If the missing intermittent posts in the previous dozens of chapters can be completed to a certain extent, everyone can also see each other's wonderful flirtations. Of course, I will definitely see every one of your posts (this is the greatest pleasure I have in writing a book, it all depends on you writing your posts for me to read...). I will spend a lot of time carefully receiving the missing posts from the previous month. Give feedback and think carefully to bring the story to a happy ending.

ps: [Monthly ticket reward]

There are new illustrations coming soon! Being able to assign an illustration to the top three in the monthly voting list makes me so eager to move...

This month I still want to try to see if I can break into the top three of the monthly ticket list, so I opened a sacrifice stream monthly ticket reward.

[October Illustration Reward]: All monthly tickets received from October 1st to October 31st will be converted into additional illustration funds from Xixi Dog’s own pocket on a 1:1 basis!

[For every 1,000 monthly tickets, Xixi Dog will spend an additional 1,000 yuan, rounded up]

For example, assuming that I received 10,001 monthly votes throughout October, I would spend 11,000 as a total fund to make an appointment for an illustration.

The monthly vote at the end of the month will be reset if you don’t vote. Xixi Dog does not owe everyone your every support!

Bump bump bump, Xi Gouzi will give you three bumps first.

Volume 5: Throne of Snow and Thorns: [Monthly ticket reward, last day! 】

Pay attention, this Xixi dog actually has a reward.

[October Illustration Reward]: All monthly tickets received from October 1st to October 31st will be converted into additional illustration funds from Xixi Dog’s own pocket on a 1:1 basis!

[For every 1,000 monthly tickets, Xixi Dog will spend an additional 1,000 yuan, rounded up]

For example, assuming that I received 10,001 monthly votes throughout October, I would spend 11,000 as a total fund to make an appointment for an illustration.

The monthly votes on the last day will be reset if you don't vote. I don't know if there is still a slim chance for the top three in this month's monthly votes list... So in October I decided to go to the stake again and open a reward chapter. Ask dads for monthly tickets.

The only bounties I can offer now are illustrations, and the current repayment/owe amount is 64/132. It is certain that it will not be completed until the end. After the completion, I will have to write an entire eighth volume of free extras to pay back. I'm really afraid of missing chapters. If I open another bounty for more chapters... Volume 9? I'm afraid it won't be the second part directly...

So maybe the monthly ticket bounty in the illustration version is not as exciting as the additional bounty (Xi Zhi trembled unilaterally), but the bounties I open are based on the premise that I still dare to open them, and I will not give everyone a monthly ticket in vain. Please feel free to vote!

Finally, put a mysterious picture here (Teacher Cui’s Miracle)

Picture: "Cornelia", location: "Images/1667200491-100315868-109523315.jpg"

Volume 5 Throne of Thorns and Snow: 314 The most heart-thrilling demon in Dekan will always be (6500 words, 65 more)

On the second floor of Demon World Hospital, in the wide corridor of the anesthesiology department, the eyes of the surrounding doctors and patients were unconsciously drawn to Dekan's figure.

They were all convinced that the new director of the anesthesiology department would risk his life to face the most vicious and vicious patients.

Even most doctors and nurses don't think the director can deal with Yamos, a demon with no limits.

But they respect Durkan's courage.

Dekan walked to the door of the operating room where Yamos was and listened briefly to the situation in the operating room.

There was only the sound of weak breathing.

It seemed that the previous doctor had been brutally poisoned.

"Eve, I will only teach you how to deal with manic patients once."

Dekan said as if he were leading a student.

Eve nodded.

Although she is very scared now.

But with Dekan as her teammate, she feels an inexplicable sense of security.

Dekan then used his authority to urgently unlock the operating room door.


He kicked open the operating room door without ceremony.

A pungent smell of medicine mixed with the smell of blood hit their faces, and the situation in the operating room suddenly appeared in front of Dekan and Eve.

Next to the somewhat broken wall, I saw a comatose demon doctor lying next to him. He was already dying, and one of his arms was missing. The remaining wound on the broken arm was bleeding continuously.

There was also a nurse who was beside the demon doctor, her eyes trembling with confusion, as if she was about to go crazy.

In the middle of the operating room, a female officer with some scales on her neck was lying on the operating table.

She was well-dressed and holding a severed arm in her hand. She had just taken a bite of it like a snack, and her mouth was full of blood.

Colonel Yamos, who had the temperament of a poisonous snake all over his body, seemed to be enjoying his afternoon leisure, lying on the operating table with a comfortable look.


Heard the door being kicked open.

Yamos frowned, stood up and looked toward the door in confusion.

The dim operating room seemed to welcome the sunrise.

There was a doctor and a nurse standing in the direction of the light. The light flickered, making the doctor's figure slightly blurry.

The doctor's face flashed with unspeakable sadness, as if he couldn't bear to see the cruel ending in the operating room.

"Obviously you can come back a few hours later?"

The corners of Colonel Yamos's mouth were accompanied by blood-red traces, evoking a particularly unconventional and elegant smile.

