Chapter 618 Appearance of the Four Masked Winners? Immortal, holy, god, demon?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn’t help smiling bitterly in his heart.

The task of first prostitution is naturally impossible.

Not to mention the reward, it is impossible for Wang Mang to give away the cupped hands of the immortal emperor’s mask that he has worked so hard to obtain!

What’s more, Wang Mang has already learned about the heaven-defying effects of the four masks.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible for cupped hands to make the mask first!

Therefore, the first task is almost unnecessary and can be eliminated.

As for the second task, the reward was barely okay, in Wang Mang’s consideration.

Because the rewards for this task are average, but the task is not difficult, Wang Mang is still confident.

As for the task pair three, there are many rewards, and Wang Mang finds it unrealistic to regain the opponent’s Saint Emperor mask.

Unless Wang Mang re-Ascension, the three small Realms are almost the same!

But this task was also within Wang Mang’s consideration.

If the opponent pushes Wang Mang in a hurry, Wang Mang naturally doesn’t mind having three small Realms, or even four small Realms!

The big deal is a plunge Realm!

Wang Mang didn’t care at all!

Because his energy value has accumulated to the level of 180 million.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang is full of confidence!

But just as Wang Mang was still struggling with task selection.

Two loud noises were heard in the sky.

I saw that two dark space passages appeared again in the sky.

Similarly, two young figures came across the border.

The aura of these two figures is much stronger than the winner of the Saint Emperor Mask!

As for the winner of the Saint Emperor mask, Aotianhen is just a breath as if it surpassed the words of the Immortal Emperor.

Then the aura of these two figures is that the real aura completely surpassed the immortal emperor level and reached the existence of the holy emperor level.

Because of the existence of the Saint Emperor level, the aura is too far from the power of the immortal Emperor level.

The existence coercion of the Saint Emperor level is very obvious for the immortal emperor level powerhouse to have an extremely compulsive sense of oppression!

These two figures, one is obviously the existence of the younger generation.

The only difference between the two is that the winner of the Devil Emperor’s mask also wore a black robe.

The winner of the mask of the god emperor wears a white robe, even if the mask is white.

After seeing these two figures, Ao Tianhen, who was planning to do something against Wang Mang, suddenly changed his face.

He didn’t expect that the winner of the immortal emperor’s late stage came so soon!

It just made him feel very surprised.

The winner of this Devil Emperor mask is obviously not the ultimate winner.

Originally according to Aotianhen’s guess.

The winner of the Devil Mask, the chance to obtain the God Emperor Mask of the Immortal Emperor late stage secret realm, is basically a certainty.

But the result was beyond his expectations!

The next moment, without waiting for Ao Tianhen to think about it, the winner of the Devil Emperor’s mask rushed towards him.

Not only that, the winner of the Devil Emperor’s Mask condensed a giant palm covering the sky and sun in his hands, trying to quickly suppress the winner of the Saint Emperor’s Mask!

“Damn it!”

Seeing this scene, Ao Tianhen was suddenly frightened and shot without hesitation.

Suddenly, Ao Tianhen was crushed and beaten by the demon emperor mask winner.

As for the other young man who was the winner of the god emperor mask, he approached Wang Mang without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly felt distressed secretly, is he really going to continue Ascension’s strength?

But right now he seems to have only Ascension strength, and there is no other way!

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came out from the sky:

“Those who want to leave the secret realm world can choose to enter the door of space!”

“Warm reminder, Saint Emperor-level powerhouses and God Emperor-level powerhouses are coming!”

After listening to this cold and majestic voice.

Not only Wang Mang was stunned.

The remaining three winners of the Immortal Emperor Mask, Saint Emperor Mask, and God Emperor Mask who were fighting were all taken aback.

While everyone was in a daze, Wang Mang suddenly felt that the sky was twisting, as if it was about to break at any time!

“Go!” At this moment, the young man with the god emperor mask suddenly shouted anxiously at the young man with the devil mask.

As soon as the voice fell, the winner of the god emperor mask rushed into the door of space.

At the same time, the winner of the Devil Emperor Mask was unwilling to give up, the winner of the Saint Emperor Mask.

Because if the battle continues, the winner of the Devil Emperor Mask will have the confidence to win the Saint Emperor Mask.

Similarly, Wang Mang’s Immortal Emperor mask, they are also determined to win!

At the same time, they saw the two escape.

The Saint Emperor mask winner also rushed into the gate of space without hesitation.

As for Wang Mang, of course he also came immediately, the gate of space.

But just as Wang Mang was about to enter the gate of space, the winner of the Saint Emperor’s mask suddenly shot towards Wang Mang before he left.

“Go back to this seat!” The saint emperor mask winner who sneered, raised his hand and patted Wang Mang with a palm.

This vast fairy energy turned into a terrifying Magic power air arrow, bursting towards Wang Mang.

Facing this terrifying arrow of Magic power, Wang Mang’s face changed suddenly, and he quickly drew away and ran away.


This terrifying giant arrow immediately blasted several distant mountains into ruins!

At the same time, a violent muffled sound came from the sky.

I saw that several terrifying and powerful figures had already leaped out of space!

The aura of these horrible figures is too powerful!

It can be said that in front of these Saint Emperor level terrifying powerhouses.

Wang Mang didn’t dare to hesitate at all, and immediately ran away!

Because Wang Mang knew that since the Saint Emperor level powerhouse appeared.

So will the god emperor-level powerhouse be far away from the appearance?

Moreover, what can these guys do?

You don’t have to guess Wang Mang to know!

Obviously want to rob them of the opportunity!

Just as Wang Mang was about to enter the door of space, a terrifying aura in the sky instantly locked him!

At the same time, a cold voice sounded: “Stop!”

This terrifying aura made it difficult for Wang Mang to even struggle.

Because this breath is too powerful, among the Saint Emperor rank powerhouses, it is absolutely very powerful.

Therefore, Wang Mang even forcibly got rid of the lock of this aura and plunged into the door of space.

In addition, the reason why he chose to leave was that the effect of his Wrath of Gods and Demons was about to end.

As soon as Wang Mang entered the door of space, the next loud noise sounded!

I saw that the door of space where Wang Mang’s front foot had just left, even began to twist!

This is obviously because a Saint Emperor level powerhouse has taken action!

Moreover, the strength is too strong, even affecting the space!

If Wang Mang left one step later.

I’m afraid this strike is enough to kill him!

At this moment, a middle-aged saint emperor class powerhouse was looking at the door of space with a gloomy expression.

Obviously, he was the Saint Emperor-level powerhouse who had previously attacked Wang Mang, and he was the Saint-Emperor-level late stage powerhouse!

The other end.

Wang Mang entering the door of space.

It is in a closed mysterious space.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The host is detected, and it currently has enough energy! 】

【Ding! Will 60 million energy values ​​be deducted to eliminate the impact of Realm’s plunge? 】

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