This man made Dekan feel complicated.

To be honest, Durkan already considered Clay a life and death brother.

But being a teammate with Clay really requires a strong heart and an extremely optimistic attitude.

The thought that there might be a disappearing Clay on the map of the shadow world made Dekan feel scared...

I just hope that my brother can give him a hand and not make another too surprising appearance.

Then again, before the time limit of the first stage of the mission ends, you should be able to see all your friends in this city.

After all, the requirement of the first stage is that all four people need to arrive at Lunn's territory within 60 days.

With the restrictions so clear, no one should be able to do anything extraordinary.

Dekan thought this and felt a little relieved.

After unlocking the door of Room 403, I almost saw a layout similar to my own room.

Since the winter at the northern border of the Holy Kingdom is very cold, most of the interior decorations that Dekan saw after arriving in this city were made of logs or solid colors to create a warm atmosphere.

This is Talomati and Eve's room.

Eve was responsible for taking care of Talomati along the way, and when they checked into the hotel, Eve and Talomati shared the same room.

But just now Eve went out to buy their breakfast for today.

So now Talomati was alone on the bed.

She still looks like a cold beauty with gray hair and blue eyes, but her demonic features have been hidden.

She looks like an ordinary human woman.

After entering the realm of the Holy Kingdom, Dekan released the [Blood Mimicry], and then made Talomati and Eve disguise themselves as humans.

The Demon World Hospital has special potions and scrolls that can disguise demons into human appearance.

This is a mature method that the demon world has had many years ago, which allows demons to easily sneak into the human kingdom.

The moment Dekan opened the door, Talomati glanced in the direction of the movement and found that it was not Eve but Dekan, so he withdrew his gaze indifferently.

Dekan walked slowly towards the direction of Talomati, the coffee in his hand constantly releasing mist.

"Guess what I just saw?"

Dekan walked to the wooden coffee table not far from Talomati's bed and sat on the chair and asked.

Talomati seemed not to have heard what Dekan was saying, and was just leaning on the bed and slowly turning over the book in his hand.

After leaving the demon world, Dekan felt that paralyzing his sister with his own hands was a bit uncharacteristic, so he adjusted the dosage of the [Paralysis Potion] used on Talomati to allow her to move her hands and feet a little.

It’s just that Talomati is still so weak that she can’t even hold a glass of water, so she needs Eve to take care of her.

And in order to prevent Talomati from being so bored, Dekan also tried his best to buy some potentially interesting books for her to choose and read along the way.

Of course, Talomati would only respond with a cold look to all of Dekan's kindness, whether it was food or books.

Until later, it seemed that Talomati felt that it was too annoying for Dekan to keep talking to her. It is also possible that she gradually got used to Eve's care, as long as it was not given to her directly by Dekan, but through the hands of Eve. Lomarty will still accept it.

In the end, as long as Dekan doesn't look for Talomati, Talomati will eat well and live a good life.

Although their communication is minimal.

But with time and travel, their relationship seemed to have softened a little compared to when they first left the hospital.

But only for now.

For example, in response to Dekan's sudden arrival, Talomati expressed through his actions, "Don't interfere with my reading."

"I think a normal brother-sister quarrel shouldn't be a month of anger...I've been reflecting on that box of snacks very seriously..."

Dekan reluctantly dragged his seat back a little, keeping a slightly further distance from Talomati.

He could more easily understand the meaning of Talomati's expression.

Even if she always keeps a straight face.

At this moment, Talomati's cold expression said "stay away from me".


Talomati had a cold face and resolutely ignored Dekan.

What her expression expressed now was that she just hoped that Eve would come back soon and that Dekan, who was talking to her out of nowhere, would leave the room as soon as possible.

Anyway, tomorrow, everyone will say goodbye, and there is no point in saying anything now.

"Sigh... When Lunn comes back tomorrow, I will take you to meet him, and you will know whether what I said is true or false."

Dekan sighed exhaustedly.

Even though he had repeatedly explained to Talomati over the past month that he did not want to take her back to the Holy Kingdom as a prisoner, he just wanted to ask her to help facilitate peace talks between Lunn and the Demon King.

She didn't believe it at all, and even became more and more impatient.

Moreover, Dekan has given up asking Master and Craftsman for help online.

It's a good thing that the master didn't intentionally do anything wrong.

Although Shijiang has always been Dekan's most trusted partner at critical moments, in daily interactions, the composition of Shijiang is really complicated.

Even if I call her sister, she will be angry. I will promise never to call her sister again, but she will still be angry.

In the end, Dekan no longer dared to mention the word sister.

Dekan only felt that the world was not worth it.

