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Volume 5 Throne of Snow and Thorns: 308 Dekan’s Heavenly Spirit Healing Method (4000 words)

In less than a minute, the little nurse hurried back.

She successfully borrowed a tool hammer and handed it to Dekan with both hands.

Dekan raised the hammer, looked at it, and put the hammer back in the little nurse's hand.

"Can't you?"

The little nurse timidly held the hammer in both hands, as if she didn't know what the devil doctor was planning to do.

"Very good, this hammer will be yours from now on."

As Dekan spoke, he summoned [The Ruined Poet] and [Elegant Mermaid].

Black mist and sea fog filled the air, and the operating room turned into an abyss like a sea of ​​death. The little nurse felt an instinctive sense of suffocation when she fell into the deep sea.


The officer who was lying on the bed in pain from his injuries suddenly opened his eyes, his limbs shook up and down, and he began to twitch.

"Don't be afraid, they are my familiars and have narcotic properties."

Durkan explained seriously.

The little nurse Eve said tremblingly: "But..."

Durkan: "No buts."

Seeing Dekan's tough attitude, the little nurse could only swallow the words in fear.

No matter how you look at these two familiars, nothing seems right...

Can you please look at the patient on the operating table before you talk nonsense!

He rolled his eyes! ! !

Although the little nurse was complaining in her heart, she instinctively tightened her grip on the hammer in her hand.

The ranks of these two familiars are not high.

The aura is particularly terrifying, as if it can only be possessed by mythical creatures.

I don’t know what terrible characteristics it will have.

The little nurse once again confirmed that this red-haired dragon demon is very terrifying, even if he is only fifth level.

Even the great demon clan can hardly say that they can have two familiars like this.

Watch the time pass by.

The time limit for completing anesthesia is not far away.

The doctor showed no intention of starting anesthesia, which made the nurse look at Dekan in confusion.

And what a coincidence.

Durkan was looking at her too.

Durkan: "Hit it on the head."

Little nurse: "Huh?"

"Can you understand if I ask you to hit the patient on the head? It hurts so much? Didn't you look at him and he was almost in unbearable pain?"

Dekan ordered impatiently, as if he thought the nurse was too stupid.


The little nurse looked down at the hammer in her hand, then at the patient and Dekan.

She seemed to have a general understanding of Dekan's approach to medical practice.

Devil, right? !

You turned out to be an anesthesiologist in the physics school? !

"What are you hesitating about? Don't worry, no one knows anesthesiology better than me."

Dekan pointed at the time and signaled to the nurse that the time would be up soon if she didn't do as she was told.

At that time, if the mission fails, she will also share 5% of the responsibility and lose 50 demon points.

50 devil points!

For her as a nurse, even if she works overtime desperately.

It’s good to get a few devil points in an hour!

The reward this time was huge simply because the anesthesia task was difficult enough and the doctor's assistant happened to be her.

But is this a blessing or a curse?

If she failed, she didn't know how long she would have to work hard to earn back the 50 demon points!

However, if she really succeeds, she will also be rewarded with 5 demon points. Considering that she is currently working overtime, she will receive 4 times the salary, which is 20 demon points! !

This is what she can earn after working normally for a month!

The look in the eyes of this outrageous anesthesiologist seemed inexplicably confident, making the little nurse want to believe him!

But now, if you don't knock it, you will definitely lose 50 demon points. If you knock it, you may still have a little hope of earning 20 demon points!

The little nurse was so anxious that she finally closed her eyes, raised the hammer high, and hit the patient's Tianling Cap hard!


In the wailing sound of the patient who stopped screaming after half a cry.

The patient's head tilted and he fainted from the pain, frothing at the mouth and fell unconscious.

Dekan came closer and placed his fingers on the patient's lips in a professional manner. He could feel the calm and steady breathing.

"very good."

Dekan praised with satisfaction.

It is impossible for a fifth-level non-combat-specialized demon to destroy the head of a seventh-level demon with one hammer.

It can only be said to be just right.

"Is this successful?"

"I told you that my familiar has narcotic properties, and the triggering condition is physical attack."

"Why do I feel like you are lying to me..."

"But he won't lie to you."

Dekan pointed at the unconscious demon officer and said.

In the indigo sea mist, Decana's dazzling golden, deep devil eyes and stern expression frightened the little nurse to tremble.

It was different from the peaceful look in this dragon demon's eyes before.

At this moment, the little nurse was finally convinced that she was facing a top-ranking demon who should not be judged by rank.

Why would a devil of this level come to the hospital to become a doctor?

Is there an ulterior purpose?

But she soon realized she couldn't think about it any longer.

While she was thinking, the other party was also observing her.

The pupils seemed to be deliberately exposed to her.

Then I wanted to observe her reaction.

She was convinced that her thoughts had been seen through by the other party as if there was only a thin layer of veil between them.

She couldn't help but look away stiffly in the direction Dekan pointed.

All I could see was the miserable look of the officer on the operating table.

It is hard to imagine that even if the operation is successful, he will still be able to take care of himself normally.

"I don't want anyone else to know about my exclusive medical research results."

Dekan's eyes gradually recovered and he said calmly, then looked at the hammer in the little nurse's hand,

"You don't want the dean to know what you did, do you?"

The little nurse nodded sharply.

It would do her no good to tell such a thing.

Rather than questioning the doctor who used animal-like anesthesia techniques, the dean would definitely first deal with her, the nurse who revealed that she hit a senior military officer on the head with a hammer!

But...if this treatment method is really reliable.

Then follow this doctor...

Earning Demon Points can be quite fast, and the success rate is probably extremely high.

No, no!

The little nurse quickly gave up her terrible thoughts.

In the face of the more dangerous demon, the more important it is to stabilize one's mind and not be led by its temptation.

"Don't worry, I don't remember anything."

The little nurse instinctively took a few steps back, as if she wanted to leave the operating room to complete other work elsewhere.

She has completed her urgent task - "to lead the new chief physician to anesthetize senior military officers."

If this extremely dangerous and strange red-haired dragon demon is not assigned a task as an anesthesiologist, then there is no need to follow him for the time being.


Dekan just walked to the door one step ahead of her and held the edge of the door.

"Come to my office and continue to help me with the follow-up work."

After finishing speaking, Dekan walked out of the door of the operating room.

"Doctor, there are many nurses you can choose as your assistant!"

The little nurse said in a panic.

"When you can say this, you should also be able to think clearly why I chose you."

Dekan just said these words and left without looking back.

The extremely troubled little nurse was left standing there.

She understood what Dekan meant.

When she could sense the danger of Dekan, it was impossible for Dekan to let her go.

If you are not obedient.

Although the hospital's rules provide enough protection for doctors and patients.

However, with this doctor's ability to earn demon points.

After earning enough demon points, even if you kill her, you won't be deducted as a negative point.


This guy obviously has something far more terrifying than death...

The little nurse's shoulders were trembling, and she looked terrified and aggrieved.

Finally, he bit his lip and followed.

She didn't do anything wrong. If you want to blame her, she's not stupid, but she's not that smart and weak.

She could discover the danger of this weird demon, but she was really targeted, and she knew very well that she couldn't deal with this kind of demon.

Next, your fate may be decided by the other party.

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