Chapter 659 How to choose the other three Sacred Lands? Sacred Land?

Damn it?

Dogs are better than things.

Did daddy provoke you?

Are you kicking me like this?

At this moment, Wang Mang only felt a ball of anger in his heart.

After all, from beginning to end, Wang Mang admitted that his attitude was very low.

But what about this guy?

It’s paralyzed, and there is no inside taunting him.

Also humiliated him again and again.

to be honest.

If it’s not for certain that I don’t know this old man.

Wang Mang doubted whether this old man had any grudges against him!

Similarly, not only was Wang Mang frustrated and angry, An Lan and Emperor Wu Shi were also angry.

It’s just that the opponent’s strength is too strong.

It was so powerful that even if Wang Mang was wearing the Immortal Emperor mask, there was a big gap between him and the opponent.

Moreover, Wang Mang did not have the capital to contend with.

If he wanted to fight the old man, or kill the old man, the price Wang Mang paid was too great.

He also guarantees Ascension to the peak of the Holy Emperor, which is the eight small Realms.

In the absence of a strong conflict of interest, or a guarantee of interest.

Wang Mang would not touch the old man either, he could only hold back the anger in his heart, and said with a bright smile:

“Since Junior is not qualified, Junior will leave.”

After speaking, Wang Mang smiled and saluted the old man’s cupped hands.

Hearing this, the old man glanced at Wang Mang in surprise.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely not have such a good temper.

After all, he knows the arrogance of these arrogance!

In the same way, he could also feel that Wang Mang was indeed qualified.

After all, a peerless Tianjiao, even in any Sacred Land, has a relatively high gold content.

Even if you join the top Sacred Land, you can also become a top dropout.

to be honest.

If it hadn’t been for the recent struggle for the position of the Sacred Land and the Son of God, he would definitely recruit Wang Mang into the Sacred Land.

It’s just that, now in the seat of the saint son, his great-grandson has a great chance of becoming a saint son.

Therefore, during the period when he was in charge of patrolling Sacred Land, he had already driven away many Tianjiao to join Sacred Land.

Because these arrogances joining Shenguang Sacred Land will add variables to his great-grandson and the risk of becoming a holy son.

It was not until Wang Mang and others left that he nodded in satisfaction, and then muttered to himself:

“Great-grandson! Old ancestors can only help you here! Don’t give us the Zhou family’s strength!”

At the same time, after leaving the vicinity of Shenguang Sacred Land.

An Lan couldn’t help but angrily said:

“Master, if you hadn’t stopped me before, I’m afraid I couldn’t help suppressing this old man on the spot!”

Hearing this, the black emperor who had just been released immediately ridiculed:

“Just you still suppressing others? Their strength has reached the peak of the Holy Emperor, how can you suppress them? Suppress them in your own tone?”

An Lan suddenly became furious, his eyes waited for the Black Emperor viciously, and said coldly:

“You dead dog, you fucking say it again! Believe it or not, daddy killed you for dog meat?”

Emperor Wu Shi touched the head of the black emperor’s dog, gave the black emperor a look, and motioned to him to say something.

Wang Mang also waved his hand helplessly: “Okay, don’t make a noise.”

“It’s no good to do something with this old man, there is no need to do it with him at all.”

“Furthermore, the Sacred Land cannot be added to it. There are also three Sacred Lands in the Eastern Heaven Realm.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s opening, An Lan furiously couldn’t help but suffocate:

“My lord, it’s not that An Lan is talking big, I really want to suppress the old man and vent my anger to the lord.”

Wang Mang is even more speechless, why are you starting to blow again, haven’t you spoken big yet?

But if you are reliable, is daddy so angry?

“Okay! You have the heart.” Wang Mang comforted helplessly, and then said:

“Next, there are three other Sacred Lands, let’s take a closer look.”

“I hope I don’t encounter this situation again.”

After speaking, Wang Mang walked towards the center of Shenguang City.

In fact, the best way to find out about the news.

It’s really in the restaurant in the center of the city.

