Chapter 702 Wang Mang’s shock! The strength of the Saint Emperor Seventh Stage? Provocation from little Tathagata?

But after discovering the strength of these two young figures.

Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling very bitter.

Because of the strength of these two guys, they are too damn strong!

The young figure in the white robe, the aura of strength has reached the Seventh Stage of the Holy Emperor!

The young figure in the black robe, the aura of strength is also the Saint Emperor Seventh Stage!

The only difference between the two is the young figure in a black robe with a grimace mask on his face.

As for the handsome young figure in the white robe, he didn’t wear anything on his face, and his expression was always calm and calm.

But the strength of the two is indeed so strong that it is almost abnormal!

The power of the Saint Emperor Seventh Stage.

In Journey to the West, this is equivalent to the existence of Three Corpses!

But how about Wang Mang?

Wang Mang himself Realm Shengdi First Stage days.

Counting the Immortal Emperor mask, you can reach the Holy Emperor Third Stage days.

Counting Peerless Tianjiao, you can reach the Holy Emperor Sixth Stage days.

But Wang Mang is still bad, First Stage Realm!

It can be said that these two guys are too strong!

Unless Wang Mang displays the wrath of gods and demons.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult for Wang Mang to defeat these two guys.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt helpless.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly heard a cry of exclamation.

“Why is he? Why did he come?”

“This guy is… the little Tathagata from the Temple of Gods and Buddha in the Western Heaven Realm?”

“Why did little Tathagata come? What is this guy doing in the Eastern Celestial Realm?”

“That is, although this guy is also on the Tianjiao list, he ranks only 30th.”

“Hehe, don’t say that, they are also on the Tianjiao list anyway, we can’t afford it.”

“So what? It’s just the role behind the crane on the Tianjiao list.”

Suddenly, all kinds of discussions broke out.

But many powerhouses and crowds who joined in the excitement, have followed the little Tathagata’s steps, one after another took the initiative to give way.

Wang Mang was also attracted by the discussion and couldn’t help looking sideways.

I saw a young little monk in a white robe, smiling at the corners of his mouth, putting his hands together, and growing lotus step by step, walking towards this side.

The most eye-catching thing is that this little monk has red lips and white teeth, and has a peerless beauty, which amazes all beings!

At least, in Wang Mang’s sight of so many handsome arrogances, absolutely nothing is more handsome than this little monk.

But after Wang Mang felt it carefully.

Wang Mang was immediately surprised to find out.

The strength of this little monk is not too strong.

At least compared to the two guys who are fighting.

The strength of this little monk is obviously weaker.

Just judging from the breath.

Only the appearance of Saint Emperor Sixth Stage.

This immediately made Wang Mang’s eyes brighten.

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart:

“I can’t handle this Eastern Cloud and Void Cliff.”

“But you are a little monk, Daddy still has a way to handle it.”

Obviously, this little monk from the Western Heaven Realm immediately made Wang Mang think about it.

After all, the strength of this little monk.

In Wang Mang’s view, it was a lot different from Dongfang Yun and Xuwuya.

It can be said to be the most suitable object.

But just when Wang Mang had this idea.

The handsome little Tathagata with a bald head suddenly turned to look at Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment and looked at little monk blankly.

The next moment, this little monk stepped towards Wang Mang, always smiling.

Then, after arriving in front of Wang Mang, the little monk stopped and watched Wang Mang seriously for a while.

Suddenly, Wang Mang’s heart was groggy. Could this guy still have telepathy?

“This benefactor, I feel that you are full of malice towards this seat, and want to make evil results with this seat.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed blankly: “Little monk, do you feel wrong?”

“Do you feel wrong? You know in your heart.” Little Tathagata smiled and said:

“But you’d better not provoke this seat, otherwise this seat will send you early to bliss!”

Upon hearing this little monk’s words, Wang Mang was stunned.

This guy really has an extremely handsome face, and speaks the most ruthless words with the softest attitude!

It’s a pity that this guy’s naked threat didn’t help Wang Mang at all.

Moreover, Wang Mang himself wanted to take action against this guy.

If he defeated this guy, he should be able to become a Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said:

“Are the monks in the Western Heaven Realm as crazy as you?”

Hearing this, the little Tathagata of the West Heaven Realm smiled and said:

“It seems that you are full of malice against this seat!”

Suddenly, the two men were at a scene of tense swords.

An instant crowd of people.

They fell into a brief silence one after another.

The eyes came together one after another.

After a long silence, the little Tathagata of the Western Heaven Realm suddenly chuckled and said:

“You are enough to plant, don’t be afraid of death, fight this one for life and death!”

After speaking, the little Tathagata of the Western Heaven Realm jumped up and jumped onto the battlefield.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly raised his mouth and jumped onto the battlefield without showing weakness.

Seeing this scene, Little Tathagata of the West Heaven Realm sneered:

“Boy, a battle is divided into life and death, do you agree?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded blankly and said, “Agree.”

As soon as the voice fell, on the battlefield, a battle barrier instantly condensed.

Upon seeing this, the little Tathagata of the West Heaven Realm was shocked, and then couldn’t help laughing.

“You are really kind enough, Holy Emperor First Stage, dare to come on stage, this seat is as you wish.”

As soon as the voice fell, the little Tathagata of the Western Heaven Realm swept towards Wang Mang without hesitation with his own breath.

Obviously, he wanted to use the power of the Holy Emperor Sixth Stage Heaven to directly overwhelm Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang didn’t care, he just released the breath in his body without reservation.

Therefore, the terrifying aura of Little Tathagata had no effect on Wang Mang in an instant.

The Holy Emperor Sixth Stage Heaven wanted to use aura to have too much influence on the powerhouses of the Holy Emperor Third Stage Heaven, and it was basically impossible.

However, when Wang Mang’s breath was revealed, Xitian Xiao Tathagata was surprised, but he still smiled indifferently:

“Peerless Tianjiao? Such strength is still not enough.”

“If that’s all, you still have to die today!”

Hearing that, Wang Mang had an extra mask out of thin air, and he slowly put it on his face.

At the same time, the breath of Wang Mang instantly changed from the Holy Emperor Third Stage sky to the Saint Emperor Fifth Stage sky!

Seeing this scene, the little Tathagata, who had a relaxed smile on his face, instantly stiffened.

He looked at Wang Mang with a stupefied expression on his face, with an unbelievable look, his eyes widened.

Obviously, he didn’t expect it at all, just in the blink of an eye.

Wang Mang went from the strength of the Saint Emperor First Stage to the Saint Emperor Fifth Stage!

At the same time, the audience in the entire arena obviously recognized the Immortal Emperor mask.

After a moment of silence, the entire arena was completely boiling, and the audience was in an uproar!

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