If the mayor was only cheated of 100 holy gold coins this time, the mayor would most likely be able to offset the 200 holy gold coins he embezzled last time by taking half of it.

But this time the mayor was defrauded of 400 holy gold coins. The mayor would definitely go to the hiding place where he hid the gold coins to get such an amount.

"This, it's not good to do this, meow! I'm a teacher, how could I do such a thing, meow!"

Teacher Cat hid his tail behind his back and showed great resistance to Dekan.

"Let's put aside the luxurious seven-day trip to the Holy Kingdom and find the location where the corrupt mayor has hidden his stolen money. Why is it not good? As a noble priest, I have the obligation to investigate!"

Dekan's words were sonorous and powerful, which made Teacher Mao a little stunned.

How come this guy's speech is still decent?

There's nothing wrong with the logic.

Then Dekan pushed the astonished Teacher Mao out of the church and shouted:

"Teacher Cat, please teach us what justice is!"


Teacher Cat spun around in circles, seemingly going through a quick mental struggle, and finally ran out of the church courtyard to track down the mayor.

Dekan: "After we complete the remaining mission objective 2, we will help the mayor clean up the attic and make him clean."

Morion: "But do you have a clue about mission objective 2?"

Mission objective 2 is still unlocked.

Its relevant clues are likely to be on the city-state side.

The three of them, Dekan, mainly stayed in the small town during the first three days of the mission.

They also didn't find a way to get in touch with other challengers, so the information was completely missing.

"After some speculation, I think mission goal 2 should be to find the vampire count hiding in the city-state."

Dekan said in a rather confident tone.

After successfully verifying mission objective 3, he also came to a lot of conclusions.

Since mission objective 2 is hidden.

This means that it is unlikely to be a progressive task such as "explore a certain percentage of the map" or "collect a few clues".

Because there is no need to be secretive about that kind of mission.

The situation that needs to be covered up must be information that cannot be disclosed in the mission objective.

For example, mission objective 3 writes the name of Marquis Roderick and reveals the existence of this hidden boss, so it needs to be hidden.

Then mission objective 2 is very likely to also contain the real name of a vampire, and his identity should be the regular boss of this shadow world.

Therefore, Dekan boldly speculates that mission goal 2 is probably to find an unknown vampire count in the town!

Dekan sneered and said:

"I'm afraid this count is still foolishly planning to revive Marquis Roderick."

Morion adjusted the glasses that originally belonged to the engineer:

"Since this vampire count is still so motivated, shouldn't he have to squeeze out the remaining value? Otherwise it would be a pity."

Dekan: "As expected of you, the old street lamp pendant appears when you open your mouth."

Volume 3: Secrets of the Decline of the Holy Rite: 165 Dekan bids farewell to the town

Dekan learned that High Priest Kevin was a seventh-level powerhouse.

I want to remove the first layer of seal from Marquis Roderick on the premise of defeating the high priest.

At least it has to be a vampire count.

But the enemy did not continue to slaughter the residents of the town to perform a blood sacrifice to unblock and completely release Marquis Roderick.

The possible reason is that while the vampire count defeated the high priest, he was also forced into a desperate situation, and was not even enough to defeat the knight captain in the town.

Therefore, what is lurking in the city-state now is most likely a vampire count who is in a very weak state and is gradually regaining his strength.

Mission Objective 2 is actually an investigative reasoning task that races against time.

The challengers need to find the Count before he recovers.

If the vampire count can be found before a certain point in time, the challenger will be at a big advantage and can easily defeat him.

And after a certain point in time.

Once the vampire count regains his strength, it may be difficult for challengers to defeat him even if they find him.

There is also the possibility of being stolen by the vampire count, which will lead to the escape of Marquis Roderick and the failure of mission objective 3.

But now this unknown vampire count should have never dreamed of——

The Marquis is dead.

Dekan couldn't help but look forward to seeing the vampire count's expression when he learned that the marquis was killed in battle.

I really want to appreciate his or her fearful and desperate look.


People shouldn't think this way.

It's all the master's fault for teaching him bad things.

"Even I don't have such fun. Look for your own reasons."

