Chapter 747 Successful use of the Divine Cannon! Easily kill the incarnation of Hongjun!

After hearing the humiliating words of Hongjun’s incarnation.

Originally still wondering whether to use the Divine Cannon to kill Wang Mang in the incarnation of Hongjun.

Immediately after being incarnate by Hongjun, he laughed with anger, and his heart burst into death.

“Good good! I was still hesitating whether to kill you.”

“Now that I have decided, I will send you to Western Bliss first!”

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Mang had an extra two-meter-long cannon in his hand.

It is worth mentioning that.

This silver giant cannon has a silvery appearance.

Even Wang Mang didn’t even know.

What kind of material is this sacred cannon made of?

Because, this sacred cannon has a sense of science and technology in appearance.

But it looks a bit like… Gatling?

But there is only one barrel of the Shenshen Cannon.

Moreover, the gun barrel is still a leader.

“Is this the God Cannon?”

“A low-level shell can bombard and kill the god emperor early stage?”

At this moment, Wang Mang also looked at the Death Cannon in his hand with surprise.

Afterwards, he subconsciously aimed the muzzle, the incarnation of Hongjun in front of him.

at the same time.

The incarnation of Hongjun, who was about to mock Wang Mang for a few words, suddenly froze.

He stared fiercely at the Meteorite Cannon in Wang Mang’s hand, feeling uneasy.

At the same time, Hongjun’s avatar was also thinking carefully about the things in Wang Mang’s hands.

Judging from Wang Mang’s previously confident words.

The incarnation of Hongjun knew that this thing was absolutely extraordinary.

However, he wanted to kill him with this thing, but it was a bit whimsical.

He is Sage!

Although it is very weak compared to the deity.

But in the weak, he is also a Sage.

Similarly, he is also the self-dead of Hongjun daddy.

Once Hongjun cut the three corpses before he fits in.

Stripped him out of the deity.

Therefore, he is not only a part of Hongjun, but also a new life form.

If Hongjun died, he would also die.

But after he died, Hongjun wouldn’t die!

Because he was just the three corpses of Hongjun.

Therefore, the incarnation of Hongjun took a deep breath, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and said coldly:

“Just because you want to kill my ancestors? Something beyond your own control!”

After that, Hongjun’s incarnation was ready to take the lead to kill Wang Mang.

Even if he couldn’t kill Wang Mang, he could prepare early.

Because Hongjun’s incarnation hates this kind of uneasy feeling very much.

After all, he almost reached Sage’s existence.

This feeling made him very angry and upset.

After seeing Hongjun’s incarnation shot again.

Wang Mang even sneered, and immediately urged the Death Cannon with all his strength.

Because, Shen Cannon itself possesses a low-level cannonball.

Therefore, under Wang Mang’s urging.

A shocking scene happened.

I saw that the muzzle of the Shenshen Cannon began to crazily absorb the energy elements of the nearby heaven and earth, rushing into the mouths of the Shenshen Cannon frantically.

After a while!

Aiming at the muzzle of the god of death, Hongjun’s incarnation, a strong beam of light suddenly burst out.

At the same time, a deafening sound rang!


The next moment, a law like a streamer gathers power and bursts towards Hongjun’s incarnation.

The speed was so fast that even Wang Mang, a strong god emperor, could not see clearly.

But Wang Mang could feel the power fluctuations that made him tremble and palpitations, very terrifying!

Even Wang Mang didn’t doubt that if this shell hit Own.

Even if he is a strong god emperor, he will definitely fall on the spot!

at the same time.

The incarnation of Hongjun, who was about to shoot, was even more dumbfounded when he saw the perishable cannonball fired at him.

What made him even more horrified was that he felt the breath of Death in the aftermath of this explosive shot!

In fright and anger, it was too late for Hongjun’s incarnation to escape.

Therefore, he couldn’t help but roared: “No! I am the incarnation of Hongjun, I will never die!”

While roaring, Hongjun’s incarnation is the force that urges the vastness of the law.

In a hurry, he condensed a defensive enchantment, trying to resist this shell.

But The next moment, accompanied by a shocking explosion, Hongjun’s incarnation was submerged.

At the same time, under the proliferation of the aftermath of the soaring Cannon of Death, a wave of terrifying laws and aura swept through the thirty Third Stage.

But when Yu Wei spread, Wang Mang was shocked.

Because Hongjun’s incarnation is gone!


Even being bombarded with no scum left?

Suddenly, Wang Mang was also frightened by the power of this deadly artillery.

Damn it! Is this the power of the God Cannon?

It’s so fierce!

Suddenly, even Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling deeply moved.

With one cannonball, an early stage powerhouse in the Divine Emperor Realm disappeared instantly?

Moreover, this is the incarnation of Hongjun!

Needless to say the fighting power of this guy!

Even Wang Mang couldn’t do anything to him.

As a result, he still couldn’t hold the guns!

have to say.

Wang Mang was also shocked inexplicably.

This thing is really good.

If you give him a few more shells.

Wang Mang is almost invincible!

at the same time.

What Wang Mang didn’t know was.

In the chaos outside the chaotic sky.

A terrible battle is erupting here.

Moreover, this battle has been going on for a long time.

One of the parties in the battle is Hongjun, daddy, the original Tianzun, Zhunti, and the lead.

As for the other side, it is the three powerhouses.

They are a giant with long red hair whose strength is equal to that of Hongjun.

Similarly, the other two are also giants, obviously from the same clan.

These two statues are also very powerful, and they are one enemy two with Realm.

Moreover, the two sides have been fighting for a long time.

It is a pity that even Hongjun could not suppress this red-haired giant.

The two have been fighting for so long, and they have been evenly matched.

But at this moment.

Hongjun suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

After that, the ancestor Hongjun, who was old and gray-haired, spewed out a bit of blood, and his whole breath became weaker.

This also made the red-haired giant stunned for a moment, and immediately burst into laughter: “It seems that your avatar was killed by some kid!”

Obviously, it is basically impossible to conceal the big and small matters that have occurred in the prehistoric world.

As long as Wang Mang broke through, the system concealed the sky and they couldn’t guess at all.

But when Wang Mang successfully reached the god emperor rank combat power, they were able to know immediately.

Therefore, Wang Mang and Luo Hui have a scene of communication.

Even the scene of Wang Mang and Hongjun fighting in the incarnation.

Basically, I couldn’t hide it from them.

But what about it?

Hongjun couldn’t get away at all.

I don’t know the timing of Wang Mang’s breakthrough at the Divine Emperor level.


Hongjun will definitely order Hongjun’s incarnation to shoot.

At this time, Hongjun looked gloomy and remained silent.

But the ancestor Hongjun had a look in his eyes, bursting out a stream of light, rushing to the prehistoric world.

This is obviously a cross-border projection!

It is also one of Sage’s abilities!

at the same time.

When Wang Mang was about to enter the Zixiao Palace.

An indifferent face condensed in the sky.

This face is exactly what Hongjun ancestor has transformed!

Moreover, he was watching Wang Mang condescendingly.

Afterwards, Hongjun’s indifferent voice resounded throughout the world:

“Wang Mang, are you really going to be an enemy of this ancestor?”

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