
Sean clenched his fists with regret and stamped his feet.

"We don't have video equipment on hand to record Durkan's bad behavior..."


One month later.

The final outcome of the shocking battle in the Philoven Kingdom has been decided.

Sheen, the astrologer of the Kingdom Federation, and Agamemnon, the former pope of the Church of Resurrection, disappeared.

Among the original nine bishops of the Church of Resurrection, the life and death of Bishop Pain is unknown, Bishop Shadow defected to the Saron Empire, Bishop Madness returned to the Kingdom Federation, Bishop Nightmare was brought back to the Kingdom of Norton, Bishop Silence was confirmed dead, and the remaining four bishops fled Philo The Kingdom of Wen.

The behemoth Church of Resurrection almost collapsed overnight.

Even the last four surviving bishops chose to hide and showed no signs of being active anymore.

A total of five eighth-level soldiers were killed in the Kingdom Federation.

And most importantly, the Federation of Kingdoms has lost its absolute core, its intelligence center—the ninth-level astrologer Sheen.

And because of the long-standing differences, the impending imperial threat, and the lack of Sheen who plays a key control and coordination role, the relationship between the northern and southern countries has gradually fallen into an unprecedented freezing point.

And the Saron Empire in the far north.

Not only was there no loss, but a bishop-level combatant with the highest magical engineering skills was returned.

The original balance of power has been completely broken.

Everyone knows.

This world is going to change.

Now, it's just the last calm before the storm.

The Saron Empire, which had been planning for a long time, did not choose to seize the opportunity to attack at the first opportunity, but chose to continue to wait and see the situation and collect intelligence.

It is simply because of the man who wrote history in front of everyone with his own hands - Dekan.

No one knows whether the Painful Pope will suddenly return with Sheen.

But now, everyone is almost convinced.

The man who continuously created miracles may never come back.

Taking away the Pope and saving the Philovan Kingdom was the last miracle he created.

But even if he is no longer here.

It also shocked the Saron Empire for more than a month.

Volume 5: Throne of Snow and Thorns: [Remarks on the Evening]

At this point, "There is absolutely no problem with the magic cards I made!" "The first part is over (bushi).

Big announcement!

Tomorrow "There is absolutely no problem with the magic cards I made!" 》The second part begins serialization! !

just kidding.

Chapter 305 will be updated as usual tomorrow.

After reading the previous chapter, are you a little afraid that I will just give the closing remarks? (crying with laughter)

In fact, after writing Chapter 304, it really feels like the "finale of the first part". Of course, this is just a preview. I hope that when the real finale comes, it can also bring you the experience of "this story has a beginning and an end, the rhythm is stable, and everything is perfect."

If it were a series, Chapters 1-304 would be very similar to the first season.

As for Chapter 305 starting tomorrow, the timeline will span to half a year later, and the fifth volume of the Shadow World Chapter [Snow and Throne of Thorns] will begin. Dekan will also return to the Holy Kingdom again to uncover stories buried by history. Talomati's lost memory, the demons, the vampires, and the entanglement with the Holy Rite Church will all have answers. After a long journey, Dekan will eventually meet Cornelia again, and then the story of the devil and the girl will be like a fairy tale...

Doesn’t it feel like a trailer for the second part of the series?

A conscientious author who only took 0 days off from publication between the first and second volumes. How could there be such a diligent person? Presumably such a determined author wouldn't be too eager for extraneous things like monthly passes, right? Eh? Why is he kneeling on the ground begging for a monthly ticket? ?

Volume 5: Throne of Snow and Thorns: 305 Shadow World: Throne of Snow and Thorns (6000 words, 64/132 more)

Demon King's Tomb.

The petals drift in the wind, bringing a light fragrance.

These bright and full demonic plants are like yarn, like a dream, like fog, but they don't seem to show off themselves and are waiting there silently.

Beautiful and full of mystery.

I don’t know what happened to the Demon King’s Tomb later in history to turn it into this dream-like appearance.

Dekan was like a young man hiding in a flower field and enjoying his free time, immersed in this sea of ​​flowers.

There is no longer a tombstone of the Demon King in this Demon King's Tomb.

The original tombstones of the demon kings were piled up into a black stone throne by someone, as if he wanted to sit on top of all the demon kings.

And this vast cemetery.

Now there are two more wooden houses made of demonic trees, and a piece of farmland has been reclaimed in the flower field, where edible demonic plants are planted.

It has been half a year since Dekan and Sheen came to this Demon King's Tomb.

This Demon King's Tomb seems to be an absolutely closed world.

