Chapter 691 Successfully killed 15 peerless Tianjiao! Can you be promoted to the Peerless Tianjiao?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang’s heart was immediately exasperated.

Now he is only missing the last one of the peerless Tianjiao.

Wang Mang will be able to be completely promoted to a peerless arrogant!

At that time, everyone in this room will all raise their hands to suppress!

Just as Wang Mang was in high spirits, the crowd of arrogances outside the arena also fell into a commotion.

Bai Zhitian, the peerless Tianjiao of the top big family, is naturally not to be underestimated.

Moreover, Bai Zhitian’s strength has been recognized by many peerless talents in the same Realm.

But now such a peerless Tianjiao has fallen into Wang Mang’s hands!

This also made the hearts of the peerless Tianjiao present heavy.

Wang Mang’s strength, I am afraid that he is not far from being invincible with Realm, right?

This is the thought of many Tianjiao present, as well as the peerless Tianjiao.

In the same crowd of Tianjiao, Tong Nian was even more excited.

Especially to see that Wang Mang town killed an exalted Tianjiao.

He seemed to have seen Wang Mang, who was once invincible in the secret realm of the supreme graveyard.

If it hadn’t been for the reservedness, she would have almost encouraged Wang Mang!

at the same time.

After calming down the excitement.

Wang Mang suddenly raised his head confidently, looking at the arrogances in the arena in the distance, pretending to be calm, and said:

“Which one of the peerless Tianjiao is willing to fight against Realm with me?”

As soon as Wang Mang’s voice fell, the audience was silent, and amidst the peerless arrogances, they fell into silence.

After all, they all saw Wang Mang’s combat effectiveness. In the battle against Realm, Wang Mang killed 14 peerless Tianjiao.

No matter what they think of Wang Mang, they cannot deny that Wang Mang’s strength is really very powerful, and he is a rare opponent in Realm!

Therefore, there is no peerless Tianjiao right now, who jumped out and confidently said that he would kill Wang Mang.

Because who kind of self-confidence jumped out and said that they wanted to kill Wang Mang, and the guys who wanted to step on Wang Mang’s head to make a name for themselves were basically all dead!

Seeing that there was no peerless Tianjiao willing to jump out, Wang Mang suddenly felt a pity in his heart.

It was really the same as he had guessed, but his town had killed a sufficient number of the Peerless Tianjiao Empress.

The number of those who dared to fight Realm with him is dwindling.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang pretended to helplessly sighed:

“Is it true that none of the peerless Tianjiao present here dare to fight with Realm?”

“Am I really so strong? Are you scared by the strength of this seat?”

Following Wang Mang’s words of contempt and humiliation.

The faces of all the arrogances present changed drastically.

Especially a group of peerless Tianjiao.

Because of what Wang Mang said.

It’s simply defying them nakedly!

I didn’t put them at all. To put in one’s eyes!

All of a sudden, the faces of the peerless Tianjiao became even more angry.

“This guy is too rampant! Really think we’re afraid he won’t make it?”

“Hehe, the villain has the ambition, but killing a few peerless arrogances, do you really think you are invincible?”

“There is a reason to be mad, and his strength is in the same Realm, even in the peerless Tianjiao, he is definitely a strong one.”

Suddenly, a group of peerless Tianjiao people talked, some were furious, some were disapproving, and some were full of murderous intent towards Wang Mang.

At this time, a gentle laughter sounded:

“Fellow daoist, I have killed so many, now can I fight Realm?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly turned his head to look at Wolong Shengzi.

Seeing this guy, he always looked at him with a smile with his hands behind him.

Wang Mang suddenly felt confused.

Daddy is so strong, aren’t you afraid of me?

Haven’t you seen that I have killed 14 peerless Tianjiao?

Suddenly, Wolong Shengzi’s attitude made Wang Mang a little suspicious of life.

It stands to reason that this guy should be afraid of him when he sees that he is so powerful!

At least, even if you are not afraid of him, you should be cautious, right?

But what about this guy?

The attitude towards him remains the same?

But why is this guy so confident?

Daddy is so powerful, why are you so confident?

This is the doubt in Wang Mang’s heart.

But for the sake of caution, Wang Mang did not accept this guy’s fight.

After all, he was close to completing the task.

Once the task was completed, Wang Mang settled down on Wu You.

When the time comes, even if he fights with this guy, Wang Mang will be extremely confident.

It can even be said that it is completely invincible!

But in order to maintain a compelling match, he naturally couldn’t bow his head.

Therefore, Wang Mang pretended to be calm and smiled: “Why is the fellow daoist so anxious?”

“After another peerless Tianjiao fights with me, in the next battle, I will learn the tricks of the fellow daoist of Wolong Shengzi!”

Hearing this, Ao Tianhen smiled and nodded, apparently agreeing to Wang Mang’s request.

Seeing this scene, many peerless Tianjiao looked at Wang Mang more solemnly.

Because Wang Mang is worthy of even Wolong Shengzi, and the oppression he gave them is even stronger!

“Could it be that there isn’t a peerless Tianjiao who dares to fight with me?”

“It shouldn’t be! Is it that everyone in the room has been scared to fight by my strength?”

“Isn’t it? Everyone in this room is also a peerless arrogant! Are you so insecure about yourself?”

Following Wang Mang’s cynicism, a peerless Tianjiao finally got angry:

“Then let Leng Ye teach you the brilliant tricks of the Ten Thousand Demon Saint Child!”

As soon as the voice fell, this peerless Tianjiao jumped onto the battlefield without hesitation!

Later, Leng Ye looked at Wang Mang with cold eyes, and said coldly:

“I will fight Realm with you, do you agree?”

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became excited.

Afterwards, Wang Mang smiled and nodded without hesitation: “Agree!”

The next moment, the enchantment is condensed and the battle begins!

It is worth mentioning that.

The strength of this cold night is really not covered.

Not to mention very powerful, the combat effectiveness is also terrifying!

Whether it is attacking magical powers, defensive magical powers, or space magical powers, all are top-notch!

He fought fiercely with Wang Mang for several hours in one go!

In the last resort.

In the end, Wang Mang could only use the top supernatural powers of the Yuanshen type!

After all, if Wang Mang doesn’t use this top god-tier trick, he really can’t take this guy!

But at this moment, a deafening roar came:

“My Son of Ten Thousand Demons, if you dare to kill my Yejia Tianjiao, the old man will crush you!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly turned his head to look around, and saw an old man in the late stage of the Saint Emperor in the corner of the arena, staring at him with cold eyes.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly sneered.

Then, under the frightened and angry gaze of the old man this night.

Wang Mang did not hesitate to use the swallowing yuan and devouring the gods!

The next moment, Wang Mang’s Yuanshen came out of his body and slammed into Leng Ye’s body.

Not only that, but Wang Mang came to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Spirit Platform in Leng Ye for the first time.

Facing Leng Ye’s frightened soul, he rushed up like a lion, biting and swallowing frantically.

Leng Ye was bitten and swallowed by Wang Mang’s screams again and again, and finally the soul was completely swallowed by Wang Mang!

When Wang Mang Yuanshen returned to his body, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully killed a peerless Tianjiao! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully get 1 point of talent! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 2 billion energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the Xianwang blind box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the Xianwang level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully get 10 talent points! 】

【Ding! Accumulated talent value, has met the promotion conditions, are you promoted to a peerless talent? 】

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