"You have the talent to make cards, but you should not plagiarize other people's scientific research results and make low-quality pirated cards to make money."

Dekan continued speaking earnestly.

He needs to communicate with Tata.

Only communication can find her weaknesses.

Any creature that can communicate through language can find ways to disturb its inner being.

The simplest is to keep trying to use offensive words to lure her into exposing her weaknesses.

"...That's not piracy!"

Tata finally spoke in response to Dekan's words, and her tone was full of anger.

She seemed to think that the pirated card that Dekan mentioned included her two masterpieces, [Cursed Doll] and [Psychic Shock].

She made it independently, and she is proud of it!

"Oh? So, [Captain Delkan], was this card really developed by you?"

Dekan sneered and half-covered his mouth with his hand in a pretense of politeness.


Tata bit her lip, unable to refute Dekan's taunt.

Because the sales of Tata's own cards have been poor.

Demon-style cards that lack core cards are unpopular cards that cannot be sold.

However, due to strange market demand, as long as two single cards, [Captain Derkan] and [Brigand Goblin] are produced, the price can easily exceed the price of first-level blue quality cards.

In this kingdom with huge passenger flow, [Captain Delkan] is currently the best-selling one.

She really didn't want to imitate the card maker named Dekan, and she didn't think she was worse than Dekan.

But in order to make money, she had to imitate [Captain Delkan].

This was a humiliation for her.

"Because the [Captain Derkan] you made has attributes that are different from the genuine card, you may kill customers. Did you know that such a low-level card maker is also qualified to write 'Masterpiece' on his work?" A word? It’s really ridiculous.”

Tata lowered his head, as if he understood the truth and was completely unable to refute Dekan's sarcasm.

After the interaction so far, Dekan can probably tell that Tata is a strong little girl, but she still understands the truth and will not be harsh.

The reason why she chose to pirate [Captain Delkan] was also obvious. It seemed that she was too short of money.

In this case, we have found her weakness.

After all, children of any age are still amateurs in their minds.

"The two of us are employees of Kaixin Group, and we won't hurt you."

Dekan looked at Tata seriously and said,

"But we are going to sue you and seek huge damages from you."

Hearing this, Tata suddenly raised his head, his originally determined eyes finding it difficult to focus for a moment.

## Author's Note:

There is another chapter in the afternoon, I will post it after I finish coding, sorry!

Volume 4: Endless Purgatory: 193 Dekan’s Generosity and Kindness

Tata finally seemed to panic.

Dekan admired her expression and regained the dreamlike feeling he had when he was in Demon Academy.

But he didn't prod Tata any more, just smiled and waited for her response.

After a while, Tata seemed to have realized something.

"I don't need money, but I need my life!"

Tata clenched his fists and shouted to Dekan through gritted teeth.

"That's what you said. If you can't get the money, you have to pay the debt yourself. You don't want to go to jail at a young age, do you?"

Dekan said with a planning smile.

Croix couldn't help but poke Derkan with his elbow.

He whispered in Dekan's ear: "Dekan! Putting aside your words, child labor is also illegal!"

"What are you talking about? This is called social practice!"

"Then, how do you calculate her salary?"

"There is no salary. What's wrong with me giving my sister some pocket money?"

"...How many times have you studied the Kingdom's Code in boredom?"

Croix finally couldn't help but complain.

He thought back to every afternoon he spent with Durkan.

Durkan is never idle in the library.

In addition to teaching Cornelia to study, he can always find all kinds of strange books to read carefully.

Including last time's "Instructions for Launching the Artificial World of Photography", a book that normal people would not read.

There are also various medical and treatment books, Croix can always see them in Dekan's hands.

This guy never reads books for normal study!

But looking for loopholes!

"How about it, little one, have you thought about it?"

Although there is no need for Durkan to continue to act in his true role.

But he thought Tata's entangled look was quite amusing.

I couldn't help but tease her some more.


Tata has always had a strong distrust of Dekan.

Or maybe she wouldn't trust anyone in the black market.

"Oh my, this is troublesome. Actually, brother, I really don't want to sue you. After all, when we are in court, you can't wrap yourself up tightly with a hat and bandages."

Durkan stared at Tata's eye under the bandage, looked at her hat, and said with a meaningful smile.

When Tata heard Dekan's words, his eyes widened, and his pupils began to tremble again.

"You don't have horns under your hat, do you?"

Dekan observed Tata's reaction, covered his mouth and asked pretending to be surprised.


Tata trembled all over.

"Just kidding, just kidding, how can there be a devil in this world?"

Dekan waved his wrist and said jokingly.

Tata's violent reaction seemed to have subsided quite a bit.

But she still couldn't hide the panic in her eyes.

She felt that this guy who kept squinting and smiling must have seen something! !

Otherwise, I wouldn’t scare her like this on purpose!


Dekan's voice was longer and more meaningful.

The teasing is over, it's time to confirm one thing.

"It stands to reason that with your ability, it would be easy to make a living on your own. However, not only can't you come up with money, but you have to be forced to work hard to make money. Why?"

Dekan asked, staring into her pupils. Then he walked straight to the door of the shop, opened the door completely, and then turned sideways to get out of the way.

He stretched out his left hand gracefully like a servant, signaling Tata to leave.

"You can leave at any time, I won't stop you."


Although Tata suspects this is a trap, this may be her only chance.

When she was about to rush out toward the light outside the door, she heard Dekan's voice again:

"You have debts, right? Do you have younger siblings to take care of at home, or do you have family members who are seriously ill and need high medical bills? It must be one of these reasons, right?"

When Dekan finished these words, Tata's last line of defense seemed to be defeated.

She knew what Dekan meant.

Dekan was hinting to her: You can run away but the monk can't run away from the temple. I can find you at any time.

Tata stopped and stood there like a doll that had lost its aura.

Her nails were about to dig into her palms, and tears were about to well up in her eyes, but she was trying hard not to let them fall.

"I'll listen to you."

Tata's voice was choked with sobs, mixed with unwillingness and grievance, as well as a sense of despair that forced her to give in.

Even if there was a fire pit in front of her, she had no other choice but to jump.

"You naughty kid finally knows how to give in."

In fact, Dekan is not sure whether Tata has any difficulties.

But looking at this reaction, he succeeded in fishing for law enforcement again.

The good news is that Tata is defeated, the bad news is that Dekan can't bear to continue teasing the poor man.

Just as Dekan was thinking about what to do next, he suddenly felt someone slap him on the back of his head.

It wasn't really an attack from behind, but an attack from the soul.

The only person who can beat him like this is Master.

"Master? What are you doing?"

Dekan was so confused that he asked in his heart full of doubts.

"Stop bullying her."

There was no emotion or anger in the master's voice.

But Durkan sensed that she was not in a good mood.

Because Shijiang never took the initiative to fight Dekan without Dekan provoking him.

"You turn out to be so compassionate. When I go back, I will definitely give you a little red flower, and I will rate you as one of the three best devils. The certificate will be hung on my bedside."

Dekan would not spoil his master, and his backhand was a mockery.

After teasing Tata, he felt that he had gone crazy and couldn't stop.


The master didn't say anything else.

Dekan felt that the master had grasped his heart this time.

"Wait! Just kidding! Can we be reasonable? This naughty kid pirated my card and got me into trouble. I want to educate her and let her know the dangers of society. What's going on?"

"I see you bullying her, and I always feel like you are bullying me. Is this reason enough?"

Master Jiang asked coldly, but he didn't feel like letting go of Dekan's heart at all.

"...Sufficient and necessary, very reasonable reasons. Convincing people with virtue is enough for you to understand."


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