Chapter 596 I, An Lan, once killed countless ninth-tier powerhouses!

This is full of majestic sounds that reverberate through the world.

At this moment, it looks particularly domineering!

At least this is the case with Wang Mang!

Because Wang Mang had already guessed the person who came, it was very likely that he was the subordinate of the fifth-order powerhouse he had summoned.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in full bloom.

Especially when this kind of aggrieved.

He felt that his subordinates had come too soon.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw the sky.

A white figure loomed in the clouds.

This figure is filled with the coercion of the terrifying Tier 5 powerhouse.

In the blink of an eye, this figure had already fallen from the sky.

At the same time, Wang Mang also quietly looked at the subordinate he had summoned.

At the same time, information detection was performed.

The next moment, An Lan’s message emerged.

Target: An Lan.

Level: Third Stage day of the fairyland.

Character: The king of pretense.

Status: Peak.

Loyalty: 80%.

After seeing this man.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then he had a bad feeling.

Because in Wang Mang’s view, this Tong Nian, no matter what, the strength is the existence of the immortal emperor’s level.

But An Lan is only the Xiandi Third Stage Sky, which is the Xiandi early stage Realm.

But Tong Nian gave Wang Mang the feeling that it is very possible that Tong Nian’s Realm is better than his subordinates!

While Wang Mang was worried, An Lan’s words immediately relieved Wang Mang.

I saw An Lan, standing with his hand holding his hand, with an unpredictable look, one hand beckoned to Tong Nian:

“If you are not convinced, you can come and try, I am invincible in the world!”

Hearing this, Tong Nian suddenly showed a frosty chill on her pretty face, and coldly said, “Well, come out and try!”

With the voice of Olive Fruit, Tong Nian’s figure flashed, but he had disappeared.


An Lan let out a cold snort, stomping on the ground, the same figure disappeared.

As for Wang Mang, seeing the two disappeared or not, he hurriedly tracked his breath and flew towards the distance in the sky.

Ten minutes later.

Wang Mang has already left Qingmu City.

In a vast and endless wilderness mountains.

As soon as Wang Mang arrived here, he heard the sound of earth-shaking battle ahead.

I saw that the two figures criss-crossed, fast as lightning, fighting each other.

The movement was so loud that it turned over like a dragon, turning the area into a mess.

to be honest.

Wang Mang couldn’t even see the movement of their fight!

Because the speed is too fast, it is almost in the shuttle space, flickering and flickering, and flickering.

This was also the first time Wang Mang saw the scene of the fifth-order powerhouse fighting against each other.

after an hour.

In Wang Mang’s long wait, two figures appeared in the sky.

Standing proudly in the air, An Lan stood with his hands in his hand, with long hair fluttering, and always an invincible aura.

In contrast, Tong Nian is blue and white as snow, obviously not in good condition.

“I remember you, Wang Mang!”

At this time, Tong Nianmei looked at Wang Mang with cold eyes, gritted her teeth.

After speaking, Tong Nian’s figure flashed and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, An Lan descended from the sky and landed beside Wang Mang.

“How? An Lan?” Wang Mang couldn’t help but stepped forward and asked.

Obviously, Wang Mang still wanted to know the result very much.

Although Tong Nian made harsh words to him before he left, Wang Mang didn’t care at all.

He has a strong subordinate of Anlan Tier 5, and Tong Nian, a bitch woman, shouldn’t be afraid!

An Lan immediately stood with his hand in his hand, and said calmly, “I only used 10% of my strength.”

“If it weren’t for her to be a female generation, An Lan could easily suppress him with just one hand!”

Hearing what this guy said, Wang Mang obviously couldn’t believe it all.

Because, this guy’s information is written, this guy is the king of pretense.

Can the system go wrong?

Obviously it is unlikely.

Thinking of this, although Wang Mang didn’t believe this guy’s words.

But Wang Mang knew that An Lan had won the battle, and he nodded with satisfaction, “Okay! Not bad! I have An Lan, and everyone in the world can go!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, An Lan’s vanity was greatly satisfied, and he waved his hand faintly: “The Lord is polite.”

“With my An Lan, the sky can’t fall, even if the sky is falling, I An Lan can hold the sky up with just one hand!”

“Although my memory is no longer there, there is a voice telling me that An Lan once killed countless ninth-tier powerhouses.”

After hearing these words, Wang Mang suddenly thought about it.

Even the main god is only the existence of the eighth rank.

This guy has just reached the fifth rank!

Even bragging than saying that even Tier 9 powerhouses have killed a lot?

Although Wang Mang’s strength is not high, his experience is still very rich.

According to the system’s explanation, Tier Nine is the highest.

As a result, I really dare to blow it!

If this guy had been killed by the ninth-tier powerhouse.

Then it is impossible to be summoned by the system.

According to Wang Mang’s guess, let alone Tier Nine.

Whether the system can summon an eighth-level strong is a question!

It really deserves to be the guy who was judged by the system as the king of pretending to be.

Of course.

It is certainly impossible for Wang Mang to pierce him.

Because the loyalty value of this guy has not reached 90.

The loyalty value of 90 is not reached, but it will drop with mood swings at any time.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly looked shocked and laughed:

“Good good! With An Lan, who am I afraid of in this world?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, An Lan immediately became exasperated and couldn’t help but raised his head slightly, pretending to be calm.

The next moment, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! The host’s flattering behavior makes An Lan feel very cool, with a loyalty value of +5, and his current loyalty value is 85! 】

? ? ?

Although I know I’m flattering.

But the system still made Wang Mang a little embarrassed.

However, Wang Mang didn’t care.

He only needs to get An Lan’s loyalty to him to 90.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately stepped forward and took An Lan’s shoulder and said:

“Go! An Lan! I will take you to get acquainted with Xia Qingmu City.”

Hearing this, An Lan suddenly asked in surprise: “Is the previous giant city the Greenwood City?”

Wang Mang nodded and smiled immediately: “Yes, where is Qingmu City? There are a lot of fifth-tier powerhouses in Qingmu City.”

Hearing this, An Lan immediately said with great confidence: “Lord, what is there to worry about?”

“For me, a Tier 5 powerhouse is like a clown jumping beam, I can kill as many An Lan as I come!”

“If I want to An Lan, even if it is a Tier 5 powerhouse, all of them can be killed by turning over them!”

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