Chapter 394 Devouring the Devil’s Tire! A magic fetus comparable to the half fairy Heavenly and Mortal Treasures? This is a big tonic?

After hearing this guy’s voice.

Wang Mang was even more speechless.

But Wang Mang was happy.

This red egg-like magic fetus was much easier to deal with than the previous black magic fetus.

Because after Wang Mang used Eternal Frost, he discovered that his own magical powers had a great influence on this scarlet demon fetus.

Even the magma that rolled on the magic tire seemed to solidify a lot, and the breath was a little weaker.

This proves that this scarlet demon fetus can indeed be dealt with, unlike the previous demon fetus that could not be moved or destroyed.

This also made Wang Mang secretly relieved.

Facing this guy’s almost brain-dead words, Wang Mang couldn’t help but sneer.

This guy really has a sense of superiority before he is born, and want him to assist him in his birth?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly sneered and said, “Is it worthy of you?”

Wang Mang’s words completely angered the scarlet egg-shaped fetus, and an angry roar came from within:

“Do you want to become a great dragon?”

“In the Galaxy Cluster Universe, your snake clan is the largest affiliated clan of our dragon clan!”

“You should, like those powerful subsidiary snake tribes, strive to become a subsidiary tribe of our great Chiyan Dragon tribe.”

“Only in this way can you become a member of the Dragon Clan with my help! The Snake Clan Python Clan is a low-level clan in front of the Dragon Clan!”

Wang Mang was stunned by this.

How superior is this guy!

Even Wang Mang suspected that this guy might not feel so superior when he saw other races.

However, they obviously look down on the Python and Snake tribes very much.

This may be related to his own origin!

Or, in other words, the Chiyanlong clan does have many python-like and snake-like affiliates.

However, this doesn’t seem to have much to do with Wang Mang!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang sneered and said:

“Sorry! I don’t want to be any dragon clan.”

“I think this is good.”

“Now I will send you on the road!”

After speaking, Wang Mang once again used his magical power: Destroy Laser!

The next moment, a beam of laser light burst out from Wang Mang’s big mouth.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and it instantly bombarded this scarlet demon fetus.


Accompanied by supernatural power skills.

Wait until the rising smoke dissipates.

Wang Mang saw it, and the red magma on the surface of this red magic fetus became even thinner.

In addition, there are many traces of cracks on this crimson fetus!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became excited.

He is even sure that after a few more magical powers, he will be able to completely destroy this demonic fetus!

Just as Wang Mang was about to start his hand, this demon fetus suddenly heard a scream of horror:

“Stop! Stop! Don’t mess around!”

Wang Mang, who was about to do it, was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered:

“Why don’t you hesitate?”

“You can try, can this seat crush you!”

Hearing this, a panicked voice came from the Scarlet Demon Tire:

“You and I have no grievances, why do you want to destroy me!”

“Moreover, I am not the only Chiyan Dragon Clan that has come to this world!”

“If you kill me, my brothers, I won’t let you go.”

Hearing that the scarlet fetus had the courage to threaten him, Wang Mang suddenly laughed.

Good guy, even now he dare to threaten him, this is not a little courage!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was ready to do it again.

This immediately frightened the Scarlet Demon Tire and instantly softened, and a panicked voice came:

“Stop! Stop! Have something to say!”

“What the hell do you want to do!”

“There is no need to have trouble with our Chiyan Dragon Clan!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang thought for a while, and said: “What I said, you answer me honestly!”

After a moment of silence, a helpless voice came from the Scarlet Demon’s fetus: “Okay! Tell me!”

“How exactly did you come to this world?”

“How many magic fetuses have come to this world?”

“In addition to your magic fetus, what other race has come to this world?”

Hearing this, the Scarlet Demon Tire also heard a helpless voice:

“I don’t know either! I was still deep in the nest of our Chiyan Dragon Clan.”

“As a result, it appeared in this world in the blink of an eye.”

“I don’t know why I am here now.”

“Moreover, this world is very weird, and I can feel that there are many racial eggs that I haven’t seen before.”

“Besides, I’m just an egg! How do I know so much!”

After hearing the words of the Scarlet Demon Tire, Wang Mang fell into deep thought.

He could hear that this guy shouldn’t lie.

So here comes the problem.

These magic fetuses are also good.

Even the coming cataclysm.

Who made this?

It’s impossible for the world to change for no reason, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s doubts grew even more.

It’s a pity that Wang Mang thought for a long time but couldn’t understand this question.

Even after Wang Mang asked the system, the system came to ask him for the evolution value.

Moreover, the evolution value required for consulting questions is still very large.

Wang Mang finally gave up his plan to inquire.

Just when Wang Mang was about to deal with this demon fetus.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in your head. If this thing is eaten, it should be equivalent to swallowing a fake Earthly Celestial, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s eyes lit up, and then he looked at the eight-meter-high egg-shaped scarlet demon fetus.

He wanted to swallow this volume, it was so easy!

Because Wang Mang’s own volume has reached more than two hundred and sixty meters!

It’s not a problem to swallow this scarlet demon fetus!

At this point, Wang Mang suddenly opened his blood basin and moved his body closer to the scarlet fetus.

The Scarlet Demon Tire suddenly heard a suspicious voice: “What do you want to do?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang ignored it, and always approached the Scarlet Demon Tire.

But at The next moment, the Scarlet Demon Tire didn’t know if it foresaw that something bad had happened.

It flew towards the sky in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered in his heart.

This guy wants to escape?

How can it be!

The next moment, Wang Mang incited eight wings and went straight to the sky.

Moreover, Wang Mang quickly approached at a terrifying speed.

This immediately scared the scarlet demon fetus and heard a terrified voice:

“What the hell do you want to do! Don’t come over!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang ignored it.

After catching up with the scarlet fetus, Wang Mang opened his blood basin and swallowed it into his stomach with one bite.

Originally, when Wang Mangtun had tried to bite it, the key was too hard to bite, so he had to swallow it directly.

The next moment, Wang Mang’s mind came from a familiar voice:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow Chiyan Dragon Eggs! Get 15 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! Accumulate to meet the evolutionary conditions, does it begin to evolve? 】

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