Chapter 377 After the disaster of heaven and earth, your father and I will be able to dominate one side, and crack the earth as king!

【Ding! Accumulation has met the conditions for evolution, does it begin to evolve? 】


After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

Did the disaster begin at this moment?

Isn’t this a bit of love for Qiaoer?

But what Wang Mang didn’t know was.

In fact, it really started.

At this moment, looking at the weird bright red blood moon in the sky.

Everyone present was in shock.

Because, at present, there is more than Wang Mang on the streets.

There are also the empire’s interview team, as well as the people who come and go onlookers.

When Wang Mang was interviewed earlier, there were already many people onlookers outside the cordon raised by the imperial soldiers.

Therefore, after seeing this extremely strange scene, many people fell into panic one after another.

“Oh my God! What the hell is going on!”

“Yes! How did the moon turn blood?”

“Is it really as the guardian god said, is the disaster of heaven and earth coming?”

“Master Guardian, what is going on?”

“Yes! Lord Guardian, has the disaster already come?”

At this moment, many onlookers asked Wang Mang in a panic.

Similarly, the empire team in charge of the interview also looked at Wang Mang in a panic.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang’s brows were also frowned, but he still comforted:

“People should go back quickly! It should be a sign of disaster! Remember the previous instructions of the patron saint!”

After speaking, Wang Mang stopped paying attention to everyone, and immediately turned into a huge body and rushed into the sky, disappearing into the night.

But while flying home in the sky, Wang Mang discovered something unusual.

It started raining in the sky. The only difference in color was that the rain was very strange.

Wang Mang could vaguely feel that there was an evil force similar to Spiritual Qi in the rain.

“What the hell is this rain?”

“Don’t say the rain is bloody, why is Spiritual Qi fluctuating so strongly?”

“Simply much deeper than Spiritual Qi in the sky!”

At this moment, leaving the rain on his body, Wang Mang did not feel any discomfort.

However, Wang Mang could feel that there was indeed a trace of evil power in the rain.

This trace of evil power is mixed with the strong Spiritual Qi rainwater.

Even more bizarre is that Wang Mang could see that many trees, after being soaked in bloody rain, began to slowly increase, visible to the naked eye!

In the same way, Wang Mang could feel that he was very comfortable after being exposed to the rain.

Because, any trace of evil power was simply insignificant to Wang Mang.

It can even be said that it has no effect on him at all.

But Wang Mang could feel that the rain washed his body again.

This feeling is very comfortable, and even every part of the body seems to be active.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang returned to his home where the Villa in the Mid-Levels was.

After returning, Wang Mang saw him, sitting in the hall with a solemn face, as well as his mother, and grandma.

There are also the confidants of the old man, Uncle Yang and Uncle Lu, as well as the little Fatty who once reported the news.

When he saw Wang Mang, his face suddenly eased a lot, and he quickly said, “My son! Come in!”

Hearing that, Wang Mang nodded slightly, said hello to Uncle Yang and Uncle Lu, and then sat down beside him.

The old man just opened his mouth and continued:

“Son! Little Fatty said just now, anyone who gets caught in this bloody rain will start to cough.”

“In the end, if you can’t make it through, you will become a zombie.”

“But people who have been drenched in the rain will become stronger in varying degrees, and vary from person to person.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang was suddenly a little surprised.

Glancing at the little Fatty rebirth, Wang Mang nodded and said: “Yes, when I came back just now, I had already been exposed to it.”

“During the rain, I could feel the rain flooding the Spiritual Qi, but there was a trace of evil and weird power in it.”

Hearing this, the Queen Mother was shocked and worried: “Mang, you got caught in the rain, what if there are three long and two shortcomings!”

Hearing that, Wang Mang did not know whether to laugh or cry: “Mom, your son, I am now a power close to the Earthly Celestial level.”

“There are not many people in the whole world who are better than me. How could the bloody rain before a disaster affect your son and me!”

Hearing Wang Mang’s words, Little Fatty nodded and said: “Yes, Lord Demon Emperor will not be affected by this rain of blood.”

“Some people even got caught in the rain and survived, and they can become stronger and better health.”

“Only those who can’t survive will be affected, and even become zombies in the end!”

“But this situation has no effect at all for a powerful person like Master Demon Emperor.”

“This rain of blood should be a huge danger to ordinary people, but it has no effect on the strong.”

Hearing this, Uncle Yang and Uncle Lu’s expressions changed drastically. They looked at each other and expressed their concerns:

“Lao Lu and I were soaked in the rain before. What should I do?”

“Yeah! Wouldn’t we also fail to listen to become zombie monsters?”

After hearing this, Wang Mang was shocked, and the father looked at Little Fatty with some bewilderment.

Little Fatty hesitated and said:

“In my previous life, I also got caught in this rain, but I survived.”

“If it’s two old men, half of the chances will not pass.”

After hearing Little Fatty’s words, Uncle Yang and Uncle Lu looked at each other and couldn’t help but feel bitter and helpless.

As if thinking of something, little Fatty added again: “And this blood rain stone can’t escape.”

“Because, in the future, there will be bloody rain from time to time. You can hide for a while, but you can’t hide for a lifetime.”

After hearing this, Uncle Yang and Uncle Lu, who were still complaining, became even more helpless.

They can be regarded as understanding, this is a test that must be experienced!

“Okay, Lao Lu, Lao Yang, don’t be discouraged, let’s isolate these few days!”

“Not only do you have to isolate, but even the mercenaries we recruit have to be quarantined in the rain.”

“I don’t know how many of these mercenaries can or cannot resist the past.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but look at his father and asked:

“Father, how many mercenaries have you recruited?”

After the old man was shocked, he said triumphantly:

“There is almost a man of more than ten thousand people!”

“After the heaven and earth disaster, your father and I will be able to dominate one side, and crack the earth as the king!”

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