Chapter 661 Great Pressure! In the past, the saints were all saints at the early stage level?

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The black-robed and white-haired old man looked at Wang Mang with diligent eyes, then shook his head and said:

“Wang Mang! Actually is not the old man doesn’t want to help you.”

“Now our line is actually qualified to compete for the position of the saint son, plus you are only three people.”

“The other two are, a Peerless Tianjiao from the Sixth Stage of the Immortal Emperor, and a Peerless Tianjiao from the Eighth Stage of the Immortal Emperor.”

“In fact, even if you want to become the Son of God, the chances are not small, but not great.”

“Tell you the truth! If you want to be a saint child, you must have the strength of a saint emperor without saying a word.”

“I don’t have the strength of the Saint Emperor, I just accompany him to run, or become a candidate for the Saint Child.”

Obviously, the old man with black robe and white hair actually had ideas about the position of the saint son, but Wang Mang’s strength advantage was not big.

If he helps Wang Mang, he doesn’t know how much resources will be spent, and the immortal stone alone will have to start with at least billions.

Moreover, even more resources may be needed to win the position of the Son of God.

Therefore, he was unwilling to invest so many resources to fund Wang Mang.

Because people in their line all put their chances on the peerless Tianjiao of the Immortal Emperor Eighth Stage Heaven.

Unless Wang Mang’s strength also reaches the Eighth Stage of the Immortal Emperor, even stronger than the Eighth Stage of the Immortal Emperor, they will choose to fully support Wang Mang.

After listening to the old man with black robe and white hair, Wang Mang’s face suddenly didn’t look so good.

He could hear the meaning of the old man with black robe and white hair.

People in their line will give their full support, the immortal emperor Eighth Stage Heaven’s peerless arrogant, competing for the position of the holy son.

As for him and another immortal emperor Sixth Stage Tianjiao, may be able to participate in the battle of the saint child, but it is just a cutscene.

Finally, if you are lucky, you can become one of the candidates for the Son of God.

The so-called Saint Son candidates actually only need three.

Under the Saint Son, the three most powerful talented tianjiao.

If the Son of God has an accident, or falls behind by accident, the candidate of Son of the Son will inherit the position of Son of the Son.

In the same way, if you are outside, only the Son can report himself. He is the Son of Sacred Land and represents the dignity of Sacred Land.

But the Saint Child candidate is not qualified.

At most, I can only say that I am a member of Sacred Land.

To put it bluntly.

The Son is equivalent to the prince of Sacred Land!

But the candidate for the son of the son is at best a prince.

It seems that the gap is not big, but it is actually huge.

Because Shengzi is no accident, he will become the lord of Sacred Land in the future.

As for the Saint Child candidate, in the future, he can only become the high-ranking party of Sacred Land, Elder and so on.

Therefore, Wang Mang would definitely not be interested if he was just a candidate for the Saint Son.

He came to the position of the Son of God! Becoming a candidate for the Son of God is not the result he wants.

Moreover, the task given by the system is to become a holy son and a candidate for holy son, but it may not be regarded as completing the task!

At this moment of thought, Wang Mang’s expression became cloudy and uncertain, and he couldn’t help asking:

“Senior, how long is the election of the Saint Child?”

Hearing that, the old man with black robe and white hair chuckled and said, “Call the old man Elder three!”

“As for the election of the Son, there is still one month left.”

“Although the position of the Saint Son is unlikely, I think you can still fight for the Saint Son candidate.”

“Once you become a candidate for the Saint Child, in the future, in Sacred Land, how can you become an Elder.”

When I said this, the old man with black robe and white hair looked lonely and said:

“At the beginning, the old man was also not qualified to compete for the position of the saint son.”

“Finally, I tried my best and finally became the candidate for the bottom of the Shengzi.”

“When he gets older, he becomes the Elder of Sacred Land.”

