Chapter 389 Xiang Yu’s heaven-defying! Successfully survived the thunder tribulation? The result was the most aggrieved death!

If Wang Mang was not sure before, whether to eat Ding Xiang Yu.

So now Wang Mang can confidently say that he will be taken care of!


Whether Xiang Yu can survive this Earthly Celestial thunder disaster, there are still two things to say.


Even if this Yu got through the thunder robbery by chance, Wang Mang would kill Xiang Yu.


Basically Xiang Yu can’t escape death anyway!


Wang Mang’s strength has once again ushered in a skyrocket!

Not to mention Xiang Yu’s weakness after Transcends Tribulation.

Even Xiang Yu is in peak state.

Wang Mang is still confident that he can suppress him.

In the situation where there is not much difference between Tao and Xing, Wang Mang doesn’t think that Xiang Yu can beat him.

Don’t forget, when Wang Mang himself walked for 8,500 years, he was not much weaker than the pseudo-Earthly Celestial.

Now that Wang Mang’s strength has skyrocketed, let alone Wang Mang’s strength.

Now Wang Mang’s vision doesn’t put these pseudo Earthly Celestial To put in one’s eyes at all.

Unless the other party came in groups, otherwise, Wang Mang was nothing short of nothing.

Who was Wang Mang afraid of?

He Wang Mang is ironclad!

After being narcissistic for a while.

Wang Mang looked at the more terrifying Thunder Tribulation, and couldn’t bear to look directly.

It can be said.

At this moment, Xiang Yu is in the center of the island.

Basically already covered by Thunder.

The thunders were like thunder whips, and they kept coming and beating Xiang Yu.

This thunder was hacking and pumping, and Wang Mang’s scalp was numb.

This is far more miserable than when he killed Liu Xiu.

Moreover, the level of thunder tribulation was not comparable to that when he killed Liu Xiu.

After all, this is what Earthly Celestial must suffer!

The power is naturally incomparable.

See how miserable Xiang Yu is now?

I was smashed so that my body was black and angry!

This is really the black energy that has been cleaved out.

Oh, it’s not right.

It is more appropriate to use Ghost Qi Yin Qi to describe it.

With every blow of Thunderclap, basically Xiang Yu’s Ghost Qi all over his body collapsed by a few points.

Even Wang Mang suspected that if this feather can’t survive, he will surely not even be able to make a ghost!

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly heard a screaming scream.

I saw that Xiang Yu fell from the sky miserably, and finally fell on the island.

But Thunder Tribulation is still not over!

This thunder robbery was a full morning, and it finally dissipated completely.

After seeing Lei Jie dispersed, Wang Mang was also a little surprised.

Was this feather struck by lightning and died in the thunder tribulation, or has it been successfully Transcends Tribulation?

If Wang Mang had come to this Thunder Tribulation, he would be 70% sure of surviving.

But Xiang Yu’s situation is hard to say, first Qi Deviation, and then Lei Jie escalated.

If this is replaced by an ordinary pseudo-Earthly Celestial powerhouse, it might be cold.

But Xiang Yu’s words, Wang Mang was really a bit uncertain.

Xiang Yu is also the number one strong under Nether Earthly Celestial anyway.

Just as Wang Mang guessed, Lu Bu and Han Xin, who were protecting Xiang Yu’s law, had already rushed to the place where Xiang Yu fell.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also quietly prepared, if Xiang Yu is not dead.

Then Wang Mang was about to do it naturally.

Because, now the effect of the bad luck card has passed.

But the thunder robbery also ended.

But at The next moment, Wang Mang heard a wild and weak laughter from a distance:

“Ahaha! Any nightmare vain in front of absolute strength is not worth mentioning!”

After hearing this voice, Wang Mang was suddenly startled.

Damn it! This feather is really successful!

With his bad luck card, Transcends Tribulation really succeeded!

Ma! Xiang Yu, this dog thing is really a bit powerful!

as predicted!

I saw Xiang Yu, scorched all over, walked out of the ruins with the support of Lu Bu and Han Xin.

After that, Lu Bu and Han Xin helped Xiang Yu sit down and guarded him. Xiang Yu sat in the Lotus Position and began to regulate his breath and heal his injuries.

“Want to heal and recover? Will I give you this chance?”

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn’t help but sneer secretly.

Afterwards, Wang Mang turned into a small flying insect and flew towards the place where Xiang Yu was.

After waiting less than 500 meters away from Xiang Yu’s trio.

Seeing the three of them still not vigilant, Wang Mang was even more happy.

Once Wang Mang is brought close, this feather will definitely die!

Because Wang Mang also saw Xiang Yu’s state clearly.

It was utterly weak and unreasonable, and even his breath was extremely weak.

This state is not much better than the Fox Emperor Thunder Tribulation he once encountered.

There are still two hundred meters left.

Wang Mang quickly turned into his body, and at the same time he opened his mouth wide and cast his magical power to destroy the laser!

“No! Get away!”

Seeing the magical power that struck in an instant.

Lu Bu Hanxin who reacted quickly was shocked.

Because they never expected that Wang Mang would be lying in ambush here.

Not only that, but after feeling Wang Mang’s terrifying attack, Lu Bu and Han Xin subconsciously withdrew and retreated wildly.

This immediately exposed Xiang Yu to danger.

In addition, Xiang Yu himself is extremely weak.

After seeing this terrifying supernatural power, he became even more frightened and shouted:

“No! Help me!”

Unfortunately, when Han Xin and Lu Bu reacted, it was already too late!

Rumble! Accompanied by a loud sound!

I saw that where Xiang Yu was, it turned into a ruin!

Perhaps Xiang Yu never dreamed that he successfully survived the thunder tribulation, but died tragically in Wang Mang’s hands.

You know, he successfully survived the thunder tribulation! Once he recovers from his injury, he is a real Earthly Celestial powerhouse!

If Xiang Yu recovers now, the strength of the Earthly Celestial class powerhouse.

Then, Wang Mang’s magical power attack is simply not worth mentioning to him!

But the problem is that Xiang Yu has no chance at all!

Because he has died under Wang Mang’s magical powers!

It can be said that this time Xiang Yu died the most aggrieved.

at the same time.

Seeing where Xiang Yu was, it was already turned into ashes, and Wang Mang was also very surprised.

He didn’t expect that he would be so smooth, so easy to kill Xiang Yu!

Paralyzed, is this done?

Are we going to kill an Earthly Celestial?

To be honest, Wang Mang felt extremely unreal now.

This is even smoother than he expected!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help laughing out loud:

“Ahaha! That’s it? That’s it?”

at the same time.

The voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain 30 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the Diamond Treasure Box X2! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the conditions for evolution, does it begin to evolve? 】

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