Chapter 589 You shameless, as insidious and shameless as always!

After that, Lu Guan completely ran away!

He shot directly at Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was suddenly shocked.

But he didn’t panic at all, but turned around and ran towards the outside of Qingmu City.

Similarly, Lu Guan, who was irritated and lost his mind, followed closely behind him.

Just a moment of effort.

Wang Mang ran out of Qingmu City.

Similarly, the guy behind Wang Mang’s ass still chased him.

After a few minutes.

Wang Mang ran into a jungle.

Subsequently, Wang Mang also gradually stopped.

This made Lu Guan, who was originally angry and out of reason chasing after him, calmed down instead.

He looked at Wang Mang with a cold and bitter look, gritted his teeth and said:

“Dog stuff, you keep running! Why don’t you run?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was not angry at all, but smiled faintly:

“What do you think of the scenery around here?”

Hearing this, Lu Guan’s eyes condensed, and after sweeping around, he said in anger and coldness:

“Very good! Suitable for your cemetery!”

Wang Mang froze, and then he smiled, “It depends on your ability.”

“After all, the me who I am now is no longer the me who I used to be.”

“In the beginning you were able to suppress me easily.”

“As for now…hehe!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s ridicule, Lu Guang suddenly violent, his face burst out with a sullen expression, and he shouted angrily at the same time:

“Thousands of palm shadows!”

“The sword refers to the peaks!”

I saw that the giant palms of the terrifying vast Magic power, as well as the sword shadow, swept toward Wang Mang overwhelmingly.

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised, and he stomped into the sky with his foot on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, where Wang Mang’s feet are, has become a ruin.

Obviously, this Luguan’s supernatural powers are still somewhat capable.

At this point, Wang Mang could also tell.

Especially this guy.

His strength itself is much more tyrannical than Wang Mang.

Therefore, compared with Wang Mang, the power displayed was not weak.

Of course.

It is not Wang Mang’s habit to be passively beaten all the time!

Wang Mang sneered when he saw Lu Guan bashing his face again, showing his palm and sword shadows.

At this moment, Wang Mang stood proudly in the air, changing his hands, constantly hand seals.

At the same time, the vast Magic power of Wang Mang’s body swarmed out of his body.

“Dawei Tianlong!”

Wang Mang shouted angrily, and the hand seals became one!

The next moment, the vast magic power that Wang Mang has gathered around his body has formed a terrifying magic power golden dragon!

With teeth and claws dancing, between dragons and phoenixes, this golden dragon swept across the sky toward Luguan.

Lu Guan’s expression changed drastically when he saw this golden dragon, hundreds of meters long and amazingly powerful, flying over.

He hurriedly used his magical powers again, shooting out a giant palm of Magic power condensed, trying to disperse the magic power golden dragon!

What made Lu Guan frightened was that no matter how he used his magic power palm, the golden dragon still had not been shot apart!

It’s as if the giant palm he displayed had no effect on the Magic Power Golden Dragon that Wang Mang displayed!

This is in fact the same.

Because this magic power golden dragon several hundred meters long is almost all the magic power in Wang Mang’s body.

After waiting to fight the enemy, this Magic Power Golden Dragon has to return to his body again.

So, how vast is the magic power of Wang Mang’s entire body?

It can be said that even those who are stronger than the peak of the Immortal Venerable are not weak at all!

Because Wang Mang’s own strength is the same as Realm.

Therefore, facing the golden fairy peak is not much worse.

“Damn it!”

“Swallow gluttonous food!”

While Lu Guan shouted angrily, he couldn’t care about so much under his anger and frustration.

I saw that as Lu Guan put his hands together, the vast Magic power above his head, crazily poured out.

At the same time, what is visible to the naked eye is that as the vast Magic power gushes out more, Lu Guan’s face becomes paler.

In the end, under his reckless urging of Magic power.

On the top of Lu Guan’s head, there was a full hundreds of meters condensed, with a blood basin and a big mouth, a hideous and terrifying gluttony.

The condensed gluttony of this vast Magic power, although it looks a little less agile, it is also a little more fierce.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was somewhat surprised.

This dog is really stronger than he imagined.

