Chapter 374 Killing Two Peak Emperor-level Powerhouses! Some changeable dog kings! Get all the gains?

At this moment, Wang Mangsen’s cold scarlet snake eyes revealed a cold killing intent.

Obviously, Wang Mang was murderous towards these two guys!

From Wang Mang’s point of view, since they are all offended, they should be offended more severely!

What kind of character Wang Mang has always been, either innocent or offended to death!

Therefore, the current Wang Mang didn’t want to let go, these two guys were inferior to him.

at the same time.

the other side.

The king of dogs watching the battle in the distance.

It was even more stunned at Wang Mang’s strength.

He could feel Wang Mang’s strength before.

Even, it was so strong that it exceeded his expectations!

But the King of Dogs did not expect that Wang Mang was so powerful!

The pinnacle imperial level powerhouse could not suppress Wang Mang, and even the two pinnacle imperial level powerhouses could only remain unbeaten in Wang Mang’s hands!

This is too damn exaggerated!

You know, Wang Mang’s original strength was just a little stronger than him.

But since the two sides parted ways, Wang Mang’s strength has been ascension so much?

Better than the imperial peak powerhouse, doesn’t that mean…

Has Wang Mang approached Earthly Celestial?

Thinking about it this way, the emperor felt his scalp numb.

In his heart, he was uncertain about how Wang Mang’s Ascension strength was.

Because, Wang Mang Ascension’s strength is really too fast, too fast to be understood by common sense!

Soon he was almost unheard of, unseen!

Thinking that Wang Mang was just an ant before his eyes.

Now that the identities of the two parties have been exchanged, the dog emperor’s heart is very bitter.

Maybe it was the right choice for me to follow Lu Dongbin in the first place?

The other end.

It’s just a magic trick.

Five Elements scattered people and Yin Ming evil spirits, they became heavy-hearted.

They looked at Wang Mang’s gaze and became even more jealous.

Wang Mang’s strength was not worse than that of the top pseudo-Earthly Celestial in the Netherworld Mansion.

Strictly speaking, their strength is a little worse than that of Wang Mang!

“Do you still fight? If you don’t fight, leave now! The emperor will not blame it!”

At this time, seeing the two of them hesitating, Wang Mang suddenly opened his blood basin and laughed.

“Your Excellency, do it for yourself!”

After changing his face for a while, the evil ghost and Five Elements separated, and finally said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang smiled slightly and saw the two relax their vigilance, turning around and preparing to leave.

Wang Mang made another move!

I saw that Wang Mang, who had already transformed into three heads, opened his blood basin one after another.

The next moment, Wang Mang displayed three magical powers!

Eternal Frost!

Destroy the laser!

Ruyi Scepter bone spurs!

I saw that Wang Mang opened his mouth three times, and instantly displayed three magical powers!

The evil ghosts who were about to leave and Five Elements scattered people, their expressions changed drastically.

Of course they can feel a sudden change behind them!

But when they had just turned around, they were instantly blown by a blast of ice wind.

After that, the two of them were instantly frozen into a huge ice sculpture!

The next moment, Ruyi Scepter’s bone spurs came out in an instant!

Fast as lightning!


Accompanied by the cracking sound of ice sculptures.

This sharp and slender bone spur had already penetrated, and Five Elements was about to pierce through the body.

The evil ghost on the side was not spurred by Ruyi Scepter.

But when he was furious and was about to fight back, he was overwhelmed by the destruction laser.

The next moment, everything covered by the destruction laser was turned into ruins, along with the mountains, woods, and peaks in the distance.

All were directly destroyed by this ruining beam!

Including these two imperial peak powerhouses!

After the black smoke dissipated, only a piece of rubble remained.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

He finally feels more confident in own strength.

This is so easy to kill these two peak emperor-level powerhouses in seconds.

Finally, Wang Mang felt that he was no longer so aggrieved.

Because, fighting back and forth with the top powerhouses of the pseudo-Earthly Celestial really made Wang Mang no sense of superiority.

But now Wang Mang has regained this sense of superiority!

We are still very strong! The peak powerhouse said that the second is the second!