It's like just a customer enjoying a wonderful meal in a restaurant.

At the same time, the nurse, who was already in a very bad state of mind in the operating room, finally ran frantically toward the open door of the operating room as if she saw hope.


However, with Yamos' cold chuckle, she actually reached out and stabbed herself in the chest, seriously injuring herself!

Then her neck suddenly stretched out, her skin torn easily like a packaging bag, and her green scales connected into pieces, as if she had transformed back into her original form as a monster.

Yamos's weird long neck was like a poisonous snake aiming at its prey. She sneered at the nurse who had just started with her face that had become very scary.

Her head became extremely huge, and she opened her bloody mouth and swallowed the nurse like lightning.

One bite!

The nurse was swallowed whole by Colonel Yamos!

There is no resistance.

Later, Colonel Yamos also preyed on the unconscious doctor, not giving other doctors a chance to save him.

"Crack, bang."

Colonel Yamos chewed a few times with enjoyment on his face and swallowed her meal wholeheartedly.

After a period of swallowing with great enjoyment, she seemed to be extremely happy, her eyes could not control her eyes and rolled upwards, and she retracted her neck with a weird laugh.

At the same time, the wound on her chest also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Eve, who witnessed all this, instinctively closed her eyes, with tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes and made an embarrassing sound, hiding behind Dekan and trembling.

She was not scared because her mind was blank.

It was precisely because she understood in an instant why Yamos could be so unscrupulous in this operating room that she felt horrified.

Generally speaking, even after anesthesia begins, the patient can seize a key opportunity to pretend to lose control and seriously injure the doctor.

We can no longer pursue the doctor.

However, there is an emergency rule in the operating room.

If the patient's vital signs enter a dangerous state and the doctor is judged to have made a mistake or inaction, the patient can try all self-rescue methods as the highest priority and will not be held accountable by the hospital.

Yamos must have the racial characteristic of being able to restore his own condition by swallowing creatures, and even strengthen himself.

So if she swallows the doctor to save herself at this time, she will be exempted from punishment.

Yamos didn't just want to be a deserter, but took advantage of the mechanism and wanted to easily enjoy high-quality demons that could not be preyed on at will during non-war times!

As soon as the anesthesia operation begins, this place will become a feast for Yamos, and doctors and nurses will become her delicious meal!

And it can be seen that Yamos has a very bad taste.

She is not satisfied with eating immediately, but leaves the prey alive but destined to die, fully exuding the fragrance of despair, treating fear as a side dish before eating.

The moment the operation is started with the devil bracelet, the cruel ending of the doctor and nurse can basically be announced!

Even after the operation is started, doctors can still "treat" the patient.

But how could any doctor defeat Yamos in a head-on fight?

No matter how powerful Dekan was, Eve did not believe that a fifth-level demon could confront a demon colonel whose strength was close to eighth-level.

Eve just wanted to leave this operating room.


[Successfully completed anesthesia surgery for Colonel Yamos, and was rewarded with 150 strategic devil points]

[Failure of anesthesia leading to failure of the operation, or death or injury to the patient, 1,500 demon points will be deducted]

[The assistant is nurse Eve, who will share 5% of the reward or bear 5% of the penalty]

[Having taken over the failed task of other doctors, please start the operation within 5 minutes]

Eve also sensed the prompt on the devil's bracelet at the same time.

Everything is over...

We can only place our hope in Dekan...

No matter how steady he was before, can he really maintain that calm look now...

Eve tried hard to open her eyes, trying to observe Dekan's condition.

I found that Dekan was indeed not calm anymore.

But something is wrong...

At this time, Dekan was holding his chin with one hand and observing Yamos with interest.

In this way, not only is there no fear.

It even felt like he was...very excited? ?

The eyes seemed to be glowing.

It's like the expression of a human being whose heart almost melts when he sees the cutest little animal in the world.

Moreover, I couldn't hide my joy in my heartbeat, and it felt like some beautiful memories had been brought back.

"You, are you okay?"

Eve chirped from behind Durkan.

Forget it if this guy is not afraid.

No matter how he looked, he looked like he was seriously ill.

More of a devil than Biamos.

"A certain question, I haven't encountered a demon that makes my heart beat like this for a long time..."

Dekan seemed to be still a little enlightened and murmured, as if he had just regained consciousness from a special memory.

Originally, Yamos' racial characteristics seemed a bit familiar to Dekan, especially the scales on her neck.

Dekan has a favorable impression of demons suspected of being of this race.

He had never seen this race since he was in the cooking class at Demon Academy.

After witnessing Colonel Yamos's predatory actions with his own eyes, Dekan was extremely convinced.

This was the cutest devil in the world he wanted to see.

"Hey, hey! It's not too late for you to beg for mercy now. I'll prepare some more exciting mini-games for you later."

Yamos seemed to be laughing at the stupidity of Dekan and Eve.

Dare to trespass into her territory.

What about the previous momentum of kicking open the door?

The nurse's expression pleased Yamos very much.

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