There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 118 H-014 This is Regidora!

KuKu, the fermentation elf. It is said that the tree fruits stored in its pot-like carapace can ferment into a viscous liquid after dissolving. The defense and special defense racial values ​​are 230 respectively. There is a high probability that the characteristics of this KeKu It’s a glutton!”

Fang Che's mind suddenly flashed with information about Hu Hu. He knew Hu Hu very well. After all, Su Ya trained a Hu Hu.

However, her pots are not used for fighting, but for brewing juice and wine.

The juice and fruit wine brewed by Huchu are pure and sweet, and can be called the delicacies of the world. It is precisely because of this that the popularity of elves like Huchu in the elf trading market has always been high.

Do you want to use Huchu's super defense to exhaust my Kodora's physical strength? But have you ever thought about it, whether Huchu's defense can block Kodora's attack?

Fang Che touched the tip of his nose. Huhuhu was an elf with both insect and rock attributes. It was doubly restrained by water, rock and steel attributes.

And Kodora happens to be an elf with dual attributes of steel and rock, which can defeat Huhuhu to death.

Coupled with Kodora's special ability, Heart of Rock, no matter how high Huchu's defense is, can it still block all of Kodora's attacks?

You know, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. There is a high probability that Huhu, who is only in the growth stage, will not master any special comeback skills. He will only get a beating!

However, I can give Wanxi a kettle, which will be of great help to her career.

Looking at the pots released by the mushroom head, Fang Che thought about what kind of gift he should give to Zhao Wanxi in the future.

The mushroom head didn't know that he had been underestimated by Fang Che. He waved his hand and gave an order to Hu Hu with a nervous expression, Hu Hu, use the method of retracting into the shell!

Shrinking into a shell, referred to as shrinking, is a move that improves defense. Facing Kodora, who has extremely powerful physical attack capabilities, Huhu naturally has to superimpose his own defense first.

Fang Che squinted his eyes and glanced at the mushroom head opposite him. Hu Hu, who was still in his growth stage, most likely wouldn't be able to learn that skill, right?

Kedora, use rock blockade!


But Dora roared, and it stepped heavily on the ground. Several huge rocks were lifted up by its front paws and thrown into the sky. The target of the fall was Huhu.


Students who can enter Liuli City's No. 1 High School generally have good family backgrounds, and skills such as guarding will naturally provide their children with complete equipment.

The transparent barrier blocked the falling of the rock blockade, and Huhu easily completed the strengthening of the second stage of shell shrinkage.

At this time, its defense power has reached an extreme level, the peak of its growth stage!

By the way, can Huchu pounce? Most likely he can't. Then he can only use that skill if he wants to win.

Fang Che touched his chin. He was sure that a normal Hu Hu could not learn the pounce skill, but he just didn't know that the mushroom-headed Hu Hu was not normal.

Kadora, sharp stone attack.

The rock blockade was just a tentative attack by Fang Che. If the pre-read was successful and the opponent really used that skill without having time to defend, this move would be enough to take away Huhu directly.

After all, the original power of 60 rock blockade can be directly increased to 180 after being used by Kodora, which is stronger than the final trick that ordinary elves can master.

However, because the rock blockade uses broken rocks to attack, there is nothing special about this move from the momentum.

After the pre-reading failed, Fang Che's next thought was to break through Huhu's defense from the front.

Although Huhu's defense has been doubled after shrinking for the second time, the power of Kodora's rock-based skills can also be doubled. Moreover, rock-based skills are still twice as effective against Huhu. As long as this move hits, Then the battle is basically over.


But Dora lowered his front paws again, and a tyrannical force quickly swept under Huchu's body. Mushroom Head's face instantly turned pale. He quickly asked Huhu to use Guard again, and kept praying that Guard could work successfully. .


A sound like the breaking of a mountain echoed in the venue. All the audience stared dumbfoundedly at Hu Hu, who was directly lifted more than 20 meters into the air. They never imagined that an elite-level Kodora could make such a noise. .

Fang Che was also a little confused, but he had never seen Dora's sharp stone attack before. Why was it so fierce today?


Suddenly, Fang Che understood something, and he patted his head, feeling a little annoyed.

In the past, Kodora used sharp stone attacks in the secret realm of the desert. There were no large rocks in the desert, so he could only rely on his own strength to condense them. Most of Kodora's power was used to gather sand into stone, so It seems that the momentum is not that outrageous.

Now, Kodora is standing on a real rock site. For Kodora, this is the best place to display rock-based skills.

If it's in a chaotic mountain range, Dora can even pierce a small mountain peak with one move!

Is nothing going to happen?

Fang Che looked at the top of the huge rock pillar with some worry. A thin barrier blocked the impact of the rock. It was obvious that Mushroom Head was lucky, and Hu Huhu successfully used it to defend it.

Seeing this scene, Fang Che, Mushroom Tou, and the dean of students beside him all breathed a sigh of relief. What is this?

Ku-Ku, use the power trick! Then use the defense to equalize!

Not daring to waste any more time, Mushroom Head, who had planned to shrink his shell a few more times, let Hu Huhu use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box, which was exactly what Fang Che had guessed.

Power Trick, a trick that swaps one's defense and attack power. With this trick, Huhu can superimpose his own attack power to an unimaginable level.

To divide defense equally, add your own defense and special defense to the enemy's defense and special defense, and then divide them equally.

After using the power trick, Huhu's defense was directly reduced to the lowest level. With this move, he could increase his defense again.


A drop of cold sweat broke out on Huhuhu's forehead. It was also frightened by the attack just now. Is this really a skill performed by a Kodora? If you tell it that it is a sharp stone attack used by the great Regirock, it will believe it. .

As the two rays of light dissipated, Dora felt a little uncomfortable, and it seemed that her defense ability had been reduced a lot.

Fang Che didn't let Cordora dodge, this move was almost impossible to avoid.

When facing Zhao Guodong before, his Sticky Beauty Dragon used a similar method, which directly made Lucario decadent.

It's just that at that time, Nian Meilulong used force equalization, while Huhu used defensive equalization.



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