There is no need to worry about the twenty-level armed idol group in total. The people in disaster dare not move.

The Bishop Killing Machine combination of Dekang and Croix requires at least one Bishop of the Church of Resurrection to deal with it.

So among all the people in the group.

The only weakness is Alice.

Of course, Dekan had already warned Mie and Cornelia not to leave Alice alone, and to stay vigilant and protect her in the royal capital.

So Cornelia, who had been a part-time scout in the early team, and Mie, who had professional scout skills, soon realized that someone was really following them.

Starting from Wangdu Square, we gradually followed all the way to the outer suburbs.

But it was hard for them to abandon Alice and take the initiative.

Just wait for the opponent to take action and defeat the enemy with one strike.

Mie and Cornelia just exchanged glances and reached a tacit agreement.

They have rich relevant business experience.

"Then how should we arrange our last afternoon together?"

Seeing that there was no clear itinerary plan, Mie asked.

But Nelia shook her head, as if she had no idea.

However, Alice seemed to have thought of something and said with bright eyes:

"I actually still want to experience betting, and I want to bet on Dekan to win!"

Mie and Cornelia looked at each other and felt embarrassed.

They felt that Alice just wanted to return to the kingdom after winning a big victory to show off that she was a gambling saint.

Anyway, she doesn't feel bad if she loses. If she wins, she can have more to show off.

For her, it's all about making money.

Although it is prohibited by the laws of the Philovan Kingdom.

However, the Kingdom Federation still advocates adding some entertainment.

So some behaviors are acquiesced.

For example, all multinational chambers of commerce and their branches in the Kingdom of Philowen can provide cross-border betting services during the Hero Festival.

In other words, you can place bets in the royal capital or remotely in other kingdoms.

Of course there is a service charge.

This leads to the fact that it is not worth it according to expectations, and it is more entertainment.

Alice doesn't seem to care much about profit or loss, she just wants to experience it.

So in order to fulfill Alice's dream of becoming a gambler.

Mie and Cornelia both accompanied Alice to the Innote Chamber of Commerce.

This was a gang-like chamber of commerce that I had seen in the Landil Kingdom.

Regardless of whether some of their businesses are serious or not, at least their integrity is guaranteed to a certain extent.


According to Durkan.

It's better if they don't have integrity.

Then it becomes a cash machine directly.

Therefore, after Mie came back from Landir Kingdom, he saw that Dekan would first cooperate with the Innote Chamber of Commerce on some cross-border projects, and he often wondered what his intentions were.

Soon they arrived at the branch of the Yinote Chamber of Commerce in King Philoven.

Before they could even enter the luxurious chamber of commerce building, a steward immediately came out to greet the three distinguished guests.

"Two distinguished guests from Kaixin Group, as well as Her Royal Highness Alice, welcome you to our Chamber of Commerce."

The steward welcomed the three of them into the chamber of commerce with great courtesy.

After briefly stating their intention, the steward quickly took the three of them to a VIP channel.

However, as they walked along the passage, they found that there seemed to be a young man standing in front of the exclusive VIP window.

Obviously, the other party is also a distinguished guest.

"Damn it, this bastard won't play dirty tricks again in the next game!"

Before they even got close, they heard the young man's unwilling voice.

It seems that there is an unlucky guy who keeps beating Dekan and loses.

Now hesitant to take another gamble before the final round begins.

Under the leadership of the steward, the three of them sat on the sofa and waited patiently, not in a hurry at all.

After all, they already felt very free.

Mie dragged her chin and observed the young man in front of them with interest.

Although she has never seen this person before.

But Mie, who has the skills of a disguiser, quickly saw that the young man was hiding his true appearance.

"The probability that he can continue to play dirty tricks is very small, but if he really survives tomorrow..."

The young man dragged his chin and muttered to himself, seemingly very troubled.

He was serious about winning the bet.

Just when he was thinking.

"I'll teach you, if you win with Dekan, you will definitely make money!"

Alice didn't mean to rush him, she just tried to persuade him kindly and sat on the sofa to remind him.

