It is precisely because of these mechanisms that the fifth level does not have the special regulations of "survive to increase devil points every day" and "no cost to advance to the next level" like the second level.

Its own assessment of jailers is not about chasing and escaping.

Rather, it is mainly reflected in deceiving, playing, and manipulating human emotions.

When the jailer reaches the fifth floor, he will obtain a phantom disguise, and his appearance and clothing will change into that of a human prisoner.

So he can mix freely with the group of human prisoners.

For example, the moment Dekan arrived on the fifth floor, his appearance completely changed into that of a harmless girl with gray hair and blue eyes. She lost her demonic features, and her attire turned into a prison uniform.

Of course, all this is just an illusion covering Dekan's original mimicry.

on this level.

Compared to the bulky warden.

The real masters are the human prisoners.

Now during the war between humans and demons, an exceptionally large number of human prisoners will be sent to this layer.

The prisoners who can successfully survive on this level must have discovered and understood the characteristics of the warden after experiencing certain sacrifices.

So whether it is really a strong psychological quality, or it is forced to suppress one's fear.

The prisoners who can survive are not too mentally ill.

Altis deduced that the surviving humans on this level would find ways to help each other, and even form a group and formulate rules in order to survive on this level.

After all, they need to find a way to bypass the warden's exam and collect supplies to stay alive.

The purpose of the jailer will be to disguise himself as a human being, blend into the crowd, find ways to sow discord, encourage their negative emotions, and guide the warden to eliminate them.

The more evil the jailer is, the faster he can earn a lot of demon points on this level.

Rather than evil power, what the jailers need at this level is an evil heart.

"The above are the key details of this level. Artis only knows the information of the fifth level and tried her best to help me. She doesn't know the subsequent levels."

Dekan did not rush to leave the safe area of ​​the portal, but quickly informed Morion and Teacher Cat of this information.

Judging from Morion's appearance, he seemed not to be worried at all, and even felt a bit like a tourist.

Dekan couldn't help but feel lucky that Morion was not sent to the fifth floor at the start.

Otherwise the man would be terrible both as a jailer and as a prisoner.

As a jailer, Morion is a disaster for humanity.

As a prisoner, it would take less than a day for Morion to turn this floor into his black heart factory.

"Are you thinking of something rude?"

Seeing Dekan's contemptuous expression, Morion seemed to understand what Dekan was thinking.

"No, no, I just feel like being a teammate with you is quite reassuring sometimes."

Durkan waved his hand.

But having said that, Teacher Cat did make Dekan a little worried.

After all, it has always been the timidest one on the team.

If Mr. Cat gets frightened and attracts the warden, Durkan will have a headache.

"Teacher Cat, are you not afraid?"

"Don't worry, meow. After listening to you explain the rules of this level, I just feel that following you makes me feel at ease, meow."

Mr. Cat assured proudly.

With the previous experience in the film world [Barren Mountain Blizzard Movie Enchantment].

Teacher Cat has completely realized it.

Under this werewolf-killing mechanism, Dekan and his companions will never be in danger.

Because Dekan itself is the most dangerous.

This time Dekan revealed his identity as the mole.

There is also the assistance of heavyweight guest Morion.

With the protection of these two ghosts, Teacher Mao felt so comfortable that he just wanted to have a good sleep in Dekan's arms.

## Author's Note:

I had too many classes during the day, so I started writing at night. By 3:30, I had only finished two chapters. I really couldn’t finish them.

There will be no classes tomorrow on Saturday. I will code when I wake up, at least three times.

I'm so sorry my dads.

( ?oωo` )

Volume 4: Endless Purgatory: Please take a day off, I’m extremely sorry

I have been wanting to read more these days, but I am becoming increasingly unable to do so, and my bedtimes are getting later and later. In the past, I usually slept until one or two o'clock at most, but these days I have been staying up until three or four o'clock, and my condition has become worse and worse. The worse it gets, the biggest problem is that my eyes are bleeding, my vision feels blurry when looking at the screen, and sometimes I can't see clearly. I don't dare to stay up any longer today.

Today's update has actually been written, but I think there is a problem with the writing, because I find it a bit uninteresting when I read it, and neither the logic nor the atmosphere are perfect. I discussed it with my friends for a long time and re-conceived it, and finally figured out the problem. It needs major revision or even rewriting, but after rewriting, it should be able to present a fifth-level plot of good quality.

I really don’t want to ask for leave. In the past, even if I stayed up until after four o’clock, I would finish coding before going to bed. However, I am worried that if I stay up late like this, it will lead to a vicious cycle or even bigger problems, so I decided to take a day off today to adjust my schedule. If I stay up late tomorrow morning If your eyes are still bleeding, go to the hospital to have your eyes checked. (chongxue is a sensitive word and is not allowed to be typed. It can only be typed incorrectly)

By the way, I would also like to explain to you why I update so late every day these days.

I was really overwhelmed by school during this period. Sometimes I felt like I was working fifteen or sixteen hours a day, 24 hours a day. On most working days in August, it would be good to get four or five hours of sleep.

