Chapter 689: Another Demon Goddess Tianjiao? Can’t beat if you go all out?

After hearing these words.

Wang Mang smiled suddenly.

He didn’t expect this guy to be so crazy.

But Wang Mang was also very happy in his heart!

This means that his acting skills are quite good!

In fact, it is true.

In Liu Bei’s view, Wang Mang was lucky to win.

Moreover, Wang Mang had fought for so long before.

In his opinion, Wang Mang’s strength is just average!

Yes, very general!

Similarly, the strength of the bone giant is even more general.

Because of this, he can’t wait to jump out.

After all, once Wang Mang is killed, too many benefits will be gained!

Not only can he become famous, but the immortal emperor’s mask is even more exciting to him!

At this point, Liu Bei said indifferently, “I will fight Realm with you! Do you agree?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately looked extremely angry, and roared without hesitation: “Agree!”

This also made it seem to outsiders that Wang Mang was simply dizzy.

Similarly, many of the Tianjiao group at this moment also questioned Wang Mang.

Because the fighting power displayed by Wang Mang is completely different from the power that the Saint Son of Sacred Land should have!

On the contrary, on the other side, Zhang Tianyou, who was able to fight the Demon Sword Immortal, had a very powerful combat power at first glance!

If Wang Mang is only at this level, Zhang Tianyou can’t lose to Wang Mang, right?

At this moment, many people have doubts and questions in their hearts.

At this time, a Tianjiao from the City of Ten Thousand Devils smiled and explained:

“I know this.”

“At the beginning, Zhang Tianyou and this guy competed for the position of the saint son.”

“It happened that Zhang Tianyou Little Sister was taken away.”

“That’s why Zhang Tianyou gave up the battle for the saint son, and in the end he got this guy in vain.”

After hearing the words of the Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Demon City, all the Tianjiao present came to their senses.

Then, they looked at Wang Mang’s eyes, and they also became contemptuous and contemptuous.

Originally they thought Wang Mang was hiding himself.

In the end, after a long time, it was lucky to pick up the leaks before becoming the saint son of Sacred Land.

All of a sudden, their eyes on Wang Mang changed, full of contempt.

Even if Wang Mang himself is very powerful, they are also very disdainful.

Because Wang Mang did not rely on his own strength to successfully obtain the position of Saint Son.

In their eyes, Wang Mang, the so-called Saint Son, was naturally full of water.

This also caused some doubts at first, and even the cautious peerless Tianjiao, some eager to try and a pity.

On the contrary, they hope that Wang Mang can kill Liu Bei, and then it is best for Wang Mang to survive and let them completely solve it!

After all, who can step on a Sacred Land saint son to make a name for himself and obtain the Immortal Emperor mask, who is not moved?

A few more hours later.

Under the eyes of all peerless Tianjiao nervously looking forward to.

Liu Bei finally fell!

“Okay! Finally dead!”

“Yeah! Frightened me, but fortunately, this Ten Thousand Demon Saint Child is able to hold it!”

“Don’t fight with daddy, daddy is a member of the generals of Ten Thousand Demon City!”

“Think beautiful! This saint son of Sacred Land will surely become my stepping stone!”

“Go away, the saint son of Sacred Land, it’s time for me to kill him!”

All of a sudden, all the peerless Tianjiao were excited.

Even in order to be able to take the first shot, one after another quarreled with blushing ears.

at the same time.

Wang Mang in battle.

Naturally saw this scene.

Regarding this, Wang Mang couldn’t mention that he was overjoyed.

The next moment, another juvenile Tianjiao, jumped onto the stage.

It goes round and round like this!

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Wang Mang was fighting hard on the battlefield, his face was extremely solemn.

He has already killed 13 peerless Tianjiao one after another.

But this time, he ran into a ruthless character.

The strength of this guy is too strong.

It’s been a day of fighting with Wang Mang!

In the same Realm, among the peerless Tianjiao.

This guy’s strength is definitely qualified to compete with Wang Mang.

Because this guy’s defensive supernatural powers are top-notch.

The fighting supernatural powers are also top-notch.

Even the supernatural powers of spatial capture are top notch.

Bai Zhitian basically has the top supernatural powers that Wang Mang possesses.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang has been unable to win the opponent after fighting for so long!

“Damn it! This Bai Zhitian is really amazing, you have to find a way to do it!”

At this moment, Wang Mang’s heart can be described as anxious.

Because, he only needs to kill this guy now.

Then the task is close at hand!

He had already killed 13 Peerless Tianjiao in front of him!

Just as Wang Mang was thinking about how to kill Bai Zhitian.

A voice sounded: “Fellow daoist, how about you and I are tied?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately understood this guy’s thoughts in his heart.

Obviously, this guy couldn’t beat him at all, so he wanted to draw a tie.

In fact, the battle of life and death in the arena does not necessarily have to be divided into birth and death.

As long as both parties agree to a tie, the barrier of the battlefield will open!

Hearing this, Wang Mang hesitated and wanted to refuse.

Because he has killed more than ten peerless Tianjiao.

Today’s peerless Tianjiao is either stronger or more cautious, and will definitely not challenge easily.

Because, so many days have passed, even a fool can see that he has been deliberately hiding!

But what makes Wang Mang a headache is how to win this guy?

This guy’s defensive supernatural powers are almost on par with Wang Mang’s ten thousand Buddhas.

Attacking supernatural powers is also very powerful, and Wang Mang really didn’t get any benefits from this guy.

At this moment, seeing that Wang Mang did not respond, he did not continue to attack frantically.

Bai Zhitian didn’t continue to shoot either.

He knew that Wang Mang should still be thinking about it.

He can afford this time.

Similarly, although he could not kill Wang Mang.

However, it was impossible for Wang Mang to kill him.

The two have been fighting for a day, and basically all the methods that can be used have been used.

In fact, it is true.

In addition to the wrath of gods and demons, Wang Mang.

He also used all the methods he could use.

In desperation, Wang Mang had to ask the system for help.

Afterwards, Wang Mang asked in his heart:

“System, is there any way to kill this guy?”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Warm reminder host! It is recommended that the host make Ascension the top god-tier pass! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder host! The opponent does not have a top god-tier master! You can defeat the opponent after you fight the Ascension! 】

After listening to the system’s voice, Wang Mang’s eyes lit up.

Yes! This guy doesn’t have a top god-tier master!

Once he casts the top god-tier pass of the primordial spirit class.

This guy can’t resist it at all, and he will definitely die by that time!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became more excited, and then quickly asked:

“System! How much energy is needed to make Ascension a top god-tier pass?”

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