When the mysterious young man heard what Alice said, he was stunned for a moment, then turned around and shouted angrily:

"I'm not going to beat that bastard to win!"

Alice asked in surprise:

"Hey, do you know him?"

It feels like a bit of a personal vendetta...

Mysterious young man: “I don’t know you!”

Alice: "Then why are you so resentful towards him..."

The mysterious young man: "Who is so angry with him? Don't you think it's despicable that this person wins every game?"

Alice: "Hmph, victory is justice. Will you still reason with others if you lose the bet?"


The young man seemed to be silenced by Alice's words.

And the aura when Alice spoke was like a real old gambling sage.

Highlight a strong character.

It seems that he noticed the hesitation of the mysterious young man.

Alice stepped forward on her own initiative, took out the stored-value crystal card from the young man's hand, and slapped it in front of the counter.

"All of them are attached to Dekan! Believe me, I'm right!"

Alice said willfully and proudly.


The mysterious young man quickly put his hand on the counter to stop the manager from operating, and looked at Alice with some shock and anger.

It's not her money!

Besides, does she know how much money is in this card?

To treat a 10,000-gold-coin gamble as a joke is either a real gambling sage or a pure layman!

Alice: "If you lose, I'll pay you, if you win, give me half of the dividend, and then call me a gambling saint. Isn't that too much?"

Mysterious young man: "Do you know how much money is in this card? You still have to pay me, it's really..."

Alice ignored the young man.

He put his card on the counter and told the manager calmly: "Ten million."

Mysterious young man: "???"

He suspected there was something wrong with his ears.

What the hell is ten million?

Even the manager at the counter was so frightened that he almost fell off his chair.

It wasn't until he saw with his own eyes that the manager actually deducted 10 million from the girl's card and successfully placed a bet on her behalf that the young man was convinced that this guy was really outrageous.

Even after spending 10 million, she remained extremely calm.

The respiratory rate has not changed at all!

It's like 10 million is nothing to her, or she is really sure that she can win.

"Do you have a mine at home?"

The young man asked with his eyes widened.

"No way...hiss, it seems there is."

Alice thought about it and felt was right to say that the mines in the Norton Kingdom belonged to her family.

In fact, she didn't plan to press so much at first, she just planned to press a hundred thousand gold coins for fun.

But sensing the opportunity to show off, she immediately decided to do a stud.

Presumably this distinguished guest is also some unknown big shot.

In front of him, she made a show of holiness in front of others. Once this wave of pretense is achieved, someone will definitely brag about her legend in unknown places in the future!

Ten million is indeed close to Alice's entire wealth so far.

The young man looked at the counter, thinking complicatedly.

After getting the guarantee from this rich girl, if the Sword Master of the Empire loses, he will lose all his money. If the Sword Master of the Empire wins, although the profit will be halved, but if he loses, all the principal will be compensated. According to expectations, no matter what, it should be If you press Dekan, you will make a profit without losing money.

Looking at this wealthy girl, she doesn’t look like someone who would default on a loan worth ten thousand gold coins.

In the end, the young man decided to go to school too.

Although he was very unhappy with Dekan, the young man really wanted to win his first victory.

Of course, he decided not to hold a grudge against Durkan so much for a while if he could win a lot of money.

After exchanging bank account numbers, the two parties walked out of the Innote Chamber of Commerce.

The sun sets in the west.

The light was gradually extinguished on the other side of the horizon, and today's afternoon festival was coming to an end.

Instead, it was a moonlit night with a light purple mist rising towards the zenith.

The sky is covered with stars, and the stars are like cold light holes everywhere.

The streets began to be gradually painted black, and the breath of passersby seemed to be hidden unconsciously, and they fell into silence.

Whoosh, whoosh - the wind passed between the people at the entrance of the Chamber of Commerce.

It's obviously summer.

But it would send a visceral chill down the spine of those at the door of the Chamber of Commerce.

This is murderous intent that can no longer be concealed!

Mie and Cornelia looked serious.

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