Chapter 669 Fellow daoist, there is a big crisis in this cave of ten thousand demons!

At this point, Wang Mang also decided to stay near the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns.

If there is a peerless Tianjiao in the Ten Thousand Demon Caves later.

Then he didn’t mind shooting to kill his town.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang put away the Immortal Emperor mask.

At this moment, a surprised voice came:

“Why do fellow daoist stay here?”

“Didn’t you enter the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons with Lord Sword?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang looked up and saw that seven youths with strong aura appeared here.

There was also one that Wang Mang had seen was not someone else but Lu Xun who was in the same line as Wang Mang.

The other six people are also wearing exclusive costumes of Sacred Land, all of them are peerless Tianjiao.

After seeing these seven guys, Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

He even suspected that all the contenders of Sacred Land were coming.

But in fact it is true.

As for the person who spoke to Wang Mang.

It was a young man who looked very gentle and elegant.

The corner of his mouth was smiling, and it felt like a spring breeze, completely different from Wang Mang’s dark and cold breath.

Similarly, this gentle and elegant young man has a very terrifying aura, which is inferior to that of the Sword Master.

At this moment, he was looking at Wang Mang with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn’t help but softly asked, “How do you call fellow daoist?”

Hearing this, the gentleman said with a light smile: “You can call me a dragon!”

Hearing that, Wang Mang’s eyes flickered, and it turns out that this kid is Zunlong!

Sure enough, it was the one who made Sword Lord not sure to deal with it.

Because Wang Mang felt an extremely dangerous aura on Zunlong.

It was much stronger than the sense of threat that Sword Master gave him at the beginning.

“You are the dog-legged of Sword Sovereign? Where is your master Sword Sovereign?”

At this time, an arrogant young man put his arms around him and asked indifferently.

Hearing this, the killing intent in Wang Mang’s eyes flashed away, but he still chuckled, “Sword Lord has returned to Sacred Land.”

“He said that there is a big crisis in this Ten Thousand Demon Cave, so he just returned soon.”

“Also let me bring you a sentence saying that you must never enter this Ten Thousand Demon Cave!”

Although Wang Mang’s words were fabricated, he really didn’t lie to them.

As for Wang Mang to tell them the truth so kindly?

On the contrary, Wang Mang said so deliberately.

Because Wang Mang himself would tempt them into it.

He just needs to do the opposite, these guys will just take his words as farts.

Or perhaps he thought it must be the Sword Lord, and asked Wang Mang to stay and interfere with their entry into the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons.

as predicted.

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The arrogant young man sneered: “Do you really think that Gu Yuan is a fool?”

“If I expected a good tiger, Lord Sword deliberately asked you to stay, so let’s delay our entry into the cave!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s face showed a trace of panic, but he quickly calmed down and persuaded:

“Everyone, what I said is true, please don’t let your fellow daoist make mistakes!”

Gu Yuan sneered: “Let’s go! Even this kid wants to hold us back, really overwhelming!”

After speaking, Gu Yuan was about to walk into the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons without looking back.

Wang Mang immediately stepped forward to stop him, and persuaded with all his heart: “Fellow daoist, please trust me!”

“I really didn’t deceive fellow daoist! I have a hunch that there may be a big crisis in this cave of ten thousand demons!”

Hearing this, Gu Yuan sneered: “Get out of the way, don’t let me do it!”

After speaking, Gu Yuan walked towards Wang Mang step by step, his eyes were very sharp, his face made no secret of killing.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang’s face changed drastically, and he was helpless and unwilling to make his debut.

Upon seeing this, Gu Yuan laughed mockingly, and then ordered the two peerless Tianjiao behind him:

“Swordmaster, the dog class is pretty good.”

“You two also stay outside the cave. If there are other strong people who want to enter it, you will stop them together!”

Obviously, Gu Yuan wanted to prevent the rest of the strong from entering the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons.

Because the more people who enter the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons, the more people compete for opportunities.

Hearing this, even Zunlong’s eyes lit up, and then with a gentle smile on his face, he said with a light smile:

“Three brothers, stay here too. If you find someone wants to enter the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons, stop them if they can!”

Having said that, Zun Long cast a glance at Wang Mang, and said with a smile:

“After all, this fellow daoist said, the cave is extremely dangerous.”

“If the mortal dust ants enter it, their lives may be in danger!”

After speaking, Zunlong gave a chuckle, and walked with his hands shoulder-to-shoulder, and walked side by side with Gu Yuan towards the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly looked sad, as if hesitated to speak.

But in fact, Wang Mang’s heart was already happy.

Isn’t that what he wants?

After all, Zunlong and Gu Yuan are too strong.

Even the Sword Master easily got rid of the hunting and killing of the Saint Emperor middle stage powerhouse at the beginning.

This also proves that they still have some hole cards.

In their heyday state, Wang Mang absolutely couldn’t take them down.

But for the time being, these peerless arrogances are different.

Although they are also peerless Tianjiao, their strength is not strong!

The strongest one is just the peerless arrogant of the Seventh Stage of the Immortal Emperor!

The weakest is the peerless Tianjiao who only has the Fifth Stage Heaven!

Even if it is all added up, Wang Mang is not afraid of it!

It can be said that Wang Mang is determined to eat these five peerless Tianjiao Tianjiao!

Jesus couldn’t keep them either! He Wang Mang said!

After watching Gu Yuan and Zunlong enter the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons.

Wang Mang couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

But this scene happened to be seen by Lu Xun.

Seeing a strange smile on Wang Mang’s face.

Lu Xun suddenly had a very bad premonition.

At this time, Wang Mang also happened to see Lu Xun.

Seeing Lu Xun staring at him with furrowed brows.

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

Did this guy see anything?

Just as Wang Mang was puzzled.

Lu Xun spoke blankly:

“Fellow daoist, I have to go out beforehand.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Xun turned and left under the doubtful eyes of the four peerless Tianjiao.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly moved.

Before Lu Xun left, he smiled and said:

“Senior brothers, I’m going to find something to fight the tooth sacrifice.”

After finishing speaking, under the bewildered gaze of the four peerless Tianjiao.

Wang Mang also left.

As for what he left for?

Of course he killed Lu Xun!

Because this guy is a peerless Tianjiao!

Once you kill it, you can get talent value!

at the same time.

On the way back to Sacred Land.

Lu Xun didn’t know why.

The uneasy feeling in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

Especially thinking of the strange smile on Wang Mang’s face earlier.

He always feels that there is a huge conspiracy hidden in it!

At this moment, a chuckle sound suddenly sounded:

“Fellow daoist, where are you going?”

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