However, the audience at the scene shouted again.

They all wish that the players could be a little more crazy before the game.

The harder you play before the game, the more effective the program will be after the game.

The host was about to yell at Adair, "Have you ever defeated a bishop?", but Adair seemed to see what he was thinking and said first:

"Our empire has never been afraid of the Church of Resurrection, right? Do you think so many kingdoms think they are scary?"

Immediately, the audience that was still cheering became much quieter.

They were very surprised by the mockery from the Imperial Sword Master.

Too pretentious?

The Imperial Sword Master, who has been acting very respectfully in the previous games, has finally stopped acting.

He just wanted to slap the entire Kingdom Federation in the face.

As long as he wins, not only will Dekan become a super clown and be nailed to the pillar of shame, but whenever this Hero Festival is discussed in the future, the entire Kingdom Federation will be unable to hold its head high in front of the empire.

"The Empire is pretending to be you! You are just a ※※ in front of the bishop!"

"Teach this bastard a lesson, Bishop of Pain!"

Loud shouts, louder than ever before, echoed in the arena, leaving the host at a loss as to what to say.

At this time, Durkan took away the microphone from the host's hand.

"The Saron Empire is indeed very strong, but due to the failure of the Ninth Order Shadow World, four provinces were destroyed and a full third of the population was lost. I think the Resurrection Church contributed a lot to all this, right?"

Dekan spoke as methodically as popular science history.

This not only silenced the shouting audience a lot, but also caused a slight change in the arc of the Imperial Sword Master's eyebrows.

Teacher Cat in the stands already felt something was wrong.

Although Dekan's attack on the Imperial people was very vicious, there seemed to be something wrong.

You’re not going to say “It is our duty to rebuild the glory of the Resurrection Church” in your next sentence, right? !

But Dekan quickly changed the subject:

"And none of our kingdoms would be stupid enough to allow the failure of the Shadow World to cause a natural disaster. Whether it is the Shadow World or the artificial Shadow World, they may all be the lifelong enemies of the people of your empire, right?"

After saying that, he looked at the Artificial Shadow World Launcher intentionally or unintentionally.

Suddenly, crazy shouts came from the arena again!

Dekan seemed to have no intention of talking trash this time, and was extremely calm during the interview. It turned out that he was just waiting for the other party's attitude.

Durkan's message is clear.

If you don't mess with me, I'll treat you politely, but if you want to talk, I won't give up the opportunity to mess with your mentality.


Adair recalled that Dekan had been looking at the artificial world activation device before, and suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart.

This guy has been mocking the Imperial people from the beginning, but he didn't even notice it.

But soon, Adair completely calmed down his inner emotions and returned to his usual smile.

To deal with Dekan, just keep calm.

He smiled and shook his head, as if he didn't care about Durkan's offensive words.

"Thank you both players for your speech! The game will start on time at six o'clock! We will hand over the screen to the commentary box!"

The host took the microphone that Dekan handed back to him. In just ten seconds, he felt that Dekan had regained his favorability.

As the host's words ended, the picture no longer stayed in the exterior scene.

Instead, it switched to three people sitting side by side in the studio.

"Okay, thank you host! There are about five minutes until the start of the game, and we have invited two special guests this time! Let me introduce to you..."

In the center of the screen, a middle-aged male official commentator took over the scene.

Sitting on his left is Alger, the Paladin Commander of the Sun Cult. The third runner-up in this competition has easily defeated his opponent in yesterday's third-place match and will also receive generous rewards.

Although Alger lost to Dekan, his martial arts performance in that game was in sharp contrast to Dekan, and his reputation was very good.

At the same time, Alger also regarded Dekan and Adair as his final opponents during the preparations. He could express a lot of professional opinions and was invited by the organizer to participate in guest commentary.

Sitting on the other side of the official commentary was a young girl with light blue hair.

She is Ludwig, a special correspondent for the Kingdom Federation.

She has been responsible for tracking and reporting on Dekan's deeds for a long time, and can be said to be one of the people who knows Dekan best.

Before the start of the game, the pre-game warm-up broadcast was also carried out on the broadcast screen.

The screen constantly displays data analysis, trump cards and close-ups of actual battles between the two players.

The official commentator also communicated with the guest commentators and began to analyze the battle situation.

The basic attribute growth of the Imperial Sword Master was briefly demonstrated just now.

Strength S, Magic A, Physical A, Mental B

And Durkan’s followed suit.

Strength E, Magic C, Physical D, Spirit SS

"We can see that the Adair player has almost perfect growth attributes that the combat class dreams of, while the Dekan player is more like a genius civilian."

"But viewers who know the game must know that player Adair is an all-round player who is good at martial arts and magic. Although he is a swordsman in combat, he has shown all-round suppressive power in the previous games. .”

"Player Dekan, uh..."

When it comes to game data, all of Dekan's game data have become very strange.

For example, "match length" and "injury analysis" all show some feelings like the data is broken.

However, the commentator quickly bypassed these embarrassing sections and began to discuss the deck composition of the Imperial Sword Master with the guest commentator.

Compared to Dekan's ace underworld cards that are well known to Kingdom audiences, the Empire Sword Master's epic cards are relatively unknown.

