Chapter 604 Who dares to be invincible except me? Who dares to be invincible?

After hearing the words of this young man.

Wang Mang’s face suddenly stiffened, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his heart was very angry.

Paralyzed, daddy didn’t provoke you, why can’t you get along with daddy?

However, although Wang Mang was angry, he did not show it.

Because, after all, the opponent is a Tier 5 powerhouse.

Wang Mang admits that he can’t beat the opponent.

Moreover, this guy is very likely to be a deputy city owner.

Therefore, even if An Lan was there, it was thankless.

But just when Wang Mang was about to admit counsel.

An Lan, who was beside him, said with a cold expression:

“What do you count?”

“Do you think you are strong?”

“It’s just not long after breaking through the fifth stage.”

“Do you believe me An Lan, even if you hold the original imperial city with one hand, you need to carry Tianyuan on your back, you can still suppress you with one hand!”

Speaking of this, An Lan stood with his hands in his hands, his expression indifferent and arrogant, and slowly waved towards the other party.

Hearing this, Holy Lord took a deep look at An Lan.

He could feel that An Lan obviously did not reach the middle stage of Ronaldo, but he was still able to give him a sense of threat not to lose the middle stage of Ronaldo.

This also proved that the An Lan next to Wang Mang really should not be underestimated.

This is also one of the reasons why he settled down at the beginning.

However, when Wang Mangxi’s deputy city lord was in conflict, he did not say anything to help Wang Mang.

Although the two did not have a feud, after the last incident, the relationship is just superficial.

“You…huh!” Feeling An Lan’s tyrannical aura, the Vice City Lord Xi was furious, but he gave a cold snort and stopped talking.

Because he really couldn’t beat An Lan, it might be difficult for An Lan to kill him, but it was easier to sling him.

This is because An Lan’s strength is only the third stage of Ronaldo.

But the combat power is very heaven-defying and can reach the middle stage of Da Luo.

Such strength is already very tyrannical among Da Luo.

It is even not an exaggeration to call An Lan a half-step peerless Tianjiao!

in addition.

The basic condition of Peerless Tianjiao is that it can easily suppress and surpass itself, the strong within two small Realms.

The basic condition of Peerless Tianjiao is to be able to easily suppress and surpass itself, the strong within three small Realms.

The basic condition of the Geshitianjiao is that it can easily suppress and surpass itself, the strong within the four small Realms.

The basic condition of the young legend is that it can easily suppress and surpass itself, the strong within five small Realms.

The basic condition of the juvenile myth is that it can easily suppress and surpass itself, the strong within seven small realms.

The basic condition of Juvenile Supreme is: to be able to easily suppress, surpass oneself, the strong within nine small Realm.

As for the news, how did Wang Mang know.

He has a system, and he will know it when he asks.

This was also the answer to the system, and Wang Mang knew why he couldn’t become the foundation of the peerless Tianjiao.

Because, Wang Mang now has his own strength reaching the Ninth Stage of the Immortal, and within two small Realms, it means that he must be able to suppress the existence of the Immortal Emperor (Da Luo)!

But has Wang Mang ever played a fifth-tier Ronaldo?

There is no doubt that I can’t beat it!

Unless, he displays the wrath of gods and demons!

“Okay, stop arguing, there will be Tier 5 coming later, we should be united.”

At this time, the old man of Dongcheng Lord spoke slowly.

Hearing this, both the Vice City Lord Xi and An Lan stopped talking.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang quietly performed information detection on the old man of the East City Lord.

The next moment, the old man’s message appeared before his eyes.

Target: East City Lord (Wind Qingyang).

Realm: Xiandi Eighth Stage days.

Supernatural powers:? ? ? .

Combat power:? ? ? .

After reading the old man’s message.

Wang Mang couldn’t help but be surprised secretly.

The strength of this old man is incredible!

Entered the day of reaching the Eighth Stage of the Immortal Emperor!

No wonder the old man spoke, and An Lan also became quiet.

An Lan’s strength is only the Xiandi Third Stage Heaven.

As for the Vice City Lord Xi, An Lan also said just now.

The strength of this guy is only just breaking through the fifth stage, and it is estimated that it is only the first stage of the immortal emperor.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang whispered to himself:

It seems that this old man of the city owner cannot be offended easily for the time being!

In addition, Wang Mang also looked at the nearby Tier 5 powerhouses.

He found that among these Tier 5 powerhouses, there are many who are much more tyrannical than the old man of the city lord.

Especially these existences that are stronger than the old man of the city lord, the aura made Wang Mang tremble.

Wang Mang was even sure that these auras were more terrifying than Feng Qingyang.

Their strength absolutely surpassed the immortal emperor’s level!

May be reached, a more terrifying Saint Emperor level!

Therefore, Wang Mang also became more cautious.

Because this time Tier 5 Junior Supreme Tomb attracted too many strong men.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but ask: “Dongcheng Lord, what kind of cemetery is this strong?”

Hearing this, Feng Qingyang was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn’t help but mutter to himself: “He! He is the pride of Saint Emperor Continent!”

“He was invincible when he was born. Together with Realm, he suppressed the entire Saint Emperor Continent, and defeated the entire Saint Emperor Continent Invincible.”

“It can be said that in his time, the entire Saint Emperor Continent was beaten by him and bowed to his head, and he didn’t dare to make any mistakes!”

“How strong is he? How strong is he?”

“But it was such a trembling, invincible existence that eventually fell.”

“Long after he left the Saint Emperor Continent, he came back one day, sitting in the millions of mountains…”

In an instant, a week passed.

Wang Mang has always been immersed in what Feng Qingyang said, the magnificent deeds of this young man.

Not only Wang Mang, the rest of the city masters, and even many Tier 5 powerhouses also listened attentively.

Obviously, the past of this juvenile supreme is not known to all Tier 5 powerhouses.

Similarly, Wang Mang also learned how heaven-defying this young supreme was.

Do not! He can no longer be described as heaven-defying.

This young supreme after the rise of the Saint Emperor Continent.

He pushed the invincible all the way, rising from the dust, and finally suppressed the Saint Emperor Continent, and rushed into the heavens and all realms.

Until many years later.

This invincible and undefeated existence.

He returned to the Saint Emperor Continent with great wounds.

In the end, he quietly sat in the millions of mountains.

No one knows what happened.

No one knows whether this young supreme has reached the sixth rank.

There have been countless strong men who tried to find the cemetery of this young supreme but failed without exception.

But the Million Mountain Range is too big, until this juvenile supreme cemetery was born, no one found his cemetery!

This is why, after the birth of this juvenile supreme cemetery, the Saint Emperor Continent gathered so many powerful people.

Because, I don’t know how many powerful people want to gain the inheritance of this young supreme, and obtain the mystery of him becoming the supreme!

The words that left Wang Mang’s most memorable and even shocking words were what the young supreme once said:

Life is the War Great Emperor Wang Dao,

Has been stained with the blood of Wandi so far,

The battle has not been defeated so far!

Apart from me, who dares to be invincible, who dares to be invincible!

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