Xiao Hui shook his head helplessly.

When she was about to leave, she remembered what she had promised her.

So he obediently lay down next to her.

Like an elegant aristocratic cat, it accompanied her into a deep sleep.

But the person and cat who fell asleep did not notice it.

A faint light shone in the amulet.

Like a hazy dream.

This is a classical style mansion.

"Dloys, are you okay?"

The deep middle-aged male voice brought the gray-haired young man in the office back to his senses.

The gray-haired young man looked around.

The middle-aged man in front of me had a brand-new cigarette in his mouth, as if he was waiting for someone to light it for him.

"I'm sorry, Lord, I didn't expect that I would be distracted."

The gray-haired young man quickly saluted the middle-aged man respectfully, with a calm smile on his face.

He reached out and lit the cigarette for the lord skillfully, took a step back, and waited for the lord to speak.

The gray-haired young man was wearing a butler's attire, his hair was neatly combed back, and he was wearing white gloves, looking particularly elegant.

But he knows.

All of this is just disguise and acting.

He was just imitating humans.

This is how a perfect squire should behave.

"Thank you very much for what you did for me. Although I shouldn't express this feeling to you no matter what, what you did... indeed saved many people in the territory."

The lord exhaled a puff of smoke and sighed in confusion,

"Dloys, I know you are the most dangerous guy, but I don't think you are evil. Or evil is not necessary for you. So I am more willing to deal with you than those evil people. .”

"I am honored to hear you say that, my lord."

The gray-haired young man saluted gracefully again and said.

But there seemed to be no emotion in his pupils from the beginning to now.

The lord stared at the gray-haired young man for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly and said:

"But Lodia is waiting for you, go and visit her."

"Okay, my lord."

The gray-haired young man saluted and quickly retreated as instructed.

As he walked past the cupboard in the lord's room with a calm smile on his face.

The figure of a male devil with gray hair and golden eyes reflected on the glass flashed past.


## Author's Note:

I was immediately stunned by this wave of posts. There were no posts in this book, so I didn’t even have to read it in the background. I can't see readers' feedback now, and I can't tell whether there are any problems with my writing. I'm really panicking. Originally, 283 Dream of the Holy Kingdom was a complete chapter, but I was afraid that the second half would ruin the article, so I separated Dream of the Holy Kingdom and left the second half. I will try it with a friend tomorrow and then I can publish it directly. Still a big change. There will definitely be an update tomorrow, and after this chapter there will be the previously announced illustrations for the fifth volume.

Volume 5 Throne of Snow and Thorns: [Volume 5 Illustrations]

The previously previewed illustrations for the fifth volume are here~

Image: "Volume 5 Illustrations", Location: "Images/1664384064-100315868-109409477.jpg"

The Shadow World part of the fifth volume should basically reveal most of the previous foreshadowings. This chapter and the next chapter are equivalent to the prologue of the Holy Kingdom Shadow World. In fact, the subsequent plot structure is already very clear. The Living Heroes Festival is over. This is the Shadow World Holy Kingdom chapter.

Because you can only upload images within 500kb, the image quality has been greatly reduced. Below are two slightly enlarged close-ups.

Picture: "Dekan", location: "Images/1664384183-100315868-109409477.jpg"

Image: "Talomati", location: "Images/1664384203-100315868-109409477.jpg"

The original picture is in the group file of group 948957812. If the group is full, I will create a new group, create a new chapter and send a new group number.

Please give me a monthly pass, [+1 update for every 500 monthly passes], the final sprint at the end of the month!

And let me emphasize again, the reward owed to this book will be paid off with this book, and there is no such thing as paying it back in the next book. All unfinished chapters at the end of the seven main volumes will be converted into free extras and the book will be extended in the future. Whether we can get out of the eighth volume depends on this wave, because it has been determined that it is not finished yet, so this is the last time for this book to add an update reward, and it is also the only chance to top the monthly ticket list.

Volume 5 Throne of Snow and Thorns: 284 Dekan’s Dream of the Holy Kingdom (Part 2) (4000 words)

A few minutes later.

The aurora is like a faint wisp of smoke in the starry sky, staying still for a long time.

The moonlight night was slightly cool, everything was silent, and the gray-haired young man walked on the mountains and fields without looking back.

As he moved forward, the bright moonlight generously reflected on the flowers around him.