With the [Space Jump Gate] broken, they couldn't find any way to leave.


I heard the sound of the wooden door being pushed open in the distance.

Dekan stood up and looked into the distance.

Sheen was seen yawning and pushing open the door of her house sleepily.

"You have a really regular schedule."

Durkan said hello to his neighbor.

But it seems that it is not good morning, but good afternoon.

"Ah? Really?"

Xian asked with some confusion.

"Of course, every day is one or two hours later than the day before. It can only be said that the ninth-level powerhouse is not afraid of sudden death and can do whatever he wants. It would be a pity not to serialize novels."

Durkan smiled in affirmation, as if he was praising Sheen.

It seemed like he had been waiting for Sean for a long time.

Sheen had long been used to Durkan's eccentric temperament and rolled his eyes.

But what Dekan doesn't know is that she did publish a serial novel in Kingdom Federation, and I'm afraid she has been forced to take a break from publication for half a year...

In addition, Dekan is waiting for her because he just wants to learn magic from her.

Just killing time.

It's funny to say.

Although Dekan thought it was cool when he killed Agamemnon, he was imprisoned in this Demon King's Tomb and became the polished commander of the Demon King.

He was probably the first pastoral devil in history who spent all day farming and raising flowers at the Demon King's Tomb.

Highlight an indifferent state of mind.


Six months ago, when Dekan first realized that there seemed to be no way to leave, he was so anxious that he went crazy.

He explored and studied the Demon King's Tomb day and night, and even if he made no progress, he showed no signs of stopping.

Until the master worried that Dekan's behavior was just pure self-torture in the end.

So I talked with Dekan for a long time, telling him about his mental journey in a long state of loneliness before meeting Dekan, and how he finally chose to calm down and accept the facts and start waiting for a turn, instead of just being mentally exhausted. .

It was only then that Dekan gradually chose to listen to his master and slowly began to accept life in the Demon King's Tomb.

It was like running for a long time and then suddenly stopped.

Looking back on my year, it seems that I have experienced too many things.

Sometimes in just one day, you have to undergo the examination of the special card maker, attend the city-state celebration, screen the city-state terrorists, rescue the eighth-level card maker, hold an amusement park celebration, defeat the cardinal of the Church of Resurrection, and sign two eight-level cards. Class idols and other matters.

Full and true.

And this kind of high-intensity business also made Dekan not realize that he was actually exhausted both physically and mentally.

In the past six months, the biggest gain for him may be his state of mind.

He also needs to rest.

Now that it has been determined that there is no way to leave the Demon King's Tomb voluntarily.

It's better to take advantage of this rare time to hide your strength and bide your time.

Waiting for the turning point to come.

Dekan felt that he had now returned to the comfortable state he had when he first left the border town.

Seeing that the best magic instructor Sheen had resumed business, Dekan walked over and asked unceremoniously:

"Teacher Dazhan, do you have any other practical spells?"

"What else do you, a fifth-level boy, want to learn? And can you change your name?"

Although Sheen was pleased that Durkan was willing to address her as a teacher.

But she always felt that "Teacher Dazhan" was not a very good word.

After half a year of magic practice, Dekan is a little bit closer to the sixth level.

However, his magic learning results were still a mess in the eyes of the genius magician Sheen.

Originally, learning spells was the least efficient thing for Dekan.

Although after learning a spell, you can cast the spell on your own without spending the cost of a magic card.

However, learning spells has a high time cost.

Most spells are not as convenient as buying cards directly.

And card makers like Dekan would rather use their time to develop some new cards instead of spending a long time learning how to use spells proficiently.

But this half year.

Without a card-making tool, Dekan couldn't make any cards in the Demon King's Tomb.

So I could only learn a spell.

It just so happens that Durkan and Sheen are both supports.

The spells that Sheen is good at are also available and practical to Dekan.

If you think about it carefully, card making has been forced to stop for the past six months.

Dekan would always recall his card-making process over the years, consciously or unconsciously.

I found myself running at a high intensity.

Stop and take a break.

Maybe a nice digestive process too.

"You are such an idiot, I don't want to teach you anymore."

Xian said speechlessly.

She taught Dekan for almost half a year, but Dekan could only barely learn a third-level spell.

From the perspective of a talented ninth-level mage like her who could go down in history, Teaching Dekan was really tiring.

"I am originally an academic and scientific researcher. Besides, not everyone's magical talent is as outrageous as yours!"

After all, there are a few people in this world who can break through the limits of human beings and reach the ninth level.

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