There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 105 H-001 Explore the secret realm of Liuli again!

Looking at the familiar entrance to the Liuli Secret Realm, Fang Che raised his head and couldn't help but feel how insignificant he was.

When he came with Fang Xuan before, he felt almost nothing. After all, Fang Xuan helped him block all the pressure from the secret realm.

However, when he stood at the door of the secret realm, the colorful whirlpool door alone made Fang Che breathe quickly.

So beautiful!

Fang Che couldn't think of any adjectives except classic Chinese quintessence.

This whirlpool gate composed of colorful light points can give people almost all feelings about beauty. This is the charm of a secret realm independent of this world.

It's no wonder that so many trainers have devoted their lives to exploring secret realms.

At the gate, Fang Che submitted an application to enter the secret realm. Fang Xuan had vouched for this application while he was still at home, so it went through the review very quickly.

The application was submitted in the morning, and Fang Che had lunch in the secret realm!

Last time it was a beach and forest secret, but this time it turned into a desert secret?

Looking at the sand under his feet, Fang Che scratched his head. This was not a good place. Countless trainers ended up collapsing in the desert secret realm due to insufficient supplies.

However, there are good and bad aspects of the desert secret realm. At least there are many treasures hidden in the desert secret realm, second only to the ocean secret realm.

For Fang Che, lack of supplies does not exist. He is the Twenty-Four Bridge Mingyueye who has 24,000 cubic meters of independent space to store supplies. This thing is much better than the space pockets studied by the alliance. It is enough to store the general trainer's living supplies for one or two years away from home.

He didn't fill up the Twenty-Four Bridges on Bright Moon Night, but one of the grids contained his supplies, and the two connected grids contained all the supplies that the elves needed.

Lucario, Cocodora, come out!

Fang Che released the two elves, but he did not summon the Kirby beast. The Kirby beast would only come out to protect Fang Che when he encountered danger.

Cocodora obviously liked the desert environment very much. As soon as it appeared, it buried its body in the sand, and then got out because it was too hot to bear.

Lucario is very loyal to Fang Che's side. Its waveguide power has been detecting the surrounding situation. Fang Che's current location is at the edge of the desert. If he wants to exit the desert, he only needs to go to the desert. After that, it’s almost enough to walk three kilometers.

No, let's continue to move into the desert. On the one hand, we will increase Cocodora's ability to control sandstorms, and on the other hand, we will see if we can find the secret treasure.

Fang Che shook his head. Most of the elves in the desert were of the rock or ground type. The fighting type Lucario could easily deal with it, and it could also train Cocodola's ability to control sandstorms, which was better than ordinary people. The environment is much better.

Anyway, he has enough resources and doesn't need to worry too much about the harsh environment in the desert.

At Fang Che's insistence, Lucario acted as a guide, leading Fang Che and Cocodora towards the center of the desert.

Along the way, they encountered sand hippopotamus, rogue crocodile and other elven races. Lucario and Cocodora took turns to challenge them, and finally gained a lot of combat experience.

Lucario, Wave Missile! Cocodora, Rock Collapse!

Under a sand dune, Fang Che used the Variety Monster Gloves to scold Fang Qiu. Lucario and Cocodora directly released their skills to complete the final finishing blow to the enemy in front of them.


Under the helpless wail, a desert dragonfly and a supersonic larva fell on the sand, surrounded by several mandible ants guarding their parents in fear.

Lucario, I leave it to you.

Looking at the upgraded Cocodora, Fang Che handed Lucario the medicine and tree fruit with a smile on his face. As the messenger of Wave Guide, Lucario can naturally win the approval of most elves. Let's leave this apology matter to it.

The elves in the desert secret realm rarely have access to resources such as tree fruits or healing medicines. If the desert dragonflies and ultrasonic larvae are not healed, then their small group may have to give up this territory.

Fang Che came here to experience, not to ruin the lives of the elves in the secret realm.


Lucario was a little helpless. His trainer was really good at summoning people. He had just defeated the Desert Dragonfly, and in the end, he asked him to give the Desert Dragonfly medicine. Isn't this just adding salt to someone else's wound?

After releasing the well-intentioned waveguide, Lucario came to the desert dragonfly and took out the fruit and medicine. He thought that the desert dragonfly would angrily refuse, but the desert dragonfly's reaction scared Lu. Kallio jumped.

I saw the dying desert dragonfly cut all the fruits in half with lightning speed. Then it flapped its wings, and all the fruits fell in front of the mandible ant, and it itself He licked his wings greedily.

In the secret desert, water is the most precious resource, not to mention tree fruits.


After licking the juice off its wings, the desert dragonfly nodded happily to Lucario.

A dozen can exchange for so many fruits, and it feels like it can do it again!

Lucario sighed and sprayed the medicine on the desert dragonfly, and then it rejected the desert dragonfly's idea of ​​keeping the medicine for later use.

The elves in the secret realm have a natural resistance to humans, which also prevents them from enjoying the generous living conditions that humans can provide them.

A guy like Kokodora, who could eat three big bowls of food at one meal, would have starved to death on the same day if he hadn't grown up in a legendary realm, and if he hadn't had a pair of champion-level parents.

It is precisely because of the shortage of resources that even if the elves in the secret realm have outstanding talents, they may not be able to grow.

Fang Che stepped forward and stroked a few large-jawed ants. Although he did not use the power of data to detect them, Fang Che could still feel these large-jawed ants just by relying on the mental boost brought to him by the Purple Demon Eyes. The potential of the jaw ants is not bad, but after being born so long, their level is not as good as that of Lu Hui's Prince Bo.

You know, elves like desert dragonflies have dragon energy in them!

Desert Dragonfly, can I ask you a favor? Please teach Lucario and Cocodora all the dragon moves you know. As a reward, I will provide you with enough elf food in the past few days. And energy cubes.”

In the previous battle, Desert Dragonfly used a variety of dragon-type moves, including but not limited to Dragon Wave, Dragon Tail, and Dragon Claw, which Lucario and Kokodora can learn.

If these moves can be learned, Lucario and Kokodora will increase their chances of winning by more than half when facing dragon elves!

In response to Fang Che's request, the desert dragonfly just waved its wings, and then nodded as if pounding garlic.

Isn't it just to be a teacher? You teach to the Big Jaw Ants, you teach to Lucario and Cocodora, the key is that you also get to eat, how could the desert dragonfly miss such a good thing!



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