Let me give you a solid background. First of all, I code very slowly. It’s not because my typing speed is slow, but because the plot of this book sometimes gives me a headache. Plus, if I feel that the plot is not satisfactory, I will delete it. I will never rewrite it and send it out, so sometimes 4,000 words is enough for me to work on it for 4 to 6 hours.

At school, I am not a high school student, but I am several times more miserable than when I was in high school, because I am studying the most nightmare major in business, actuarial science. Sometimes there are some complicated questions that even the professors themselves are not sure of the answers to. Several teachers answer the same question, and no two of them have the same answer. It’s really confusing, and the more you learn, the more desperate you become. When I was in my first year of graduate school, I often wanted to give up, but I managed to get through it. Now I am in my last semester as a graduate student, and the academic pressure is extremely high. By November, I finally graduated and can write books with peace of mind.

I finally got through the first wave of topics and exams this semester, and I will try my best to update them before October.

Because of the leave, two chapters are missing from the regular update, so [the number of updates due has changed from 64 to 66], there will be no missing chapter for everyone to update. Even if I use voice code tomorrow, I will add another chapter to make up for it.

I'm really sorry, please fathers, please bear with Xixi Dog a little longer, Xixi Dog is really trying his best to code.

( ?oωo` )

Volume 4: Endless Purgatory: 248 Dekan’s performance art (8,000 words, more updates 38 \u0026 39/66)

Every level of the Demon Prison is so high that the dome is invisible.

On this fifth level, there will always be an illusion.

It often feels like a blizzard will fall from the dark sky at any time.

But in fact, there will be no snow on this layer. It is just as cold and unbearable as an icehouse. From time to time, strong winds will blow from nowhere and torture the prisoners' minds and bodies.

Even if there is a continuous supply of food, the amount of supplies is very subtle and can keep people in a critical state of barely surviving.

In the long run, even prisoners with sixth-level combat power will not be able to exert their original strength.

Of course, in front of the faceless Igna, the warden of this level, whether it is the sixth or seventh level is meaningless.

Once the warden targets a prisoner through fear, anger and other negative emotions and starts killing him, there is no precedent for the prisoner to survive.

The wilderness on this level is divided into several areas by high cold iron walls, and each area has more intricate barriers.

Making this layer look more like a maze made of cold iron.

A barrier spell was attached to the solid wall. Whenever it was touched, the skin would be frozen on it forever.

Even the warden was unwilling to touch the wall that exuded a bone-chilling chill.

This level of prison is in the area near the portal leading to the sixth level.

In front of him, he was already on the edge of prison.

The dead walls were crusted with frost and connected to the ground.


From time to time, a low roar could be heard, as if coming from a crazy and bloodthirsty troll.

Once caught by the owner of this voice, he will be completely torn into pieces in a matter of seconds!

The prisoners on this level know this all too well.

He is a killing machine that no prisoner on this floor can stop——

Igna the Faceless.

He's not far away.

He must be avoided.

And a wall.

Three figures slowly came out and looked around.

In addition to a tall woman, there was also a young man and a red-haired girl.

Wearing prison uniforms, they endured the cold and confirmed that there was no faceless Igna in front of them.

They quickened their pace without hesitation, and a burst of white mist floated from their mouths.

He rushed towards the supply box in front.

Then the red-haired girl who was in the best condition carried the supplies, and the tall woman in the lead confirmed the route and began to evacuate quickly.

"Okay, I successfully got the supplement. The next time supplies appear will be about five and a half hours later."

The leading woman roughly estimated the time and said silently.

It took them a long time to find this box.

"Knelia, you are really powerful, much stronger and stronger than I imagined."

While evacuating, the leading woman looked at the red-haired girl beside her and said.

Although the leading woman could not hide her fatigue, her eyes were full of relief.

"It's nothing, sister Elaine."

After Kenelia arrived at this level, she quickly saw the warden, the faceless Igna, from a distance.

Just when she was at a loss, someone happened to notice her nearby.

Shout to her to pass on the information.

She told her not to be afraid. As long as she didn't have any negative emotions, the warden wouldn't be able to find her.

After learning this piece of information, Cornelia quickly calmed down and successfully bypassed the warden.

Because Cornelia is always by Dekan's side.

She didn't feel that this eighth-level demon was scary.

In fact, the reason why she was a little at a loss was not because of this eighth-level demon, but because there was no omnipotent Dekan around.

But it's not a big problem.

After returning from the Shadow World [Secrets of the Decline of the Sacred Rites] last time, Dekan wrote a manual for her with great care.

It contains various situations that she may encounter after being separated from Dekan, and how she should deal with them.


But Nelia also believes that Dekan will come to find her soon.

The same thing happened in the last Shadow World.

No one waited long before Dekan ran over and found her in the huge city-state.

Seeing Cornelia's calm look, the leader named Elaine couldn't help but said:

"When I first saw you, I knew that your courage was extraordinary. A person like you can survive on this level."

There was a young warrior beside them, who said to Cornelia with some shame:

"It was supposed to be my task to collect this batch of supplies. I'm sorry to bother you."

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