The first is that Imperial Juggernaut simply doesn't have the summoning cards it used in previous games.

【Chariot Chessboard】

[Category: Summoning Card]

[Level: Orange Epic]

[Level: 7]

[Effect: By consuming mana, you can summon a large number of seventh-level cavalry derivatives. By consuming additional mana, you can summon special cavalry, special function cavalry, and commanders with buff effects. 】

[Note: I am the army. 】

"This card can give the opponent absolute suppression on a single card, and it has mutual restraint with Dekan's [Surface Mask]."

"Although [Curse Soul Mask] can make the summoned object unable to be unsummoned and double the mana consumption, it can only be attached to the [Chariot Board] body. Derivatives not only cannot be equipped with [Curse Soul Mask], but also Because the sheer volume was too much for Durkan to handle.”

"Of course, if Adair wants to use it to suppress Dekan, he will pay a huge mana price."

Alger expressed his opinion. Apparently he had already analyzed the key cards of these two people.

The Imperial Sword Master has not used this card before because his opponents are too weak and there is no need to cause him such trouble.

But this card will indeed cause a lot of trouble for Dekan.

Because Dekan has neither attack power nor the ability to clear the field in a wide area, he cannot clear Adair's pressure at all.

Just finished speaking.

The cards displayed next in rotation on the screen made Alger frown.

【Immortal glass body】

[Category: Spell Card]

[Level: Orange Epic]

[Level: 7]

[Passive effect: The lower the health status, the more damage reduction is obtained. When receiving fatal damage, it will be immune and restored to full status. The cooling time is 30 days. It cannot be stacked with other card effects such as damage reduction, immunity to fatal wounds, and automatic recovery effects. 】

[Remarks: A mage can also become a tank by bringing it with him. 】

This is the most troublesome card of Imperial Sword Master, no less than Frantic Bishop's [Super Speed ​​Regeneration].

Although each has its own merits.

But this one is more versatile, and [Super Speed ​​Regeneration] is more suitable for people with a high enough physical limit.

Next up is the third epic card known to Imperial Juggernaut.

【Scorching Flame Demonic Sword】

[Category: Equipment Card]

[Level: Orange Epic]

[Level: 8]

[Effect: Obtain life-draining effect, the damage caused will not be affected by any enemy effects, and life force will continue to be consumed when using this weapon to fight. 】

[Note: Beware of the bad woman - from a certain deceased user of this sword. 】

This is a natural epic card produced by the Eighth-Level Shadow World, and it is also the real trump card of the Imperial Sword Master.

Not to mention the powerful endurance brought by its life-draining attribute, the damage caused can directly penetrate the enemy's damage reduction and invincibility effects. It can be said to be a flashy nemesis.

Coupled with the Imperial Sword Master's passive spell [Immortal Glazed Body], it allows the Imperial Sword Master to control his health to a state of high damage-free.

You can even cut down the cavalry tokens you created on the [Chariot Board] to suck blood.

Even if the Imperial Sword Master is on the verge of losing health, using this sword with a range of skills can directly restore it to full health.

Invincibility is written on his face.

In a one-on-one duel, you can even really compete with the bishop.

Just because Adair has never fought against a bishop, it is conservatively estimated that he has "quasi-bishop-level strength."

After all, if he really faced the unreasonable pressure of the Destruction Bishop Evans, or the increasingly angry and powerful fighting of the Crazy Bishop Clay, he would probably be suppressed.

"The Imperial Sword Master Adair can carry a total of 80 cost cards. In my pre-match analysis, in addition to those ace epic cards, he will also bring a set of cards targeting the Dekan system."

Alger continued his analysis.

The cards that are the most effective against Derkan include [Pain Shield], which is necessary for Derkan's 60x pain feedback, and [Purified Named One], which is used to control the strong control of "Captain Derkan".

Dekan's usual technique is to first madly change the opponent's mentality, making the opponent madly hate him.

Then you can use the characteristic of [Captain Derkan] that the more the target hates Derkan, the longer the taunting time will be to achieve the control chain.

However, [Purified Named Person] can remove certain abnormal status or control effects specified on the body, and will no longer be affected by this abnormal status/control effect within 10 minutes.

Moreover, named spell-like cards share a cooldown time of 60 minutes, and the cooldown time is not shared with ordinary purification magic.

This card can ensure that Adair will not be affected by [Captain Delkan] within 10 minutes.

A game is usually over within ten minutes.

If the duration reaches one hour, the winner will be determined based on the percentage of remaining mana of both parties.

Of course, this rule has not been used in this competition.

It takes two Gou Kings facing each other to fight for an hour.

Considering that Dekan is good at using poison magic, ordinary [Purification] and [Forced Dispel], the Imperial Sword Master will definitely bring it with him.

Then there are some blue and purple cards that are aimed at other than Dekan and are suitable for Adair's own system.

After Alger finished explaining, the official commentator looked at Alger and asked:

"I believe many viewers have a question, why don't these high-level powerhouses fill up the epic cards? Please ask Captain Alger to explain it to us."

Alger nodded and said:

"Although epic cards are powerful, epic cards also have a potential negative effect."

"That's what makes it difficult to untie."

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