Chapter 571 Nine personnel appointment approval, the lion speaks loudly!

Looking at Wang Mang’s incomparably hypocritical appearance.

To be honest, he even had the urge to strangle Wang Mang.

This ability to open his eyes and tell lies is too exaggerated.

Why did this fall?

After hitting the front foot, daddy now says I fell down?

OMG! How can there be such shameless people!

Suddenly, Yang Wei was so angry that he had an inexplicable impulse.

He wanted to raise his fist and smash Wang Mang’s extremely disgusting face.

Of course.

Yang Wei also knew that he couldn’t be tough with Wang Mang.

Because Wang Mang Taiyi Realm, overwhelmed him a big Realm.

If he wants to fight Wang Mang, he will be beaten completely!

“That’s right!”

“After all, they are all colleagues, and enemies should be settled but not settled.”

“Furthermore, it’s just a small problem.”

At this time, Li Jian hurriedly stepped forward with a smile to ease the relationship between the two parties.

Of course he could also see that Yang Wei was irritated. If the atmosphere was not relaxed, it would easily lead to conflicts.

“Why, brother is still the source, I can’t make it?” Seeing Yang Wei’s face stiff and spiteful eyes, Wang Mang’s tone became a little low.

Yang Wei trembled all over, and found Wang Mang’s somewhat cold gaze, he suddenly squeezed out a smile and said: “How can it be! What happened just now has been wiped out.”

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction and said: “That’s right, come on, just sit down today and divide the rights.”

“The other two brothers, also introduce to me, the main scope of authority of this promoted official, the more specific the better.”

After speaking, Wang Mang smiled and sat back in his seat. Li Jian and Yang Wei also sat down reluctantly.

Later, after some explanation.

Wang Mang was regarded as a so-called promoted official.

There is another clearer understanding.

The position of the promoted officer is to choose the personnel appointment approval.

The above will issue, how many positions are there in the vacancy system?

For example, 10 positions are needed today.

Then those generals in silver armor and gold armor who have received the news will send people to submit applications to obtain the establishment.

To put it bluntly, there are too many monks and few meat, too many people robbing the establishment, but the establishment quota is very small.

“In the past, how many establishment quotas would be delegated every day?”

After pondering, Wang Mang couldn’t help asking.

Hearing this, Li Jian hesitated and said, “Brother, the quotas are not fixed every day.”

“Sometimes a lot, sometimes a few, and at most, it’s close to 12 places.”

“There are only two or three places in the least day.”

“If it happens to send troops to suppress demons, the situation is another matter.”

“When the casualties are relatively large, there will be major changes in the appointment approval.”

“Furthermore, the heavenly soldiers will have the authority to recruit heavenly soldiers independently at any time.”

“Sometimes, some mortal cultivator joins the heavenly soldiers and generals on the Heaven Court.”

“Our task is to make reasonable arrangements, just like the appointment approval.”

After hearing this, Wang Mang nodded his head secretly, which was a more comprehensive understanding of the authority of the promoted official.

“Okay! Starting tomorrow, I will enter the military appointment camp. By that time, the two brothers should not embarrass me!”

“I have a bad temper. When there is something abrupt, the two brothers must bear with me!”

Having said this, Wang Mang’s expression was not smiling.

Hearing this, Li Jiancan smiled and nodded and vowed: “Since the reconciliation has been made, I will naturally not embarrass my brothers. From now on, the quota will be divided equally!”

“It’s today’s appointment approval, I hope my brothers won’t embarrass us!”

While speaking, Li Jian had already taken out the appointment approval documents he had prepared.

Looking at the appointment approval letter handed by Wang Mang, Wang Mang smiled and said, “Two brothers, have you received a lot of good things for this payment?”

“I don’t care about this benefit.”

After speaking, Wang Mang took out the brush with a smile and signed several appointment approval documents.

Subsequently, Wang Mang took out the exclusive official seal of the promoted official and covered it.

Seeing this scene, Li Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled after putting away the appointment approval:

“Brother, let’s not bother! See you tomorrow at the military appointed camp.”

Wang Mang smiled and nodded, still showing enthusiasm, and sent the two of them out of the small palace.

After Wang Mang came back, the two heavenly soldiers who followed Wang Mang, with big heads and small heads, said with joy:

“My lord, in the future, you will be a promoted official with real power, and your strength will surely soar by then.”

“Yes! Your lord, you are one of the three most promoted officials. Soaring strength is a matter of pre-determination.”

After hearing what the two said, Wang Mang was in a good mood and chuckled:

“It seems that this promoted officer is indeed the most oily position in the entire barracks?”

Hearing this, the big-headed heavenly soldier couldn’t help but envy and said, “My lord, you don’t know anything!”

“In the entire barracks, there are four major oil and water departments, among which the most oily and water department is the promoted officer.”

“The next is the Military Performance Department, the Military Discipline Department, and the Military Prison Department.”

“Promoted officials have the right to be promoted and make money.”

“The Military Performance Department holds the power of military performance.”

“Military discipline is the management of public security punishment in the military department.”

“The military prison is the place where you made a big mistake and detained the heavenly soldiers and generals.”

“These four places are all rich in oil and water, among which the promotion department is the place where the oil flows.”

“In addition, the Ministry of Operations, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Personnel Transfer are even more incomparable.”

After listening to the words of the first two guarding the heavenly soldiers, Wang Mang was thoughtful. The five million heavenly soldiers and geniuses, many departments are normal.

Of course, Wang Mang didn’t care about these issues.

What he really cares about is the department’s oil and water problems.

With more oil and water, the strength of Ascension will naturally be fast.

Of course Wang Mang knew this simple truth.

Therefore, early the next morning.

Wang Mang happily came to the military appointment camp.

In addition, Wang Mang was surprised to find that many people were already waiting outside.

These people have celestial soldiers and generals, silver armored generals, even silver armored generals, and individual gold armored generals.

Especially when Wang Mang came in, seeing these people’s envious eyes and enthusiastic smiles, Wang Mang’s vanity was greatly satisfied.

After entering the military appoint camp, Wang Mang sat in the position of the three most promoted appointees.

Naturally, the other two positions belonged to Li Jian and Yang Wei, and they came earlier than him.

After seeing Wang Mang, Li Jian smiled and watched Wang Mang walk up and said:

“Brother, there are nine places for appointment approval today.”

“Three ten thousand captains, two centurion captains, the position of one captain, and the position of three squadron captains.”

“Brother, I was going to allocate this way, you can see if it works.”

“Brother, you can take a quota of ten thousand captain, a quota of squadron leader, and a quota of squadron leader.”

“If this happens again next time, how about taking turns to get a smaller quota?”

After listening to Li Jian’s words.

Wang Mang knew what the other party meant.

The three positions of Chief Wan are just equally divided.

The centurion has only two positions, which is not easy to divide.

This is destined that only two people can take the position of centurion.

The other one can only take the first-level low captain position.

The position of the three squadron leaders is a good point, everyone one by one.

However, Wang Mang was unwilling to give up taking the first-level captain position.

Therefore, Wang Mang suddenly looked displeased and coldly hummed:

“You have eaten the position two days ago, let me take the small one as soon as I come up?”

“This is impossible! I didn’t want to compensate for all positions today, it would be nice!”

“It’s up to you two to discuss it and see who takes the position of the lower first-level captain.”

Having said this, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly moved, and he took the opportunity to open his mouth and said:

“Let’s do it! I will reluctantly get the three ten thousand captain positions, and the rest will be given to you!”

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