All right! Although there are some sneak attacks.

But our strength is beyond doubt!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling very good.

The only regret is that these two powerhouses were directly dried into scum by his supernatural powers.

Otherwise, the two peak king-level powerhouses should also be worth a lot of evolution value, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang shook his head secretly without feeling too regretful.

Because, in Wang Mang’s eyes, the dog’s body is the big head!

At this point, Wang Mang subconsciously looked at the dog emperor not far away.

Seeing the dog king look dumbfounded, Wang Mang was immediately overwhelmed.

Moving his huge body, he came to the dog emperor’s side, and suddenly said with a smile:

“Brother Dog King, let me have a look at the things?”

After regaining his senses, the dog king looked at Wang Mang’s kind appearance, and was immediately stunned.

He looked at Wang Mang with an incredible expression, and said in shock:

“Brother, did you help me just for my harvest in the underworld?”

“Isn’t it because we are brothers?”

Seeing the astonishment of the dog king, Wang Mang was speechless.

Of course, Wang Mang couldn’t be too blunt.

I can’t say that when we save you, I’m thinking about your gains in the underworld, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly sighed: “Brother Dog Emperor!”

“You have also seen that now, my brother, I have offended the Lord of the Eighteenth Floor The Underworld.”

“Now I can’t wait to want the strength of Ascension!”

“Brother, what you got, if you don’t give me Ascension strength.”

“When will I be able to Ascension, my brother, Earthly Celestial level?”

“Do you want to watch me die, brother?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the dog king’s heart became gloomy.

In fact, he had already reacted.

How could Wang Mang not hesitate to die for him?

Because of this, the dog king had actually guessed that Wang Mang was for his treasure!

It’s just that Wang Mang’s words were a bit speechless, and he didn’t know how to refute them.

He wanted to say to Wang Mang, you fucking deceived my feelings, and now you still want what I have worked so hard to gain?

However, after thinking of Wang Mang’s strength, the dog emperor felt very bitter and weak.

If his strength is not weaker than Wang Mang, he still has the confidence to say such a thing.

But Wang Mang’s strength is completely at two levels with him!

Thinking of this, Dog Wong suddenly said vaguely: “Brother Monty Python! Earthly Celestial is not such a breakthrough!”

“Furthermore, you don’t have fairy cards, god cards, or magic cards. Once you breakthrough Earthly Celestial, you will inevitably encounter Heavenly Tribulation.”


Without waiting for the emperor to speak, Wang Mang smiled and said:

“That’s not going to get the dog king, brother, I’m worried, brother, I’ve got a fairy card.”

“Now that you only need to accumulate treasures, you can become Earthly Celestial.”

Hearing Wang Mang’s words, the dog king was even more stunned, his face full of astonishment.

After a long time, the dog emperor recovered from the shock, and suddenly said pitifully:

“Brother, can you keep some for me? We are brothers!”

“Look at me, my strength has only reached the level of seven thousand years…”

Hearing this, Wang Mang answered the wrong question, and asked with a smile:

“Brother Dog King! Do you think the treasure is important or fate is important?”

Hearing this, the dog king was silent for a moment, and said with a lonely tone:

“Okay! Brother, I know!”

After speaking, the dog king opened his mouth and spit out several treasures.

This made Wang Mang’s mouth dumbfounded, with an incredible expression on his face.

Because the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures that the King of Dogs vomited, there are actually 5 half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures!

The next moment, Wang Mang immediately put away with joy, five half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures ready to escape.

At this time, the dog king looked bitter and asked pitifully: “Brother, I can go now, right?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was in joy, was ready to nod his head and agree.

But Wang Mang seemed to have thought of something.

He immediately felt something was wrong.

its not right! Very wrong!

If I have got all the treasures.

Why hasn’t the system’s task completion sound sounded yet?

Why haven’t you reminded me that the task has been completed?

This doesn’t seem to make sense either!

Is there something wrong with the system?

This is impossible!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang’s heart sank.

He already had guesses in his mind.

There is only one possibility in this situation!

This dog didn’t vomit all of it!

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