Chapter 681 Ten Thousand Demons The Horror Background of Sacred Land! And the resource welfare of the Son?

Unless he becomes the Holy Lord and establishes his own team.

Otherwise, Wang Mang can only cultivate ascension strength and strive to become the Holy Lord as soon as possible.

Of course, if he comes from the bloodthirsty ancestor’s line.

Then Wang Mang’s rights would be greater.

Even the Holy Lord will cooperate with him.

But the problem is that Wang Mang didn’t come from a bloodthirsty line.

At this time, San Elder seemed to see Wang Mang’s depression, and immediately smiled and comforted:

“Well, don’t worry, if there is anything you can’t handle, you can summon the old man.”

“In addition, if it is something that the old man can’t resolve, there are also old monsters in our line.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly stunned and looked at San Elder with some surprise.

Three Elder looked triumphant and explained with a faint smile:

“Old monsters are actually those old monsters that are closed to death.”

“Our devil is in the same line, and there are also two old monsters in retreat.”

“Their strength has reached the limit of the Saint Emperor Ninth Stage, and even reached the half-step God Emperor level.”

“If you count the old monsters in Sacred Land, there are five monsters still in retreat.”

After hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly took a breath.

Good guys! Is this the foundation of the superb Sacred Land?

Except for the three god-emperor-level powerhouses on the bright side.

There are still five reclusive, half-step god-emperor-level strong old monsters in secret?

Seeing Wang Mang’s stunned look, the three Elder smiled proudly:

“Your kid was scared?”

“You don’t want to think about it, otherwise, why is Sacred Land enduring?”

“After you become the Holy Lord, our group of Elders will also go into retreat.”

“But apart from the opportunity of the Holy Lord, the rest of Elder, including me, can’t see hope.”

Having said this, Wang Mang saw that the three Elders, who had been very happy, had become extremely disappointed.

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately comforted: “The senior’s qualifications are unparalleled, this god emperor level is definitely not a difficult thing!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Elder, Elder, cast his eyes aggravatedly, Wang Mang said:

“It’s too simple for you to think. If the god emperor made such a breakthrough, how could the number be so small?”

“If I can really become a god emperor, old man, am I so worried?”

“Let’s put it this way! The Holy Lord had fallen when he hit the God Emperor level!”

“The remaining five old monsters who are in retreat are not likely to have a good chance. They may die one day.”

When talking about this, the three Elder seemed to think of something, and suddenly said:

“By the way, the old man will take you to get a resource from Sacred Land!”

“Because the saints of all dynasties can receive a large amount of resources they own.”

“One billion celestial stones should be able to give you a little bit of strength ascension.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly became ecstatic.

He didn’t expect that after becoming a saint son, he would still receive 1 billion immortal stones!

One billion immortal stones!

It deserves to be the superb Sacred Land.

This is simply wealthy!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but excited: “Senior, take me quickly!”

Seeing Wang Mang’s excitement, Shaking Tiansan, Elder, suddenly said with disdain: “Look at your excitement, as if you haven’t seen a fairy stone.”

“When you reach the Holy Emperor Ninth Stage, if you want to break through the Divine Emperor, it will be useless to give you more celestial stones.”

“That is, the Saint Emperor level can still be useful.”

After hearing the words of Elder, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly moved.

He suddenly felt that he was a Liuwei Emperor Pill Medicine Pill.

If you sell it, you will definitely be able to sell at an extraordinary price!

Even a huge amount of immortal stones can be auctioned off!

This massive amount of immortal stones is definitely enough for Wang Mang to evolve several times, and even more are possible!

Because, just take this Medicine Pill.

Saint Emperor Ninth Stage Heavenly powerhouse, can directly advance to become a god emperor!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang knew that his Medicine Pill was absolutely heaven-defying.

If it is taken out, or if it is leaked out, it is estimated that it will cause him to kill!

Because this Liuwei Emperor Huangwan is enough to make the god emperor level powerhouse go crazy for it!

Similarly, for those strong in the Holy Emperor Ninth Stage, it is even more deadly!

“That’s it! Daddy should save it for his own digestion!”

“When I reach the Holy Emperor Ninth Stage, I will use it to attack the Divine Emperor Realm.”

After half an hour.

Wang Mang successfully received 1 billion immortal stones belonging to his own!

After getting the immortal stone, Wang Mang couldn’t help but get excited.

He returned for the first time, belonging to the own hall of gods and demon.

Because of this fairy stone.

Wang Mang wanted to hit the Eighth Stage of the Immortal Emperor, it was so easy!

Once it hits the Eighth Stage of the Immortal Emperor.

Even if Wang Mang didn’t use the Immortal Emperor mask.

He is able to have Saint Emperor level combat power.

Therefore, Wang Mang couldn’t wait.

After returning to the Hall of Gods and Demons, Wang Mang came to the place of Closed Door Training.

After entering the place of Closed Door Training, Wang Mang muttered silently in his heart:

“System! Open your personal information!”

The next moment, personal information emerges.

Wang Mang: The quasi-saint (member of Sacred Land).

Species: Void Python (up to 700 meters).

Realm: Xiandi Seventh Stage (the peerless Tianjiao).

Body shape: 17,000 blood volume, 17,000 energy, 670 meters long, 32 meters wide, and weighs 30 million tons.

Ordinary supernatural powers: Control God Seal, Hand of Void, Blade of Void, Escape of Void, One Step at the End of the World, Myriad Changes.

Top supernatural powers: Three Lives Buddha (Dacheng), Hongjun Three Corpse Method (None), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

Space: Tier 5 pill recipe X1, one-time top bad luck card X1, 1 bottle of Wangqing water, 1 sacred pill, and summoning card of Tier 5 Abyss.

Equipment: Top World Colorful Stone X1, Shenwu Sword, Immortal Emperor Mask, 1 Liuwei Emperor Pill, Talent Value 10 Points, Immortal King Treasure Box, 1 billion Immortal Stones.

Energy value: 1.9 billion/2.5 billion.

After reading personal information.

Wang Mang couldn’t help but exuberant.

This fairy emperor’s Eighth Stage sky is almost enough!

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang held back his excitement and said silently in his heart:

“System! Convert 1 billion Celestial Stones into energy value!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully exchange energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 1 billion energy value! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the conditions for evolution, does it begin to evolve? 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang couldn’t help becoming a little energetic.

Then, in a good mood.

Wang Mang even decided to open this fairy king level treasure chest as well.

Let’s see how much energy can be accumulated!

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

“System! Open the fairy king level treasure chest!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the fairy king treasure chest! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained…]

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