Chapter 386 Mission Choice! Never let Xiang Yu’s strength break through! To be on the safe side, let’s get a bad luck card first!

After listening to the task sound that sounded again.

Wang Mang couldn’t help being confused again.

Damn it!

Xiang Yu is like a dog.

Want to hit Earthly Celestial?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly sank.

His relationship with Xiang Yu has become very bad.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the two sides have already had a huge contradiction!

Therefore, if possible, Wang Mang certainly does not want to see the enemy become stronger!

What’s more, this feather trio wanted to attack him not long ago.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Mang to see this guy successfully breakthrough Earthly Celestial.

Therefore, task one can basically be eliminated.

As for the difference between task two and task three, it is interesting.

The second task is to stop, regardless of whether the opponent succeeds or not, the task is completed.

The third task is to fall into the well, take advantage of this guy to hit Earthly Celestial, and kill Xiang Yu.

It took almost a moment.

Wang Mang already had choices and decisions in his mind.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: “System! I choose task three!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was inexplicably relieved.

The three tasks are actually very good choices.

Wang Mang and Xiang Yu had an antagonism, and the three rewards were the most.

He is not stupid, he naturally knows that he has made a choice.

Moreover, what kind of Wang Mang belonged to, or did not take action.

Once he makes a move, he will kill him.

Even a one-shot kill, without giving the enemy a chance to comeback!

At this time, upon hearing his son’s swearing words, the prince nodded with a smile:

“Okay! Son! Go and do your business too!”

“Now the catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, I guess you are busier than me!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded quickly and said, “Father, why should I go busy first!”

“Is there any important thing, the first time I am in succession!”

After talking, Wang Mang exchanged a few words with his father before leaving.

As for leaving this time, Wang Mang of course rushed to Xiang Yu.

He is not sure when Xiang Yu will hit Earthly Celestial.

However, what Wang Mang had to do now was to find Xiang Yu in the shortest time.

Otherwise, once Xiang Yu’s impact is successful, he will become Earthly Celestial through the thunder catastrophe.

It is estimated that Wang Mang has the desire to die!

Others don’t know, he still doesn’t know Xiang Yu?

Among the Netherworld, under Earthly Celestial, Xiang Yu is the most powerful.

So, if this guy really hit Earthly Celestial, the chances are really not small.

Because the cataclysm of heaven and earth will arrive in more than two days.

Especially the Spiritual Qi, which is flooded in the weather, is more than a hundred times richer than before!

Nowadays, the animals and trees in this world can be channeled into spirits as long as they compete a little bit.

This may also be one of the few benefits brought by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the rise of the powerful, and the glory of the era.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang has already arrived, Nanyun Province.

This Nanyun Province is naturally Xiang Yu’s territory.

It can be said that Xiang Yu’s site is still very close to Wang Mang’s site.

After entering Nanyun Province, Wang Mang condensed his breath, and also turned into a goshawk, wandering in Nanyun Province.

Because Wang Mang could feel that there was indeed the aura of Xiang Yu, and even the aura of Lu Bu and Han Xin.

What made Wang Mang depressed was that he wandered around Nanyun Province for a long time and found no trace of this feather.

This made Wang Mang feel very brain-ache, where did this dog go?

Are you looking for other brands?

In Wang Mang’s view, Xiang Yu’s breakthrough is imminent. In order to be more secure, he will definitely find a brand.

Moreover, since he is about to Transcends Tribulation, it proves that he has either found a brand or forcibly hit Earthly Celestial Realm!

In Wang Mang’s view, these two possibilities existed, if they were in collusion with the old land man.

Then it is more likely!

“I’m paralyzed, it’s not a way to find it like this!”

“What if this dog is hiding in Transcends Tribulation and quietly attacking Earthly Celestial?”

At this moment, Wang Mang was irritable and couldn’t help muttering.

As if after thinking of something.

Suddenly Wang Mang’s eyes lit up.

He is now not sure whether Xiang Yu has been hiding in which corner and hitting Realm.

But Wang Mang already has a way to delay!

This method is nothing else!

It is a one-time bad luck card!

At this point, Wang Mang hurriedly said silently in his heart:

“System! Used a one-time bad luck card!”

“The object of use, Xiang Yu from the Netherworld Palace!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully use the bad luck card! 】

[Note: After use, the target will be in bad luck for the next half day, from injury to severe damage! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was just exuberant.

Now he can find Xiang Yu with peace of mind.

Because, no matter whether Xiang Yu is hitting Realm or not, he is still preparing to hit Realm.

He will definitely be affected by his bad luck card.

Even in the case of impacting Realm, it will be even more unlucky, and it may be backlash.

If you are in Transcends Tribulation now, maybe you will be struck by lightning directly?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood, and began to search Xiang Yu’s traces again.

In Wang Mang’s opinion, this guy shouldn’t go to a certain corner of the world to go to Transcends Tribulation.

No matter how far he ran, he should be in Long Nation, he couldn’t really hide in the ocean, right?

and many more! Go in the ocean!

It’s really possible for this guy to hide in the ocean!

Wang Mang suddenly woke up.

On the land of the Dragon Kingdom, there is an Earthly Celestial powerhouse in the Netherworld.

Then this guy, hiding somewhere in the boundless sea, Transcends Tribulation hit Realm, it is also very possible.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly had a direction to search.

He was going to search on the land of the Dragon Kingdom first, if he didn’t find it.

Then Wang Mang would search in the ocean.

Because Xiang Yu’s strength has reached the peak below Earthly Celestial.

Even in the ocean, it is estimated that there is nothing that can threaten him.

In contrast, in Transcends Tribulation on land, this feather selection is also very possible in Transcends Tribulation in the ocean!

At this point, Wang Mang began to search within the Dragon Kingdom.

at the same time.

What Wang Mang didn’t know was.

On an isolated island in the ocean.

Xiang Yu, who was sitting on his knees to adjust his state, preparing to attack Earthly Celestial, suddenly turned pale.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, his face terrified:

“Damn it! What the hell is going on?”

“How could I suddenly feel so upset?”

Because, just when he adjusted his state.

Everything was fine before.

His condition is also under adjustment, getting better and better.

But just now, in his sea of ​​knowledge, a picture of his Transcends Tribulation failure and fall appeared.

This immediately was about to prepare for Transcends Tribulation, impacting Xiang Yu of Earthly Celestial, and stopped instantly.

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