“As for the holy son who defeated the old man in the first place, he is now the Holy Lord. He should already be qualified to attack the god emperor.”

“God emperor! I don’t know in this life whether he has a chance to step into the divine emperor.”

After hearing this old man’s words, Wang Mang was probably able to understand the origin of this old man.

It turned out that this old man was also a candidate for the Son of God.

Moreover, Wang Mang could roughly tell from this old guy’s words that he needed more massive amounts of terrifying resources to cross from the Saint Emperor to the God Emperor.

Even the resources are so huge that he is desperate for such a strong man at the peak of the saint emperor.

Otherwise, the old man would not say such a thing.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang didn’t know what to say.

He silently followed the old man, and soon came to a registered Great Hall.

Subsequently, under the leadership of San Elder, Wang Mang went straight to the sky and became the core disciple of Sacred Land.

The so-called core disciple is actually the highest level of disciple.

The status is even higher than the core disciple.

In fact, they are the candidates of the Saint Son, as well as the Saint Son, as well as a group of Elder Holy Lords.

“Okay, the old lady will send you here! Let the maids you choose take you to the Demon Temple!”

“If you need to contact the old man for anything, come to the Elder Hall to find the old man.”

After leaving the registered Great Hall, the three Elder smiled at Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately respectfully cupped hands and said: “Thank you for the cultivation of three Elder!”

Three Elder smiled and nodded, then turned and left.

After seeing this scene, one of the maids suddenly whispered softly:

“My son, please come with me, and we will take you to the Demon King’s Palace.”

Majestic, Wang Mang nodded slightly, and then led his men, led by these six maids, to the so-called Demon King’s Palace.

What surprised Wang Mang was that the area where the Demon King Palace was located was very vast, and each Great Hall was very tall and wide.

Moreover, next to the Demon King Palace, there are fourteen magnificent and majestic palaces that are not lost to the Demon King Palace.

For example, the palaces on the left and right of Wang Mang are called the Palace of God of War and the Palace of Supreme.

It can be said that the names of these Great Halls are more than one by one.

Just as Wang Mang was about to walk into the own Demon Temple.

In the God of War hall next door, a figure suddenly walked out of the Great Hall.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw a figure with a very strong aura, walking out of the temple of God of War.

This is a handsome young man in a black robe, with a cold expression and sharp eyes.

After seeing Wang Mang, he first looked at Wang Mang with hostile eyes.

But when he discovered that Wang Mang was only the Realm Queen of the Sixth Stage of the Immortal Emperor.

This young handsome man in black robe, the hostility in his eyes disappeared, his face became relaxed, and he nodded towards Wang Mang with a smile:

“This swordsman! How do you call fellow daoist?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s heart was heavy, but on the surface he smiled and responded:

“I have seen fellow daoist swordsman! This seat is Wang Mang!”

The main reason why Wang Mang was so polite was that he could feel it in Sword Sovereign, which also belonged to the breath of peerless Tianjiao.

Moreover, the aura of Sword Lord has surpassed the Immortal Emperor and reached the Heavenly Peak of the Holy Emperor First Stage.

It can be said that Wang Mang is not confident that he can defeat the opponent even if he wears the mask of the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, Wang Mang guessed that this sword master must be one of the strong enemies vying for the position of the saint son!

At this time, Sword Lord smiled warmly and said:

“If you have time, Wang Mang, fellow daoist, you can come to me to discuss the Taoist.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly smiled and nodded:

“It’s easy to talk! If you have time, you will inevitably disturb Brother Jianjun.”

After seeing Wang Mang’s attitude, Jianjun nodded secretly.

He felt that Wang Mang was a brother worthy of friendship.

In addition, Wang Mang had no conflict of interest with him.

Even the fight for the position of the Son is not a threat to him.

Therefore, Jianjun is very fond of Wang Mang.

But what he never expected was Wang Mang who was smiling at this moment.

I was racking my brains, thinking about how to kill him!

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