There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 111 H-007 The ever-changing monster who longs to become stronger!

Variety Monster [Flash]

Level -30 (elite level)


Characteristics - Shapeshifter

Special ability - Transformation: You can perform partial transformation and retain some of the skills you can learn after transformation.



Special moves - Jet flame, Freezing beam, Water cannon, Destructive death ray, Guard, Mysterious guardian, Praying for rain, Sandstorm, Sunny day, Hail, Dragon dance, Shift, Teleportation, Comet punch, Rock critical strike, Volt Attack, Dragon God Dive, Divine Speed, Double-edged Head Hammer, Shadow Claw

Intimacy: 191”

After upgrading to level 30 and breaking through the elite level, the Variety Monster gained five more skill bars, but it filled up the new skill bar before Fang Che could allocate suitable skills for it. .

Looking at the newly added volt attacks, Dragon God dive, super speed, double-edged head hammer and shadow claws, the corner of Fang Che's mouth twitched slightly.

In the past, the Variety Monster mastered almost all powerful special attack moves, which caused the Variety Monster to be unable to exert its full strength when it transformed into an elf like Kodora. Now it has mastered five major melee physical attack moves, skills Not to mention the expanded strike surface, the flexibility of transformation has also been increased a lot.

However, why did the Variety Monster learn the skills from Lucario and Cordora? Could it be that it thinks that it can gain more power by learning the skills of these two companions?

To be honest, Fang Che actually wants Variety Monster to learn healing wave and praying skills, because this can greatly increase Fang Che's safety outside.

Variety Monster, do you feel a lot of pressure?

Fang Che stroked the Variety Monster that turned back into gloves, and he sighed faintly.

Originally, Variety Monster was the second elf he obtained, but the arrival of Cocodora seemed to put great pressure on Variety Monster.

Coco Dora's talent is too strong, and he also gave Coco Dora a lot of resources to cultivate, which put too much pressure on the Variety Monster who has never been able to break through to the elite level.

Hearing Fang Che's words, the Variety Monster squirmed slightly. It was an elf and would not lie to its trainer.

Just as Fang Che expected, he was obviously Fang Che's second elf, but Kokodola surpassed it just over half a month after arriving, which made him feel a little anxious.

If you can't keep up with the trainer's growth in the future, will it be abandoned?

Although there was no Lucario to translate, Fang Che could still feel the anxiety and uneasiness in the Variety Monster's heart.

He gently rubbed the Variety Monster's body with his fingers, Don't worry, you are all my partners. I can't favor one and abandon any of my partners.

This time, Cordora's growth was completely beyond his expectation. If it were a general secret treasure, he would definitely let the Variety Monster use it without hesitation.

Those trainers with humble backgrounds need to consider the allocation of their own resources, so they are prone to favoring one over the other, but Fang Che does not need to consider this at all.

Originally, Fang Che was planning to prepare a silk scarf for the Variety Monster, but the silk scarves on the market recently were not very good. Fang Che wanted to wait and see if the mall that was refreshed at the end of this month would be better. thing.


Feeling his trainer's concern for him, the Variety Monster cried out in embarrassment. Its strength seemed to have disrupted its trainer's original plan, which made the Variety Monster blame itself.

It's okay, Variety Monster. It's a good thing that you've become stronger. I'll prepare a big meal for you guys to celebrate when we get back.

Fang Che once again comforted the Variety Monster. It had been half a month since he came out. During this half month, although he had prepared enough food and energy cubes for several elves every day, there was no other enjoyment in the secret realm. I thought about it, but Dora had talked about wanting to enjoy a full-body massage more than once.

If it wasn't for the fact that Cordora didn't like water, Fang Che felt that it would have kept saying, Technician No. 8, try the entire course.

Following the coordinates given by the alliance, Fang Che left the Liuli Secret Realm through the nearest exit.

It's strange to say that there is only one entrance to the Liuli Secret Realm, but the landing point after entering is quite random. If you want to go to the inner core area, you will land at a random place in the inner core area. If you want to go to the outer area, you will only appear in the outer area. .

Leaving the Liuli Secret Realm is completely opposite to entering. There are countless internal exits, but there is only one external exit.

After trainers enter the secret realm on a large scale, exit congestion often occurs.

Fortunately, Fang Che was lucky. There were less than ten people leaving Liuli Secret Realm with him. Everyone walked out of the secret realm exit, nodded to each other as a greeting, and then went their separate ways.

Fang Che took the Elf Taxi officially managed by the alliance back to the city, and then took a city taxi back to the gym.

As early as a week ago, Fang Xuan and Su Ya had returned home.

Because Fang Che left a message to explore the secret realm, Fang Xuan and Su Ya were not in a hurry to find their son.

Anyway, with Kirby and Variety Monster by his side, there is no need to worry too much about Fang Che's safety.

Fang Xuan is even more looking forward to what his son will gain from going to the secret realm independently for the first time.

Dad, Mom, I'm back.

When he got home, Fang Che just said a simple greeting, and then he felt a little tired mentally.

Home is the harbor of the heart. Although Fang Che also pays attention to rest and relaxation in the secret realm, the peace of mind when he returns home still makes Fang Che feel that the fatigue he was in the secret realm before is amplified.

Looking at her slightly thin son, Su Ya immediately asked her to prepare some snacks, and then she and Fang Xuan took Fang Che to chat.

I'll call my second uncle first.

Fang Che waved his hand and signaled his parents to wait a moment while he had to finish important things first.

When he was in the secret realm before, he couldn't communicate with the outside world. After leaving the secret realm, he was afraid that the walls had ears, so Fang Che waited until he returned home before choosing to contact Fang Qian.

Second uncle, I discovered a water stone vein in the secret realm. According to my detection, almost all are high-quality water stones, and there may even be perfect quality water stones. I will send you the code of the signal coordinates. Okay, you just have to ask people to find that place according to the guidance.

It's an oasis. The mineral vein is at the bottom of the central lake. There is a desert dragonfly and a supersonic larva guarding there. They are my friends. Don't start conflicts.

I have already discussed with them. It is not a big problem to exchange food and resources for temporary settlement rights in the territory.



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