Chapter 363 Encountering the birth of a new Mingpai? Is this a coincidence or a coincidence? Isn’t it a coincidence?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was relieved.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw it, and the fairy card in his hand immediately flew into the air.

Afterwards, a golden light was emitted, poured into his body, and disappeared.

In addition, after this golden light enters the body.

Wang Mang felt it right away, an indescribable feeling.

He seemed to have more energy and energy in the dark, and he possessed a special power that couldn’t be said.

This feeling is somewhat mysterious and subtle.

Of course, Wang Mang also didn’t know what exactly changed.

“That’s all! That’s all! Find a place to advance Ascension’s strength, let’s talk about it!”

At this moment of thought, Wang Mang’s heart moved, turning into an eagle and rushing into the sky.

But while Wang Mang was flying, he suddenly saw a strange scene shrouded in Blood Qi.

After looking down, Wang Mang saw that there seemed to be a school below.

But why does a school have such an exaggerated Blood Qi?

This made Wang Mang a little confused and puzzled.

How could a good school be like this?

Moreover, Wang Mang also vaguely felt that the Yin Qi in this school was extremely heavy, and there was even an aura that was unique to the Nether Powerful.

At this moment, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected! Give the host the following task choices! 】

[Mission 1: Facing the possibility of Mingpai, turn a blind eye and ignore it! 】

【Task time: You can get it by choosing. 】

[Task reward: 5 billion evolution value! Advanced blind box X1! 】

[Mission 2: Face the mighty cards, participate in them, and try to fight for them! 】

[Task time: 12 days, before the catastrophe comes. 】

[Task reward: 10 billion evolution value! Random lottery X1! 】

[Task 3: Face the possible Ming cards, do not compromise the means, and get them in your hand! 】

[Task time: 12 days, before the catastrophe comes. 】

[Task reward: 20 billion evolution value! Designated lucky draw chance X1! 】

After listening to the tasks released by the system.

Wang Mang suddenly froze for a long time, hovering in the sky, falling into entanglement.

First of all, Wang Mang was of course tempted by Mingpai.

You should know that the three brands, whether they are immortal cards, god cards, or meditation cards, all have immortal, clergy, and meditation.

However, Wang Mang had the lowest immortal position, and Wang Mang was still very dissatisfied at this point.

But here is the unique aura of the Netherworld Palace, Wang Mang suspected that there was already a strong Netherworld, and he found here.

As for the powerhouse of the Netherworld, it is unclear whether he has found the Nether card.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang hesitated a little.

He simply got a cruel heart, gritted his teeth secretly, and already made a decision.

“System! I choose task two!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the system’s voice, Wang Mang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he chose task two was mainly because he was not sure whether the Ming card had been obtained.

Similarly, he didn’t know what level of strength the Netherworld powerhouse who had already found the Ming card had reached.

If he is just one close to the pseudo-Earthly Celestial powerhouse, he can still compete for one or two.

But what if it is an Earthly Celestial class powerhouse in the Netherworld?

Wang Mang knew the attraction of Mingpai to these strong men.

The Land Gongxian card that Wang Mang obtained alone had so many benefits.

What about the other stronger brands? I am afraid there are higher benefits!

For this reason, in Wang Mang’s view, even the strong of the Earthly Celestial level could not resist the temptation of this brand.

“That’s it! Let’s go down and take a look. It’s not bad to be able to prostitute with 10 billion Evolution Points!”

“If there is a chance, it’s not bad to want to help get a Ming card!”

After a few murmurs, Wang Mang fluttered his wings and swooped down the sky.

When he was about to land, Wang Mang even stopped on the top of the school building and looked at the school.

Just looking at it a little, Wang Mang could see that this place should be a university.

But this university is very deserted, and there are not many people at first glance.

In this regard, Wang Mang did not have too many surprises.

Because, since the cataclysm of heaven and earth, the world has been messed up.

Where are the students still thinking about learning?

However, what made Wang Mang frown was that the Blood Qi enveloped in this school was too strong.

Wang Mang could even vaguely see the dark shadows passing by on the floor.

These black shadows are almost transparent and void, hard to catch with the naked eye, and almost no need to guess Wang Mang to know that they are all ghosts.

Because Wang Mang had seen ghosts before, but he was not too surprised.

On the contrary, Wang Mang was still in this school, searching for the strong man in the Netherworld Palace.

Because here the strong aura of the Netherworld Palace is even stronger.

Soon, Wang Mang saw that several black fog swept from a distance.

Then, two familiar figures emerged.

After seeing these two familiar figures, Wang Mang suddenly felt helpless.

These two figures are not others, they are the ghosts of black and white impermanence, these two guys are both Earthly Celestial class powerhouses.

With these two guys there, Wang Mang had no chance of getting involved, this mighty Ming card.

Of course, as for this so-called fight, Wang Mang would just take a look.

Because he didn’t even have a chance to fight for it!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was ready to leave!

But at this moment, a few black mists came from the distant horizon, causing gusts of cloudy wind.

The next moment, a few more figures emerged.

What surprised Wang Mang was that the auras of these figures were not weak.

Although compared to the black and white impermanence twin ghosts and gods, the gap is huge.

However, the threat to Wang Mang was very strong.

When these black mists turned into human shadows.

One of them, Wang Mang, still knows!

This one is not someone else, it is Xiang Yu who looks down on him!

The other two figures, without exception, are all domineering armors.

One of them was covered in snow-white armor, and opened like a marshal general, so mighty.

The other is tall and majestic, also wearing pitch-black armor, wearing a red vertical crown, and holding a Fangtian painted halberd.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately used information detection subconsciously.

Afterwards, these two unfamiliar Netherworld powerhouses, information surfaced in front of them.

Target: Han Xin (Bing Xian).

Taoism: 8990.

Level: Pseudo Earthly Celestial level.

Supernatural powers:? ? ?

Achievement: No. 18 in the ranking of global powerhouses.

Target: Lu Bu.

Taoism: 8989.

Level: Pseudo Earthly Celestial level.

Supernatural powers:? ? ?

Achievement: No. 20 in the ranking of global powerhouses.

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