret realm is open to the public at any time, but without the code issued by the alliance, it is impossible to enter.

Su Ya took out her phone and clicked it twice, and then a message was sent to Fang Che's phone.

Glancing at his phone, Fang Che discovered that what Su Ya sent was a redemption code. Obviously, this was a redemption code that needed to be used on the alliance's official website for a secret realm entry permit.

Just one?

Fang Che glanced at Zhao Wanxi next to Su Ya. Zhao Wanxi was about to say something when Su Ya stopped her.

Don't worry, there are ten quotas in this redemption code. You can get as many as you need.

The Alienation Secret Realm is generally not too big, so the number of places released by the alliance to the outside world is not too many. Fang Tianyang can get ten, which is quite good.

Even if each entry requires a quota, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi can enter five times.

Even if I only go in for two or three days at a time, it adds up to more than half a month.

Besides, would anyone really waste such a precious quota at will?

I'll go take a look when there's nothing on campus in two days.

Fang Che shrugged. The Whirlpool Islands are a small secret island full of whirlpools in the eastern sea of ​​China. It is a paradise for water trainers.

Unfortunately, Fang Che was not very interested in Nabo, the emperor of water and steel, so the Whirlpool Islands were not very attractive to him before.

Seeing her son lost in thought, Su Ya reached into her pocket and took out a badge that reflected red light in the sun.

Don't worry over there on the Whirlpool Islands. Although your elves have reached the elite level, there are countless gym overlords in the Alienation Secret Realm. If you are careless, you will suffer a loss.

When you and Wanxi went to the training house before, I helped you negotiate with the old men at the school. This is your compensation.

Su Ya threw the badge to Fang Che. Fang Che was a little confused as he held the badge. What kind of compensation?

Zhao Wanxi glanced thoughtfully at the contestants who were competing on the field, Aunt Su Ya, this campus competition is at the end. Is there any reward for the winner? Ah Che gave up the competition, which means that he There’s no way to get rewards, right?”

At the end of the campus competition at Imperial No. 1 High School, the winner will receive an extremely generous reward. Prodigies with high status in their families, such as Zhao Wanxi, Long Yingxiang, and Fang Che, may not care too much. But those children from aristocratic families who have many brothers and sisters and are not too outstanding are very greedy for this reward.

Although the No. 1 High School in Liuli City is not as good as the No. 1 High School in God City, there is no reason why the strongest rookie winner determined by the campus competition should not receive any rewards.

Hearing what Zhao Wanxi said, Fang Che remembered that Gu Song and Lu Hui had introduced to him before that the final winner of the campus competition could get one Yusanjia provided by the school, and he could also get Yusanjia for free. A year of cultivation resources, and the winner can also go to the principal's treasure room to choose a secret treasure.

Of course, it is impossible for the principal to bring out real treasures for students to choose from. In previous years, he only brought out some high-level secret treasures to speed up the growth of the new king.

Is this thing worth a Yusanjia and a high-level secret treasure?

Fang Che knew that his mother was someone who would never suffer. Over the years, Su Ya had been staying at home with Fang Xuan to raise her husband and children. Her temperament had become much calmer, but no matter how calm she was, she was still the woman who had conquered Fang Xuan, the demon king of the generation. ah!

It is absolutely impossible for Su Ya to make Fang Che suffer if she takes action, so what is the use of this badge?

Feeling Fang Che's strong desire for knowledge, Su Ya felt quite comfortable in her heart, A Che, Wanxi, do you know about the ultimate beast?

The ultimate beast!

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi exclaimed at the same time. Zhao Wanxi knew what the ultimate beast represented, while Fang Che had several powerful figures emerging in his mind.

Is this a pass to the Ultimate Cave?

Playing with the badge in his hand, Fang Che felt his scalp numb.

The Ultimate Cave is a special secret realm that appears on the earth.

More than five hundred years ago, when humans first came into contact with elves, the ultimate cave had already appeared on the earth, but at that time humans could not tell the difference between the ultimate beasts and ordinary elves.

It wasn't until more than three hundred years ago that a French elf scholar discovered that the ultimate alien beasts were a very special type of elf. Most of them had extremely high potential and grew extremely fast, but they were not as mentally capable as other ordinary elfs. Elf.

Moreover, their characteristics are specially designed for fighting, and they are not as diverse as other elves at all.

There is not even any difference in the characteristics between multiple races.

After the elf doctor published his research results, in the next hundred years, all countries conducted careful investigations into the Ultimate Cave.

Eventually, they came to a horrifying conclusion.

The ultimate hole is connected to a world that has been destroyed.

In that world, the ultimate beasts were as common as the elves that appeared in their world, but because the world was destroyed, they were also affected.

Due to the influence of time and space chaos, these ultimate beasts came to the earth like the elves. They are not familiar with the earth outside the ultimate cave, and naturally they don't have much favorable impressions.

In the past hundreds of years, most of the wars between humans and elves were fought against the ultimate beasts.

When the Elf Alliance was established, King Phoenix gave humans the power to seal the Ultimate Cave. This resulted in the Ultra Beasts no longer being able to break through the seal on their own and come to the Earth. It also gave the Earth a peaceful and harmonious development environment.

This is a badge of courage, which can open the small ultimate cave located in the back hill of No. 1 High School. Because the opening of the ultimate cave is completely random, no one knows which ultimate cave you will enter after opening it, so Ah Che, you You have to be completely prepared before going in.”

Su Ya patted Fang Che on the shoulder, and she looked at Fang Che with a look in her eyes.

If you can subdue an ultimate beast, in terms of a single round of combat, it is equivalent to subduing a quasi-god!

Compared to the late-blooming quasi-god, the growth rate of the ultimate beast is even faster than that of the Yusan Family!



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