Or in the brothel in the center of the city.

The news is very well-informed in both places here.

Therefore, Wang Mang took his hand down to a restaurant and ordered a table of dishes.

But as soon as Wang Mang, his subordinates and others sat down, they heard the sound of discussions at various tables in the restaurant:

“I heard no, Sword Lord originally wanted to join Shenguang Sacred Land, but was turned away.”

“I know the news. I don’t know that it is Sword Master who was rejected by Shenguang Sacred Land.”

“It can be said that many Tianjiao who want to join Shenguang Sacred Land have basically been turned away.”

“Hehe, I know the news of Shenguang Sacred Land. It is said that Shenguang Sacred Land is sure to win the Zhou family this time.”

“The Zhou family, in order to make Zhou Yuan a holy son, are there still a small number of people shutting out Tianjiao?”

“If you really want to join Sacred Land to fight for the position of the son, in fact, it is better to go to Ten Thousand Demon City and join Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Land.”

“Yes, although Sacred Land is extremely cruel, at least the sons elected every time are the most powerful and justifiable.”

“Why not join the sword fairy Sacred Land? I heard that the sword fairy Sacred Land is also pretty good?”

“The holy sons of Sacred Land have been selected. Okay, there are several candidates.”

“As for Wolong Sacred Land, the competition is even fiercer, and family forces gather everywhere.”

“Among the four superb Sacred Lands in the East Heaven Realm, the Wolong Sacred Land family has the most power and the greatest power.”

When he heard this, Wang Mang’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He has basically heard about the other three Sacred Lands.

Similarly, Wang Mang knew roughly why he was rejected by Shenguang Sacred Land.

It turns out that the people of Zhou’s family in Sacred Land, the god of light, wanted to be the sons of this session.

Therefore, secretly refused many Tianjiao to join Shenguang Sacred Land.

Wang Mang was also one of those rejected.

But for the other three Sacred Lands, Wang Mang has also figured out the news.

Wolong Sacred Land family forces gather.

In contrast, the forces are complex.

Sword Fairy Sacred Land already has a son.

Although Sacred Land competes fairly, it is extremely cruel.

It can be said that there are only two choices available to Wang Mang now.

They are Wolong Sacred Land and Wanmo Sacred Land.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly had a decision in his heart.

Compared with Wolong Sacred Land, Wang Mang felt that Wanmo Sacred Land should be more suitable for him.

After all, the Sacred Land family of Wolong is gathering power, and the situation is estimated to be very complicated.

Although Sacred Land is fiercely competitive and even cruel, it is fairer anyway.

After all, Wang Mang didn’t want to fight for the position of a holy son in Wolong Sacred Land and offend a large number of first-class family forces.

Therefore, Wang Mang’s gaze was placed on Sacred Land.

After he had finished his meal, Wang Mang led his men and left the restaurant to the Ten Thousand Demon City.

Two days later, Wang Mang and his men finally came to the City of Ten Thousand Demon.

After arriving at Ten Thousand Demon City, Wang Mang began to inquire about the location of Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Land.

After inquiring about the location of Sacred Land.

Wang Mang quickly arrived with his men, the so-called Sacred Land.

It is worth mentioning that.

The location of this Sacred Land is suspended on the top of a mass grave, and bones can be seen everywhere below.

In addition, the road was paved with stumps and broken arm bones, and there was a black Killing intent around the entire mountain peak.

After Wang Mang entered the mass grave, he immediately felt the aura of the peak of the holy emperor, sweeping from a distance.

Before the people arrived, the loud shouts that rang through the world had already sounded: “Who, what is the purpose of coming to my Sacred Land?”

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Mang saw an old man with black robe and white hair standing proudly in the air, watching them indifferently.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately respectfully said: “I saw senior, Junior came to join Sacred Land.”

Hearing this, the black-robed and white-haired old man cast his eyes in surprise, and suddenly smiled enthusiastically:

“That’s it, you wait to follow the old man!”

“The old man personally leads you to join the Sacred Land.”

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