Chapter 683: Arrived in Wolong City? Tianjiao gathered in Wolong Tower!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said cheerfully in his heart:

“System! I choose the fourth task!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

On the contrary, the Black Emperor, seeing Wang Mang smirk in a daze, couldn’t help wondering: “Lord, what are you thinking about? He laughed so evil.”

After regaining his senses, Wang Mang glared at the Hei Sovereign, and said out of anger: “You stupid dog, you know what a fart.”

The Black Emperor curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

When did he become a silly dog?

He is the king of dogs, okay?

But after thinking of Wang Mang’s strength, the Black Emperor asked honestly:

“My lord, this Wolong City Saint Child invites you to attend the Tianjiao Party, are you going to go?”

“Go, why not?” Wang Mang chuckled lightly.

While speaking, Wang Mang also stepped out of Closed Door Training.

The Black Emperor who was following Wang Mang seemed to think of something, and said sourly:

“Lord, An Lan is said to have become the princely arrogant man.”

“It was the last time you let An Lan and my master go out without beginning.”

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

This An Lan turned out to be a peerless Tianjiao?

This made Wang Mang somewhat surprised.

But thinking that An Lan itself is the quasi-peerless Tianjiao level.

It is not uncommon to break through to the peerless Tianjiao now.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was relieved.

When he came to the Great Hall, Wang Mang saw An Lan and Wu Shi who were playing chess.

After seeing Wang Mang, the two stopped, and stood up to Wang Mang’s cupped hands and said: “I have seen the Lord.”

Wang Mang nodded slightly, and sent the two out to spread the story of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave last time.

It turned out that the Ten Thousand Demon Cave had happened before they had spread it.

Although there were some twists and turns on the way, fortunately, in the end, he became the Son of God.

“This time I’m going to Wolong Sacred Land, who of you two wants to go with me?”

Hearing this, An Lan immediately stood with his hand in his hand, confidently saying:

“My lord, with me An Lan, I will be safe and sound as the lord.”

Looking at An Lan, who was full of pretense, Wang Mang was speechless.

He didn’t want to take this guy.

In contrast, Wang Mang prefers Emperor Wu Shi.

At least Emperor Wu Shi would not brag in front of him.

But the Great Emperor Wu Shi is indeed not suitable to follow Wang Mang.

Because An Lan’s strength has reached the fairy emperor Fifth Stage.

Counting the blessings of the peerless Tianjiao, how can it be a follower of the late stage of the immortal emperor.

At this time, after being silent for a while, Emperor Wu Shi looked up and said:

“Lord, Wu Shi wants to experience it, please make it happen.”

“This kind of mediocre and boring day is not the life you want for nothing.”

After hearing the words without beginning.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment.

After looking up at Wu Shi’s lonely look,

Wang Mang suddenly realized.

It seems Wu Shi has seen An Lan become a peerless Tianjiao.

The heart that was unwilling to be ordinary, became even more restless.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Mang smiled and nodded, “Okay.”

Because of the strength of Emperor Wu Shi, it was of little help to him now.

Compared with An Lan, his strength is more than one weaker, it can be said to be much weaker.

After receiving Wang Mang’s promise, Wu Shi had a smile on his face and respectfully cupped hands withdrew.

If nothing else, after Wang Mang sets off, he will also leave Sacred Land.

It is estimated that you will have to wait until you have achieved something, or have a lot of achievements, before you come back!

“Wuji, this guy, seems to be shocked by my An Lan’s aptitude!”

“Unfortunately, no matter how he catches up, I, An Lan, can trample him under my feet!”

Seeing Wu Shi’s back, An Lan couldn’t help but said with emotion.

Looking at An Lan, who did not forget to brag with emotion, Wang Mang became even more speechless.

He suddenly said in a huff: “Prepare, we will meet these so-called arrogances when we go to Wolong City!”

An Lan nodded immediately, and after some preparations, he left Sacred Land together.

Coincidentally, as soon as Wang Mang and An Lan left Sacred Land, they ran into Zhang Tianyou and Bone Lord who had left together.

Similarly, Zhang Tianyou and White Bone Jun also saw Wang Mang and An Lan.

After seeing Wang Mang, Bone Jun’s face became extremely gloomy, and the bitterness in his eyes could not be concealed.

If Wang Mang hadn’t hindered the battle for the Saint Son last time, he would have become the Saint Son long ago.

Even Zhang Tianyou didn’t dare to jump out.

What’s more, he was seriously injured by Wang Mang last time.

If he hadn’t given up and shouted early, he would have been beaten to death by Wang Mang.

Therefore, Lord White Bone penetrates the bone with a hatred of Wang Mang.

As for Zhang Tianyou, it was much better in comparison. Although the eyes looking at Wang Mang were hostile, there was absolutely no hatred.

The reason why he failed last time in the battle of the saint son was indeed because Little Sister had changed.

Wang Mang didn’t care about this, and instead asked with a smile:

“Coincidentally, are the two going to Wolong City too?”

Mr. White Bone immediately said with a gloomy face: “Where does daddy go?”

Hearing this, a trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Mang’s eyes, and he suddenly chuckled:

“It’s okay, just remind the younger brother to be careful, it’s not peaceful outside.”

“After all, you are also a member of Sacred Land, if you die outside, it won’t work if you fall into the prestige of Sacred Land.”

The Bone Lord suddenly became very angry, and his eyes were full of spitefulness.

After finally snorting coldly, Bones Jun left with Zhang Tianyou.

Looking at the backs of the two of them going away, Wang Mang couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

If nothing else, Zhang Tianyou joined the bloodthirsty line.

However, for Wang Mang, Zhang Tianyou nowadays is less threatening.

Because of Wang Mang’s strength, he broke through again, wearing the mask of the Emperor.

His combat effectiveness has completely reached the Saint Emperor Third Stage level.

Unless Zhang Tianyou’s combat power breaks through again, or hits the rank of the successful emperor.

Therefore, Wang Mang stopped thinking about it, and set off with An Lan.

After bypassing the City of Ten Thousand Devils, Wang Mang and An Lan passed by on their way, Ten Thousand Beast City, White Tiger City, and Luofeng City.

In the end, it took Wang Mang and An Lan two days to cross one-third of the Eastern Heaven Realm before they arrived at the gate of Wolong City.

It is worth mentioning that.

This Wolong City is indeed a big city where family forces gather.

Chengkou people come and go, and their strength is all Tier 4 powerhouses.

The weaker Wang Mang really didn’t see it.

When Wang Mang and An Lan were about to enter Wolong City.

It was inevitable to pay a gate fee to successfully enter Wolong City.

After entering Wolong City, Wang Mang walked through the lively market and arrived in front of a tall building in the center of the city.

This tall building is very tall in Wolong City.

Standing on top of a tall building, you can even overlook the huge Wolong City.

Moreover, Wang Mang was still outside the corridor upstairs.

I saw many young Tianjiao with tyrannical aura.

How much is pointing and talking to Wang Mang.

It is worth mentioning that.

After Wang Mang only glanced indifferently, he was surprised to find out.

The number of Tianjiao upstairs alone is no less than dozens!

Not only that, most of the auras of these dozens of Tianjiao have reached the Saint Emperor level!

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