"Tell me first, what will happen to you at the end of your plan?"

"...No comment."

Mie could only reply like this.

"Haha, I understand."

Durkan smiled and shook his head.

He was completely convinced of Mie's plan.

There is only one purpose that can be achieved by becoming a pope.

As long as you obtain the authority of the Pope, you can seize control of the [Space Jump Gate]. This was determined by Mie and Agamemnon when he participated in the development of the [Space Jump Gate].

And once Mie takes control of the [Space Jump Gate], she will take the Artificial Shadow World Launcher, along with Sheen and Agamemnon, to an uninhabited land!

By then, the Pope will be out of trouble.

Mie and Sheen died in battle.

The Pope cannot harm anyone else during the remaining time of [Chaos Liberation].

I can only wait in vain for the time limit to end and be sealed for thousands of years!

Mie's decision was actually to sacrifice himself to save everyone in the Philovan Kingdom.

"Dealing with you is really tiring."

Mie knew that Dekan had guessed everything, so he said as if he had no energy left.

You really can't fool him.

Mie also knew that it was impossible for Dekan to hand over the position of Pope to her.

And Dekan.

There is no doubt that she will personally replace Mie and accomplish what she wants to do!

"Mie, you only guessed one thing wrong. I never intended to die with the Pope."

A controlling smile appeared on Dekan's lips,

"Once I take control of the [Space Jump Gate], I will hunt it down!"

Along with Dekan's words, the bishop's certificate in his hand also emitted a magnificent light, and gradually evolved into a seal with a completely different shape. It had an ancient atmosphere and a hint of mystery and majesty.

[Certificate of the Painful Bishop] has been changed to [The Authority of the Painful Pope].

The Pope of Pain.

Born here!

All the people in the kingdom who saw this scene exclaimed.

"The position of Pope of the Resurrection Church was snatched away by Dekan?"

"Is this okay?! The mole stood in front of me and became the boss in the end!!"

"Celebrate! Cheers to the birth of the new Pope!!"

"Pope of Pain, defeat the original Pope!!!"

People never expected it.

In this desperate moment.

Dekan actually became the Pope of the Resurrection Church! !

Even if no one knew what Durkan was going to do.

Seeing Decana's iconic smile before winning, everyone's heartbeats couldn't help but speed up a lot.

"Okay, Xiao Zong, no, the previous Pope, let me take over the situation."

Dekan snapped his fingers, raised the papal authority, and immediately connected to his commander bracelet.

The backup energy of Feiluowen Capital was also connected to the [Space Jump Gate] that had been staying in the air.

"Master, have you found it?"

Dekan asked in his mind.

As long as that place exists.

Just get to that place.

You will be able to defeat the Pope!

"Dekan, it's far away, but it exists! I sensed the coordinates."

Even though the master was weak, he responded to Dekan's thoughts with extraordinary excitement.


shouted Durkan, as his eyes unabashedly turned gold.

He didn't care at all that his demonic form was exposed to broad daylight!

At this moment, even if he is the darkest darkness, it is the only color that can save the world!

Space teleportation magic.

Orientation coordinates in knowledge can be selected.

Or places you have been to.

Although Dekan hasn't been to many places.

But he knew that the master must have been somewhere.

As long as the [Space Jump Gate] successfully locks that coordinate.

Deccan Talomati will be able to bring the Artificial Shadow World Launcher with him!

In the sky, the [Space Jump Gate] gradually flashed with a thunderous arc of light, and the lights of the entire Philoven Capital, even the entire Philoven Kingdom, and the southern countries were flickering on and off!

Mie looked at Dekan and knew that he was about to use the [Space Jump Gate] to go to an extremely distant place.


"Dekan, you..."

Mie and Morion could not imagine where Durkan would go.

But there is no doubt that Dekan will only sacrifice himself wherever he goes!

However, Dekan just smiled at the two close friends in front of him.

It's a farewell smile, not a farewell smile.

"Mie, you didn't help enough this time. In the end, you have to rely on me. If we can meet again, you have to help me at least one more time. By the way, we also made an appointment to execute Adair together. , don’t kill him.”

Mie looked at Dekan's expression and was slightly stunned after hearing his words.

She didn't know if Dekan was acting or if it was real and so sure.


Even if Dekan was tricking her into making a promise to continue helping him in the future.

Mie also admitted it.

"Only if you can come back."

Mie simply replied.

Although Mie said so.

But I understand everything.

What she meant was that she must come back.

Dekan smiled and looked at Morion again.

"And you bastard profiteer, I may be a little far away this time. When I'm not here, just go home honestly. Flora seems heartless, but in fact she always talks about her brother and misses you. It’s been a long time. From now on, the Church of Resurrection can no longer threaten us, and help me take care of Kaixin Group.”

if you can.

Dekan really didn't want to spend all day scheming with Morion.

But I want to have one more friend with whom I can have tea in the afternoon.

"You're not lying to me to help you work for the rest of your life, are you?"

Morion showed a rare compromising expression and looked at Dekan and asked.

"I won't die, don't worry."

After saying that, within a few seconds, the [Space Jump Gate] was successfully activated.

Durkan was certain that he did not set out to become a lone hero.

Instead, he took the final step toward victory!

Because the coordinates he locked are——

The place of purgatory, the Tomb of the Demon King! ! !


## Author's Note:

Xi Zhi finally burned through five consecutive updates, updated 10,000 words, and finally coded the ending of the battle with the Resurrection Church in one breath. Please give me your monthly votes...

ps: [October Illustration Reward], all monthly tickets received from October 1st to October 31st will be converted into additional illustration funds from Xixi Dog’s own pocket on a 1:1 basis!

Volume 5 Throne of Snow and Thorns: 304 Dekan: The Demon King of the Closed World (6000 words, 63/132 more)

It was as if a certain section of the map went out under the night sky, then rekindled.

After the lights of the southern countries disappeared for a short time, they were all lit up again.

In the end, Dekan controlled the center of the Philoven Kingdom and used all the energy sources of the southern countries in a short period of time.

As a result, the entire southern countries have fallen into energy shortages.

And when the scene of Philowen Arena was switched on again.

It's already a different look.

The space door in the sky, the artificial shadow world starter, and Dekan were all gone.

Did a miracle really happen?

The terrifying monster that was about to destroy the Kingdom of Philoven just disappeared like this?

"Dekan... teleported away with the former Pope and Lord Sheen?"

Many viewers muttered to themselves in confusion.

Even though all the energy was occupied just now, they couldn't see the key picture.

They also quickly understood the situation.

"I understand!! His purpose in seizing the throne of the Pope is to gain control of that space door!"

"The former pope's red legendary card must have duration and side effects. Dekan's purpose is to take the pope to a remote no-man's land, so that the Philovan Kingdom can be saved!"

People are excited!

Dekan certainly lived up to expectations.

Completed miracles again and again! !

"But what will happen to Durkan and Lord Sheen?"

Someone asked suddenly.


Everyone who heard it fell into silence.

From time to time, the suppressed sound of swallowing can be heard.

Even if no one speaks.

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