Chapter 600: The Vice-City Lord of Going East! Successfully return to the fairy stone!

“Master, what the hell is looking for me An Lan?”

An Lan said indifferently with her hands on her back.

It gives people the feeling that they are full of anger. People who don’t know think that An Lan is the master and Wang Mang is a slave.

Wang Mang slowly said, “You accompany me on a walk to see our East Vice City Lord!”

“Our son of the Vice City Lord of the East dared to grab the immortal stone of this seat. I want to see how capable he is!”

Speaking of this, Wang Mang’s eyes were gloomy, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Hearing this, An Lan was furious and said with a cold expression: “My lord, this Eastern Vice-City Lord, what a big dog egg! How dare to act like this.”

“Don’t worry, the lord, with me An Lan, whether he is the deputy city lord of the east or the city lord, I will suppress them all by An Lan!”

After hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately satisfied.

There was a lot of confidence in An Lan to go to the East Vice City Lord.

At the same time, General Jinmen and General Yinmen, who were trembling on the ground not far away, were completely stunned.

They finally understood why, the newly appointed general of Dongchengmen was so rampant and lawless.

No wonder Wang Mang didn’t put the Vice City Lord of the East to put in one’s eyes. It turned out that there was a rank 5 powerhouse!

If they had a rank 5 powerhouse, they would be so mad, and their confidence would be so full.

Originally thought Wang Mang was the weaker side, so they did not hesitate to choose to hand over Wang Mang’s share of millions of immortal stones to the son of the Dong Vice City Lord.

But looking at the situation right now, they are simply kicking on the steel plate!

It cannot be said that Wang Mang must be very strong, but the strength of Wang Mang’s side does not lose to the Vice City Lord of the East at all!

Thinking of this, the two of them are desperate.

Because they no longer know what the fate they will face next!

The Vice City Lord of the East has the right to decide their life and death, and it is even easy to kill them.

Similarly, Wang Mang was completely offended by them.

At the same time, Wang Mang, who was about to head to the Vice City Lord’s Mansion, couldn’t help but cast a glance at the two of them.

Although Wang Mang understood their greed and fear of death, he would not let them go easily.

In addition, Wang Mang also needs the identification of these two guys.

This is actually a preventive measure made by Wang Mang!

If the strength of the Eastern Vice City Lord was too tyrannical, Wang Mang also had room to deal with.

After all, this East Vice City Lord, since he can compete for the position of North City Lord, proves that his strength is definitely not weak.

Therefore, Wang Mang’s plan was to fight as soon as he was able to fight, and use force to coerce, if he could not fight, it would be reasonable.

“You two dogs, don’t you lead the way to the East Vice City Lord’s Mansion? Do you want me to help you personally?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, General Jinmen and General Yinmen almost fainted without being scared.

Because of Wang Mang’s meaning, how could they not understand?

Being able to mix to the fourth-order level in the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong, they don’t have strong aptitudes, and being able to mix to this step has luck and is more sleek.

Now Wang Mang asked them to lead the way to the East Vice City Lord’s Mansion, which is simply forcing them to turn friends into enemies with the East Vice City Lord!

At that time, their end result is really unpredictable.

It is a pity that now they have no choice at all!

The two stood up numb, left the barracks, and began to lead the way.

After half an hour.

Under the leadership of these two young generals, Wang Mang and An Lan successfully arrived at the Eastern Vice City Lord’s Mansion.

At this moment, the East Vice City Lord’s Mansion.

In the hall.

A middle-aged man with a tyrannical aura sits on the first seat of the hall.

His terrifying aura, despite its excellent convergence, there is still a faint coercion flowing throughout his body.

Obviously, he is the Vice-City Lord of the East, Holy Lord!

When Wang Mang, An Lan and two unknown teenagers walked into the hall.

No, to be precise, the moment An Lan appeared.

The Holy Lord on the first seat in the hall narrowed his eyes slightly, then laughed and stood up and said:

“How can this city master have a magpie coming to the door this morning? It turned out that the general Dongchengmen came.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly sank, and he became vigilant secretly.

This old guy is not easy to deal with!

Moreover, Wang Mang could feel a strong sense of threat from him.

This sense of threat was not inferior to the sense of threat that An Lan gave him.

It can be said that only the old man of Dongcheng lord, who gave Wang Mang the coercion, was better than this vice city lord and An Lan.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly smiled with cupped hands and said: “I have seen the Vice City Lord of the East, the youngest one does not go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident!”

Hearing this, the Holy Lord felt helpless.

After all, he is a big Luo strong, able to calculate the past.

Before Wang Mang came, he had already calculated that he was surrounded by Karma.

The Karma here is not just a Tier 4 existence.

The existence of Tier 4 is simply not qualified to contaminate Karma with his existence as a Tier 5 powerhouse.

Karma is not just talking about it.

These Tier 5 powerhouses can really cut off Karma!

But if Karma is also contaminated with the existence of Tier 5, there will be no way to cut it off unless the other party is willing.

Otherwise, Karma cannot be easily cut off. Karma represents many things, such as love, hatred, and hatred.

Now he was faced with two choices. The first was to deny the account and completely break the hostility with Wang Mang.

The second is, swallowing Wang Mang’s immortal stone by his own son, and vomiting them all out to resolve the contradiction.

After pondering for a while, the Holy Lord finally decided to resolve the conflict with Wang Mang.

Wang Mang didn’t care about it, but the An Lan brought by Wang Mang made him be cautious.

In addition, another level of An Lan’s identity is Chen Jia Keqing Madam Elder, of course he knew the news.

It can be said that every fifth-order powerhouse in Qingmu City appears, and basically they will figure out the origins and footsteps in the shortest time.

Therefore, although he didn’t know how close Wang Mang and An Lan were related.

But since Wang Mang was able to invite An Lan directly today, the relationship between the two is self-evident.

In his opinion, An Lan is willing to be Wang Mang’s platform. If he can’t reconcile with Wang Mang, there will be a big battle between the two sides.

If it was in the past, Holy Lord would not care, but now it is different.

First, he needs to compete for the position of the northern city lord of Qingmu City.

Second, there has been an abnormal movement in the depths of the Million Mountain Range not long ago, and I am afraid that unknown events will happen soon.

Therefore, at this moment, he didn’t want to have more rights and wrongs, so he smiled and said: “The child is not sensible, but let the general run away.”

While speaking, Holy Lord waved his sleeves, and a universe bag appeared in front of Wang Mang’s eyes.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang took the Qiankun bag and after some inspection, he found that there were seven million immortal stones in it, and he smiled openly:

“Master Dongcheng is polite. It’s a little abrupt to disturb Master Dongcheng for this small matter.”

“The Lord of the City takes care of everything every day, so the younger ones won’t bother.”

After talking with a smile, Wang Mang cupped hands and left the East Vice City Lord’s Mansion.

After returning to the East Gate Mansion belonging to own.

What made Wang Mang open his eyes and smile.

The Anu he sent out has returned.

Moreover, he led the dog king back.

After seeing Wang Mang, the dog emperor who was waiting in the yard immediately got up and laughed:

“Brother Wang Mang, you can be regarded as coming, I have waited until the flowers are all thanked!”

“No! This is our consecration for half a month, totaling 3 million immortal stones.”

“The King Bear and I shared one million among them. This is the remaining two million immortal stones.”

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