Sure enough, he could become the pinnacle of Immortal Venerable Realm, and he was only one step away from Da Luo Jinxian, and he did have the ability.

Among other things, the gluttonous supernatural powers that Lu Guan displayed are absolutely extraordinary!

It may not reach the top god-tier pass, but it will definitely not lose much than Dawei Tianlong!

At this moment, two sacred beasts are completely converged by the vast magic power in both sides.

A golden dragon and a gluttonous food are currently roaring and fighting in the air.

If you look at it for a short time, you really can’t see who is strong and who is weak on both sides.

But Wang Mang didn’t care, even if he exhausted the Magic power displayed by Dawei Tianlong.

He can also swallow the Yuan Dan, but what about this guy? Is there a Huiyuan Dan?

Moreover, Wang Mang has more than just Huiyuan Dan!

In addition, he also has a bottle of blood recovery pills!

Therefore, compared to consumption, as long as the other party cannot crush him.

Wang Mang really doesn’t persuade anyone!

Even if the opponent’s ancestor is the pinnacle!

Wang Mang is also confident that he can kill the opponent!

In contrast.

Lu Guan was nervous a lot.

Of course he didn’t know Wang Mang’s thoughts.

At this moment, watching the magical beasts of the two sides condensing Magic power, they are fighting and colliding.

Because, this actually meant that he and Wang Mang’s strengths were different from each other.

But the vastness of Wang Mang’s Magic power really exceeded Lu Guan’s expectations.

He never thought that Wang Mang was just the middle stage of the Immortal Venerable, with the vastness of Magic Power, but he did not lose to the peak of the Immortal Venerable!

Thinking about it this way, he hated Wang Mang even more!

In his opinion, every bit of Wang Mang Ascension’s strength should belong to him!

It was Wang Mang who seized his immortal stone! Take away his resources! Took everything from him!

“Damn it! It belongs to me, I must take it back!”

At this moment, Lu Guan’s eyes were gloomy and he muttered to himself with a sullen expression.

But The next moment, something that changed Lu Guan’s face has happened!

I saw that in the sky, the magic power of the two sides condensed the beasts, the battle is comparable.

But The next moment, the Magic Power Golden Dragon of several hundred meters, suddenly blew up!


A loud noise rang out!

Similarly, with the blew of Magic Power Golden Dragon!

Magic power gluttonous gluttonous fighting with the golden dragon naturally died out.

The next moment, Lu Guan couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was as white as snow, and his body was crumbling.

He widened his eyes and yelled at Wang Mang with an angry face: “Are you fucking crazy?”

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Wang Mang’s tactics to kill him.

But when Lu Guan saw Wang Mang’s state, he was immediately dumbfounded.

I saw Wang Mang who had the same face as white as snow.

I don’t seem to know what I ate.

Then, Lu Guan watched Wang Mang, his face flushed again.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also looking at Luguan with a smile, and smiled Senran:

“I feel my condition is better than ever, and my whole body is full of peaks again!”

While speaking, Wang Mang wandered leisurely in the courtyard with his hands in his hands, and walked towards Lulu Pass without delay.

Because Wang Mang knew that this guy’s state was exhausted.

Previously, Wang Mang blew himself Magic Power Golden Dragon, which was equivalent to wasting all the Magic Power originally stored in his body.

Similarly, Lu Guan was forced to consume all the Magic power originally stored in his body just like Wang Mang.

But the problem is, Wang Mang has Medicine Pill to eat, but he doesn’t!

Because I have lost the Medicine Pill business at the back door of Shengdi Academy.

His life for more than a year has not been easy, and he is simply displaced.

Now that Wang Mang took out the Medicine Pill, Lu Guan’s expression was even more desperate.

He finally knew why Wang Mang blew himself up, the Magic Power Golden Dragon!

This is obviously to fight with him Medicine Pill and the background!

But he is not Wang Mang’s opponent at all!

Wang Mang can take out Medicine Pill.

He couldn’t take out Medicine Pill.

Then, the result is doomed!

All of a sudden.

Lu Guan, whose heart was ashamed, looked at Wang Mang with bitter eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

“You shameless! As insidious and shameless as ever!”

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