Chapter 569: Want to get daddy to sign? Let them roll over and beg me!

After waving his hand to accept the Baiguo fairy wine, Wang Mang’s smile even worsened: “Fellow daoist is too polite, I will do my best.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the silver armored young general Arnold was overjoyed.

He stretched out his arm around Wang Mang and said with a smile: “Brother, I will be troubled in the future, brother, don’t take it offense, brother!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded his head with a smile, waved his hand and said, “Small things, easy to talk about.”

Before long, Wang Mang finally arrived at the military appointment camp.

I saw that in the military appointed camp, there were hundreds of heaven soldiers guarding the camp.

After seeing Wang Mang and the young general Yin Jia, they stopped their way. One of the Yin Jia generals asked with a blank expression: “What is the military appointment camp for?”

Hearing this, Arnold suddenly smiled and said: “Send it to you, the new promoted officer is here.”

“This is the three new promoted officers appointed by the general, and the last promoted officer.”

After hearing this, the silver armored young general suddenly widened his eyes, and then Man Liang said enthusiastically: “My lord, please come inside.”

After seeing the attitude of the young general, Wang Mang was even more happy, nodded in satisfaction, and stepped into the military appointment camp.

But after walking in, Wang Mang saw the military appointment camp, singing and dancing, singing and dancing!

Two young men, one fat and one thin, were hugging the dancing girl with a smile, drinking wine and eating meat, and their life was not to mention happier.

After seeing Wang Mang, the two young men were taken aback for a moment. Then, as if thinking of something, they suddenly smiled and said, “How do you call your brother?”

Obviously, they heard what they had said outside the tent.

For this new colleague, their attitude is still very enthusiastic.

After all, there are only three promoted officers in the entire large military appointment battalion.

In the past, there were only two of them, but now there is one more person.

Naturally, they have reduced their rights.

However, they didn’t take it seriously, as long as they joined forces.

In most cases, Wang Mang is basically just a pendant.

Therefore, on the surface they were very enthusiastic about Wang Mang, but they were very unhappy in their hearts.

After all, the power of military appointments was in their hands before, and now that one more person comes, it is natural to have one more power.

Similarly, Wang Mang also saw the contempt in the eyes of the two, but he didn’t care too much.

After sitting down at random, he asked the two of them: “Two fellow daoist, I don’t know where is the approval for this new appointment? I’ll see it too, and understand.”

Hearing that, the two fat and thin young men looked at each other and smiled lightly at Wang Mang: “Fellow daoist will be handed over to us in the future. How can this kind of thing bother fellow daoist?”

“From now on, fellow daoist will just have to drink and eat meat with us, these chores will not bother fellow daoist.”

After hearing the words of the two, Wang Mang suddenly sneered in his heart. Naturally, he knew that the two did not want to share the power with him, and they tried to stand him up together!

However, Wang Mang did not have an attack. After he understood the scope of the promoted officer’s position, he would naturally begin to intervene in this military appointment.

But at this time Fatty youth waved his hand: “Little Treasure outside the camp, send someone to send our promoted officer to rest in the temple.”

As soon as the voice fell, two heavenly soldiers walked in outside the door and said respectfully: “Yes! Two adults, you come with me, this adult.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded calmly, got up and followed the two heavenly soldiers and left.

Seeing this scene, the fat and thin young people looked at each other and laughed:

“It seems that this kid is just like that. We are working together. In this military appointment camp, it is not you and I who have the final say?”

“Ahaha! Brother is right, this new kid wants to fight for power with us. It’s simply overpowering.”

at the same time.

On the way to the Great Hall.

The two heavenly soldiers suddenly said to Wang Mang, “My lord, do you need to be guarded?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced in surprise, the two little heaven soldiers glanced at them, and asked blankly, “How many guards can the promoted officer have?”

The two heavenly soldiers hesitated to look at each other, and respectfully said to Wang Mang: “The promoted officer has two guards. If there is no one for the adult, we are willing to follow the adult.”

“Moreover, we are very familiar with the military appointment camp, and we will definitely be able to help you, my lord.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced at the two in surprise, nodded and said, “Okay! Only you two.”

“You guys tell me about the scope of authority for this promotion.”

Upon hearing this, the two heavenly soldiers were immediately overjoyed, and then respectfully said to Wang Mang: “My lord, you don’t know anything about it, in this military appointment camp.”

“The authority is too great, and it covers the entire barracks!”

“Millions of celestial soldiers and general personnel appointments are all in your hands.”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is powerful.”

At this time, another heavenly soldier nodded quickly and said, “My lord, do you know how many positions are available in this barracks?”

“Several dozens of positions.”

“From low to high: Heavenly soldiers are divided into low, middle and high third-level!”

“After the heavenly soldiers, it was the team leader (ten people), the squadron leader (20 people), and the squadron leader (50 people).”

“A centurion (a hundred people), a thousand people (a thousand people), a big thousand people (five thousand people), and a thousand people (ten thousand people).”

“Little General Yinjia (20,000), Middle General Yinjia (40,000), Great General Yinjia (80,000).”

“Jinjia Little General (100,000), Jinjia Middle General (150,000), Jinjia Grand General (200,000).”

“Among them, the personnel appointment approval of the Heavenly Soldier-Chief Ten Thousand, all belong to the three adults, including you, the master.”

“In addition, the appointment of the Celestial Soldier-the captain requires two votes in favor of signing!”

“The centurion-the appointment approval letter of the centurion requires three votes in favor of signing!”

“So my lord, you don’t need to worry about being emptied by them.”

“Just wait for the appointment of the centurion, or the appointment of the chief thousand, or the appointment of the chief thousand, and the appointment of the ten thousand chief.”

“You can naturally sit down and negotiate with them and divide the rights.”

After listening to the words of the two heavenly soldiers, Wang Mang suddenly realized.

I never thought that this promotion would have such great power!

Completely control the approval of the middle and lower-level personnel appointments!

No wonder these two guys want to stand up!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but sneer to himself.

Then, he came to the small palace of the promoted official.

Of course, this small palace is not as big as the old one.

After entering the small palace, Wang Mang discovered that there were only two court ladies and only two servants.

In addition to the two bodyguards, there are only six people!

Fortunately, knowing that these other two guys can’t stand him up.

Wang Mang also waited quietly, and settled in the small hall with peace of mind.

Two days later, a celestial soldier immediately found dozens of approval documents.

After seeing Wang Mang, the heavenly soldier said with a flattering smile:

“My lord, this is an appointment approval document. Please check it out and sign it.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced blankly, and the approvals in the hands of the heavenly soldiers were four to five in essence.

After Wang Mang received an appointment approval, he saw that it was a centurion appointment approval.

Among them, the other two promoted officers have already signed.

Signatories-Li Jian, Yang Wei.

Obviously, the approval has already been signed, so his approval will be missed.

But will Wang Mang sign it?

I think too much!

Afterwards, Wang Mang waved his hand and threw the approval letter on the ground, sneered:

“Hurry up and get fucked! Want daddy to sign? Let the two bastards come and beg me in person!”

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