The sister who is like a father in his heart has robbed him of his food for a whole month, leaving him with only a real-life version of a horse racing mother.

There is also a sister beside him who looks at him every day, constantly hurting him with her cold, violent and disgusting eyes.

Finally, the identity of Master Jiang was found out, and his long-lost sister was found. The time when two happy things overlap should be like a dream... But why does it become like this?

In addition to being injured, he would rather not be this brother. Any cute sister is a lie.

Only the sensible Tata in this world made Dekan feel a little warmer in his heart.


Talomati finally responded to Durkan.

But all he got in response was a sneer.

It seemed that Dekan was insulting her and teasing her like a fool.

Obviously, the Holy Kingdom now has a big advantage, and Lunn has been the most determined militant faction of the Holy Kingdom in recent years.

How could he advocate peace talks?

Even if he takes a step back, Lunn really wants peace talks for some secret reasons.

Even if he could just capture a demon messenger to do something, Talomati would still think there was a slight possibility.

It is extremely absurd for Lunn to privately ask Delois, the most dangerous devil, to handle the secret peace negotiation task!

There is no logic anywhere.

But Talomati was sure that she would indeed see Len tomorrow.

It's just that he is not a "peace messenger" as Delois calls him, but a "dealing chip."

After so many years, she had thought about what it would be like to meet Delois again countless times.

Although she knew that they would most likely be enemies of each other, she never thought that one day, when she saw her brother again, he would be so ruthless and give her to his enemy like a doll.

Delois's false advances along the way only made her feel extremely sick.

Dekan lowered his head, unable to express his sorrow.

Whenever he was ignored by Talomati along the way, he only felt bitter.

No matter how Talomati treated him, he could not be angry with Talomati.

He would always regard Talomati in the shadow world in front of him as a relative who had lived with him for more than ten years.

It was clear that he owed Talomati nothing.

But Delois was in debt.

It was like a debt he owed in his previous life, like a resentment clinging to him that he couldn't get rid of.

"... Talomati, if, I mean if, you find out tomorrow that I am not handing you over to Lunn as a prisoner of war, but really want to promote peace talks, can you resolve the misunderstanding between us? "

Durkan did not propose an inducement bet that he would win, as he had done in the past to tease others.

He just wants to be able to untie the knot between Talomati and Delois.

But the only answer to Dekan was silence.

Dekan gave a wry smile, and seemed to be planning to pick up the water glass, leave the room, and stop disturbing Talomati.

Just as Durkan stood up and started to walk away.

"This doesn't affect my hatred of you."

Talomati, who was silent for a moment, finally answered.

Maybe this was one of the rare times when Eve was away and the two of them could be alone together.

Talomati finally said something to Dekan that was really on her mind.

This also seems to be the last thin line Talomati throws to Delois on the eve of separation.

It’s up to Delois whether he can catch this thin thread and send his true thoughts back to her.

Dekan's lips opened slightly, but he swallowed back the words that were about to reach his lips.

He knew Talomati's character.

Know that you shouldn't ask "Why do you hate me" at this time.

Questions like this only made Talomati angrier.

She will think, "You don't even know how much I hate you."

What Talomati really wants to hear is just an apology from Delois, or an explanation, or even just an answer——

About the things that really bothered her.


Durkan was silent and Talomati waited.

The room was silent except for the sound of Talomati turning the pages of a book.

I don’t know if she really wants to read.

To be honest, Durkan didn't know what to say as Delois to put Talomati at ease.

Because he didn't know the story between Delois and Talomati at all.

Faced with Talomati's question, even if Delois could possibly answer it, Durkan didn't know where to start.

But I... As Delois now, I should be able to deal with all the problems that Delois can deal with.

So maybe there is something crucial that I know, but I haven't been able to get in touch with.

Derkan could only think hard, recalling what he knew about Delois.

He is only convinced that he is also playing Delois in the fourth shadow world [Endless Purgatory].

Moreover, Delois used [Blood Mimicry] to dress up as Talomati, pretending to be Talomati's identity and diploma, and sneaked into the Demon World Prison. This was also Delois's battle to become famous.

The only thing about Delois in the timeline going forward is the dream of the Holy Kingdom.

And, a little story that Dekan got from Eve——

"In the Demon Academy where Eve is located, there was once a pair of twin demons who left a strange story. One of them was Delois and the other was Talomati."

But all of this lacks the most crucial thing.

That's what happened when Delois and Talomati got along until they parted ways.

For the first time, Dekan felt that he had encountered an incomprehensible problem, and he raised his head and looked out the window in despair.

How about hoping that Eve will come back soon? I no longer want to be tortured by Talomati's soul.


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