Chapter 625 Are you going to kill and set fire to robbery?

Obviously, Wang Mang chose white prostitution again.

There is no other reason, the task reward is too small.

Moreover, just the words of a deputy city lord.

This is not very attractive to Wang Mang.

Secretly shook his head and said to Wang Mang, he also felt that he had a headache.

He has only one goal right now, to get to the 200 million energy value that reaches the fifth-order basic condition as soon as possible.

After getting up and walking out of Closed Door Training, Wang Mang met the old slave as soon as he arrived in the courtyard of the mansion.

“The old slave has seen General Dongcheng.” The old slave said respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly and said, “Did something happen in the past half month?”

“Enjoy General Dongcheng. Not long ago, the old slave had just arrived. Which side of the stall at the back door of the Saint Emperor College received 4 million immortal stones.”

While the old slave spoke respectfully, he took out a storage bag and handed it to Wang Mang.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, only then did he remember that half a month had passed.

After receiving the storage bag in satisfaction, Wang Mang couldn’t help asking: “Old slave! Which side of the east city gate is the city gate fee? Has it been handed in?”

Hearing these words, the old slave suddenly looked helpless: “Give it to General, General Jinmen and General Yinmen, who are responsible for collecting the gate fee, you didn’t deal with them last time.”

“After half a month, after they collected the city gate fee, they disappeared a few days ago.”

After hearing this, Wang Mang’s face suddenly became gloomy.

This is his negligence.

The main reason is that this supreme cemetery appeared too quickly.

Moreover, after Wang Mang just finished his Ascension strength, he went to participate in the Supreme Cemetery without stopping.

Because of this, Wang Mang ignored the problem of dealing with these two guys.

He also didn’t expect that these two guys would take advantage of him and run away!

But Wang Mang also knew that the old slave could not be blamed for this matter, despite his anger, he was helpless.

However, it is obviously impossible to forget it.

Wang Mang directly ordered: “Go to the East City Gate and tell them that whoever killed the two generals at the Golden Gate and Silver Gate who ran away is the new goalkeeper Golden General and Silver General!”

“Grand General Order.” The old slave nodded respectfully before turning and leaving.

After seeing the old slave leave, Wang Mang felt a little sad, not knowing what to do again.

Or just grab it!

With the mask of the Devil Emperor, our strength is also the existence of the five ranks, and we can also grab a wave!

This thought suddenly popped up in Wang Mang’s mind.

Because, in Wang Mang’s opinion, the fastest way to get rich is actually robbery!

So where to grab it?

How about going to the backyard of Saint Emperor Continent to rob?

The backyard of Saint Emperor Continent is really rich.

The daily flow of daffodil stones is definitely not less than tens of millions.

If you can grab them all again, the wealth you get is not low.

But the price of doing so is to offend Shengdi Academy.

If this is the case.

Wang Mang might as well sell the stall outside the back door of Shengdi Academy.

In the end, Wang Mang still shook his head. For some benefit, it was not worth offending Shengdi Academy.

Therefore, if you really want to grab it, going to Shengdi Academy is not the best choice.

At this time, Wang Mang suddenly hit his mind in Qingmu City.

How about grabbing a landlord in Qingmu City?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly moved.

Wang Mang suddenly started to think up.

Because there are definitely many first-class forces in Qingmu City.

In addition, these first-class forces in Qingmu City must have participated in the Supreme Cemetery.

If there are first-rate forces that have suffered relatively severe losses, then Wang Mang can go to seize the wealth of these first-rate forces.

The wealth of the first-class power is definitely not low. It is natural to be able to become the first-class power of Qingmu City and have rooted for so long, so it goes without saying that the accumulated wealth.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang began to summon An Lan deep in his heart.

Of course, it is not safe for him to do it alone. It is better to call An Lan together.

Similarly, Wang Mang had to find out which of these first-rate forces near the East City was hurt, or his vitality was badly hurt.

Subsequently, Wang Mang began to wander around the East City, especially wandering among the first-class forces.

That’s it for several days.

Wang Mang had a rough idea of ​​the current situation of Dongcheng.

Now there are four first-class forces in the East City!

They belong to the Chen family, with three middle stage immortal emperors, two early stage immortal emperors, and 6 fifth-order powerhouses including An Lan.

This is obviously not a good choice for hands-on.

The other is the royal family, with three middle stage immortal emperors, three early stage immortal emperors, a total of 6 fifth-order powerhouses.

Again, this is not the goal of hands-on.

The third one is the Sun family, with two middle stage immortal emperors, one early stage immortal emperor, and a total of 3 fifth-order powerhouses.

This is not Wang Mang’s goal.

Because Wang Mang’s goal is the last one!

The goal of the last family is the Yang Family, who used to have eight immortal emperor-level powerhouses during the peak period, and is a well-deserved existence of the top-notch power in the East City.

But in the face of the birth of the Supreme Tomb, the Yang family fully mobilized 4 immortal emperors in the middle stage, and 1 immortal emperor in the late stage, all of them died in the supreme tomb.

Now there are only three immortal emperor early stage powerhouses left, maintaining the dignity of the last first-class power of the Yang family.

This is also the weakest family among the four first-class families.

From the former top-notch family in Dongcheng to the bottom of the family.

Do not! Now this so-called top-notch Yang family has become shaky.

Because of this, Wang Mang’s ultimate goal is to focus on the so-called Yang Family!

Because the Yang family’s mouth is big, and its vitality is greatly injured, it fits Wang Mang’s mouth!

At this moment, a footstep came.

After looking up, Wang Mang saw it, and An Lan had already walked up.

After seeing An Lan, Wang Mang smiled and said:

“An Lan! You just came here, and I am going to do something against the Yang family tonight!”

Hearing this, An Lan immediately carried his hands confidently and chuckled:

“Lord, don’t worry, if I An Lan is here, Wu You will surely protect you!”

The main reason why An Lan is so mad is that he has also digested the harvest in the Supreme Cemetery.

Now that he is confident, it will not take long, at most half a month, to break through the Fourth Stage of the fairy emperor!

Because of this, he speaks so confidently!

Moreover, he also knew something about the Yang Family. If it had been half a month ago, he would never dare to let him do anything with the Yang Family.

Because the Yang family from half a month ago was too powerful for eight immortal emperor level powerhouses! The immortal emperor has late stage powerhouses, and it’s almost as good as the sky in the East City.

But now it’s different. The Yang Family has already ended, its decline is too exaggerated, and it almost fell out of the first-class sphere of influence.

Because of this, An Lan naturally didn’t put the Yang family to put in one’s eyes.

Hearing this, after Wang Mang raised his head and looked at the sky, he immediately said: “It should not be too late, let’s go now!”

While speaking, Wang Mang took out the golden Immortal Emperor mask from the space and put it on his face, then took out a cloak and put it on his head.

In the same way, An Lan set off in the dark and windy night.

While on the road.

Wang Mang was still a little nervous.

After all, this is the first time he has done this kind of unscrupulous, murderous and arsonistic activity.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected, and the host is given the following task options. 】

[Task first: the so-called being a man to stay on the front line! See you in the future, after grabbing hundreds of millions of immortal stones! Let the Yang family go! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 1 million energy value! Elementary blind box X1! 】

[Task 2: People don’t stand unsteadily! Grab the Yang family wealth! Kill at least 90% of the Yang family! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 15 million energy value! Fairy-level treasure chest X1! Xian-level blind box X1! 】

[Task 3: Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate! Grab all the wealth of the Yang family! Destroy the Yang family! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 20 million energy value! Fairy-level treasure chest X1! Xian-level blind box X1! 】

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