Behind the Lord's Mansion is a sea of ​​flowers on a cliff.

There is a towering old tree at the end.

His destination is there.

A red-haired girl with a slightly haggard face was leaning against the tree.

His footsteps quietly sank into the grass, but he did not expect to trample the rare tranquility in the sea of ​​flowers.

Like a coincidence, the wind was surging, and she was awakened by the sound. She opened her eyes and looked at the waves of grass reflecting the moonlight. She stood up slowly while holding on to the tree. With a friendly smile on her face, she looked at the lonely road opposite. gray figure.

The gray-haired young man frowned, as if he couldn't understand why she was smiling.

Just when the gray-haired young man was about to say something.

The red-haired girl gently raised her hand and put her index finger to her lips, signaling him not to speak.

The gray-haired young man was forced to swallow his words as soon as they reached his lips, and walked towards the girl with a somewhat depressed expression.

The red-haired girl watched the gray-haired young man walk up to her with a smile on her face and asked:

"Dloys, I guess you want to ask me now, am I smiling out of kindness or malice at this moment? Or neither?"

Delois shook his head:

"Miss, you know, I can't understand human kindness and feelings, why do you deliberately embarrass me?"

He doesn't understand this girl.

Her name is Claudia, and she is the daughter of the lord of this territory.

The first time I met her and her father was almost three years ago.

At first, it was just a random interest, and he accidentally saved a lord who was plotted and was about to die. He wanted to study this down-and-out middle-aged man with desperate and stubborn eyes.

Unexpectedly, this lord with unique insight saw through the true nature of the devil under his disguise.

Just when Delois was about to kill the lord and silence him, the lord actually proposed a contract to him.

The lord promised to teach Delois more about humans and teach him how to disguise himself more perfectly, and Delois would lend him his power.

And at the end of the contract, the lord was willing to give his life to Delois.

Maybe it’s because I think this lord has some interesting emotions and qualities.

For example, compared to demons, the lord actually thinks that some humans are more evil.

Delois readily accepted the contract.

After the contract, he completed all the lord's commissions within a few months. During the relationship, he also successfully learned a lot from the lord.

Originally, for Delois, their contract had ended long ago.

He should accept the lord's life as agreed and then leave this place.

But changes always come faster than planned.

In the eyes of Delois, who likes to study anthropology, the lord's daughter, this conspicuous red-haired girl, is like an outlier.

Delois could never understand her thoughts and feelings.

She puzzled Delois like a puzzle.

He had planned to leave this territory for a long time.

It was because of this girl that I stayed here for two more years.

I also lived like a real human being for two years.

Although in the first few months, most of Delois's work was cleaning up the dirty work of villains.

But in the next two years, he helped the leader do a lot of things, which can be called doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

For a demon, this is extremely absurd.

Maybe ordinary demons have already been tortured crazy by this kind of test of good deeds.

But for Delois, he thought it was all worth it.

If one day I can understand this girl's thoughts, I will definitely take a big step closer to the great science of understanding human emotions.

Unfortunately, Lodia was suffering from a terminal disease that was incurable in this era, and she was already dying.

I don’t know if I can figure out the answer before she dies.

But that’s fine.

As long as she dies.

There is no reason for him to stay in this territory anymore.

You can go to your next destination with peace of mind.

Delois thought as his face gradually returned to its original expression.

That perfect fake smile.

However, before the girl Kolodiya could say her next words.

Her expression turned pale and her figure swayed.

It seemed that all her energy had been spent on standing up.

Delois quickly stepped forward and supported her.

Not out of concern.

Rather, it is a conditioned reflex of being a good steward.

The moment he really touched her, Delois realized that she had become so slender and haggard, as if she was about to disappear at any moment like a feather.

Perhaps those chosen by death will become more slender and more graceful, as if to show that death is superior to life.

There was no trace of sadness on her face.

There was only that warm smile that seemed to drive away the moonlight.

For some reason, Delois felt that she was more beautiful than any work of art he had ever seen before.

"I may not have much time left... I may not be able to give you the answer you want to know."

But Lotia said weakly.

She gradually lost the strength to even stand.

She let Delois hug her and snuggled into Delois's arms unsuspectingly.

"It doesn't matter. This is an unexpected surprise outside of the deal between me and the lord. I will not be disappointed by your death, nor will I feel as sad as the lord."

Delois's words sounded vicious.

What he said was indeed true.

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