Chapter 584 Dragon Clan Daluo Jinxian powerhouse is about to come?

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but laugh.

Does this Xihai Dragon King have a brain problem?

Others can kill him, but he can’t kill him?

What kind of shit is this?

Really think he is a bully?


Before he did it, he was ready to offend the Dragon Race.

The other party wanted to kill him.

Does he still care about these?

Although he is also cautious and tolerant.

But it is not to be bullied.

Now they are all bullied.

Naturally, Wang Mang would not swallow his anger!

Moreover, he can escape from Journey to the West at any time!

In addition, he also has a summoning card for the Tier 5 powerhouse!

This is his confidence and reason!

Want to kill him? Doesn’t exist at all, okay?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s eyes were even more murderous, and he smiled Senran:

“Whether I will die or not, it’s not your decision.”

“But, I have the final say if you die today!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the Xihai Dragon King and the blue dragon brand youth returned to their senses.

Seeing Wang Mang’s eyes full of killing intent, they all felt their scalp tingling.

They could see that Wang Mang was really killing them!

After thinking about Wang Mang’s strength, the two of them retreated a little.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered, giving them no chance to react at all.

Wang Mang directly cast a seal of control over the other blue-robed young man!


Seeing this scene, Xihai Dragon King was stunned, looked at Wang Mang in horror, and trembled: “You…what did you do to him?”

“Long Wei, General, look back! If you kill him again, it will really be irreparable!”

Obviously, Xihai Dragon King was completely panicked at this moment, especially when he saw that Wang Mang made another move.

He was afraid that Wang Mang would be completely mad, and after killing the young dragon clan member in blue robe, he continued to attack him.

Therefore, when he tried his best to discourage Wang Mang, he was quietly ready to escape at any time.

But when Xihai Dragon King saw Wang Mang’s face a little pale, his eyes suddenly brightened.

He could feel the current state of Wang Mang, and the consumption was very high!

But The next moment, Xihai Dragon King’s heart sank.

He saw Wang Mang take out an unknown Medicine Pill and swallowed it quickly.

After that, the state of the whole person instantly returned to its peak, and the vast magic power of the whole body was clear at a glance.

With just this moment of effort, Xihai Dragon King knew that he had lost the best time to do it.

But The next moment, the actions of the young man in the blue dragon robe, made Dexihai Dragon King’s scalp numb.

At this moment, the blue-clothed dragon-robed youth stopped screaming, got up and knelt down to Wang Mang:

“I have seen the Lord!”

Seeing this scene, Xihai Dragon King’s eyes widened, his eyes filled with panic.

Afterwards, Xihai Dragon King said nothing, turning around and preparing to flee towards the distance.

But Xihai Dragon King, who just wanted to escape, couldn’t help staggering his body, just feeling a headache!

The next moment, he also fell to the ground, and also began to scream in pain while holding his head.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Mang’s face paled and swallowed another Pill of Returning Origin.

Because it consumes too much for him to cast the Seal of Controlling God.

If there is no return to the original pill, if there are too many enemies, he would not dare to use this control god seal decision.

Once it is used, it almost exhausts the energy of the whole body, which is equivalent to turning from the peak state to the weak state in an instant.

Therefore, when he is not sure, Wang Mang will not use the Seal of Controlling God!

Even if it was heaven-defying, Wang Mang did not dare to use it easily.

Because he didn’t know whether the Control God Seal Jue worked against Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, God-Controlling Seal Jue is just an ordinary magical power, not a top god-tier skill.

This was also the reason why Wang Mang didn’t have much confidence, so he had never dared to use Daluo Jinxian.

Unless his own strength has reached Da Luo Jinxian!

But what Wang Mang didn’t know was that his worry was not wrong.

Theoretically, the Soul Control Seal can control the existence of a Realm, but the success rate is said to be 30%, but whether there are really three achievements is not known.

After a long time, Xihai Dragon King finally stopped screaming.

Then, like the previous blue-robed youth, he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully to Wang Mang’s cupped hands:

“I have seen the Lord!”

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction and waved: “Get up!”

At this time, Xihai Dragon King hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice:

“Master, the old slave thinks, you better go!”

“Once the Dragon Clan Daluo Jinxian comes, you will not be able to escape, Lord.”

Actually is not Xihai Dragon King considered for Wang Mang.

It’s that Wang Mang is dead, and he must die too!

Yes, Control God Yinjue is so overbearing!

Therefore, although life and death were controlled by Wang Mang.

But Xihai Dragon King still has his own ideas.

But the reason for defending Wang Mang is actually to defend himself.

If Wang Mang is dead.

Don’t say it’s him.

Anyone who is controlled by Wang Mang’s God Seal Jue will be buried with Wang Mang!

At this time, the blue-robed youth also hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully persuaded Wang Mang:

“Yes, Lord, you’d better go.”

“Xihai Dragon King was right. His father knew when Long Ze died.”

“Not only that, the five Elders of Longze’s father are at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, who can easily play the murderer in the past.”

After listening to the words of the blue-robed young man, Wang Mang was even more shocked.

He didn’t expect that Da Luo Jinxian could really deduct the past and the future.

No, I don’t know the future, but the past can really be deduced.

This was indeed beyond Wang Mang’s expectation.

He always thought that Realm was just being overly mythical.

Although Daluo Jinxian was indeed very powerful, he was able to deduct the past.

This also meant that Wang Mang’s killing of Long Ze’s affairs was absolutely insufficient.

But at this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected, and the host is given the following task choices! 】

[Task First: Facing Da Luo Jinxian who is coming soon, choose to avoid the edge for now! 】

[Task time: You can get it by choosing, please make your choice within three minutes! 】

[Task reward: 1 million energy value! Diamond Treasure Box X1! 】

[Task 2: Face the big Luo Jinxian who is coming soon, choose head-to-head! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 5 million energy value! Fairy-level treasure chest X1! 】

[Task 3: Facing Da Luo Jinxian who is coming soon, choose Thunder Shock! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 20 million energy value! Xian-level treasure box X3, Xian-level blind box X3! 】

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