The master seemed to hear Dekan's voice and echoed his thoughts in his heart.

"You are a big devil. How can you be so innocent? You make me feel embarrassed."

Durkan accused without any sense of danger.

"Chunliang? Are you provoking me?"

"No, no, no, I used the wrong word. You are the most vicious, cruel, and violent ancient demon!"


Shijiang seemed really angry, because she stayed silent for a longer time this time.

Then she angrily seized control of Dekan's body, grabbed the snack plate that Cornelia was holding in her hand, and stuffed the snacks into her mouth one by one.

Her movements were graceful, but she made the snacks disappear quickly.

that's all.

When Dekan regained control of his body again, his stomach felt so full.

Maybe I don’t even need to eat dinner today.

Cornelia was stunned.

"Dekan, are you hungry? Can I get you some more food?"

But Nelia quickly grabbed Dekan's sleeves with concern and asked.

She sensed that Dekan was starving.

"No, no, that was the price of strength just now, and I can't afford it now."

Dekan shook his hands and explained.

"You are full, but the vampire Earl must be very hungry now, right?"

Morion asked from the side.

In order for a weak vampire to recover, it not only takes time, but also requires a large amount of blood.

There are still seven days left for the mission, taking into account the difficulty and rationality of the sixth-level shadow world.

Even if this vampire count is left alone, he will surely gradually regain his strength.

And before the end of the shadow world, he will definitely recover and rescue the Marquis.

So these few days.

The city-state at night is the hunting ground of the vampire count.

"Yes, he will definitely hunt, but the method of hunting will definitely not be as simple as murder."

If this vampire count's method is just to come out and attack the target every night like a serial killer.

Then not to mention that the Holy Rite Church and the security forces in the city-state will search for him, even the remaining nine challengers can quickly discover the count's traces.

"That count must have an unconventional hiding place. It may be an extremely safe or extremely dangerous place, making it difficult for challengers to find it."

"It's okay, no matter where he hides, we can just follow the plan. Then give him a big surprise and let him see what it means to have money and do whatever you want..."

Just when Dekan and Morion were discussing going to the city-state tonight to solve the task of mission objective 2.

There was a knock on the church door again.

The mayor finally came back with the gold coins.

Dekan and Morion quickly went to help the nobleman open the door, with a "welcome" look.

"Here are 900 holy gold coins, handed to you, Mr. Engineer."

The mayor anxiously walked up to Morion and thrust a large bag of holy gold coins into his hand.

However, this time Morion didn't say anything.

He just smiled and held his breath.

Dekan, standing behind the mayor, released a [Hypnotic Gas].

Suddenly the mayor's eyelids trembled, his body swayed and he fell to the ground.

"You two habitual criminals, meow..."

Teacher Cat jumped out of the mayor's shadow.

It felt that the cooperation between Dekan and Morion was becoming increasingly ridiculously skilled.

If there is a connection between Dekan and Cornelia.

Durkan and Morion want to do exactly the same thing.

They don't need much communication at all. As long as they act according to their ideas, they will naturally cooperate.

"How's it going, Mr. Cat?"

Durkan asked.

"Found meow."

The teacher cat shook his tail helplessly, walked outside the church, and began his work of leading the way.

So the three people divided the work efficiently.

Dekan did his job as a priest as always, skillfully tying up the mayor and sending him to the confessional.

Cornelia, on the other hand, followed Teacher Cat to dig for treasure.

Morion transformed into the mayor and went to the mayor's house to help him clean up his treasures.

When the three of them met again at the church, they were ready to leave this town that held many of their fond memories.

"When the mayor wakes up, I hope he can find his original intention."

Dekan said rather regretfully as he locked the door to the church.

"You also taught him a lesson, didn't you?"

Teacher Cat couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes when he heard Dekan's sigh.

"That's not the case."

"Meow, meow, meow! Although the mayor is hateful, meeting you is really bad luck for eight lifetimes, meow!"

While chatting, the three people quickly crossed the bridge and took away the bridge.

The lack of a bridge also protects the town.

When Durkan first investigated the incident, he thought the bridge had been sabotaged by the enemy.

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