Chapter 355 The task of subverting the three views and prompting information! Come on! I join your gang, will you show me the live broadcast?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was shocked immediately.

The fairy card left in the world?

Haven’t these fairy cards and magic cards been taken away by the gods who left the earth?

Are there any fairy cards that have been left out in the world?

After Wang Mang thought about it this way, he realized that it was really possible!

After all, the Hades have been left behind.

Then, the fairy cards may not be left out!

Even the magic cards are probably missing!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but get excited.

Because, what do fairy cards and magic cards mean?

If it was before, Wang Mang still didn’t know what it meant.

But now Wang Mang knows that immortal cards, god cards and Ming cards all represent many profound things.

For example, the orthodox fairy god identity on earth! Represents the recognition of heaven and earth! It means it’s easier to become a fairy god!

Because, there are fairy cards, even if the world does not allow Immortal Ascension, Immortal Ascension can still become a god.

This is a blessed good thing!

Moreover, Wang Mang needed this thing very much.

Whether it is for yourself or for your family!

Wang Mang really needs the fairy card magic card!

He may be able to take his time and achieve Earthly Celestial Realm.

But what about Wang Mang’s family?

Therefore, if there are conditions.

What Wang Mang said he had to make some fairy cards and magic cards for his family.

Thinking of this, after Wang Mang thought for a while, he already made a decision.

In Wang Mang’s view, the incomplete fairy card was probably of little use.

Therefore, Wang Mang also wanted to find a complete fairy card, so he silently said in his heart:

“System! I choose mission 3!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the system’s voice, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood was very good.

However, Wang Mang quickly got into trouble.

He has never seen a fairy card!

He hadn’t even seen the Nether card, only knew that the strong Earthly Celestial in the Nether Netherworld possessed the Nether card.

Because of this, Wang Mang had a headache for a while.

He really has no clue!

“System! I have never seen a fairy card!”

“Give me some hints anyway? How else can we find them?”

“It’s like finding a needle in a haystack than finding a needle in a haystack!”

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded:

[Reminder: The host can complete a clue reminder task! After completion, the host will get the corresponding information prompt! 】

【Ding! Does the host receive the reminder task and complete the reminder task? 】

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang said helplessly: “Get it!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

[Task details: Ask the host to let a stranger willingly live broadcast! 】

[Task rules: Do not use force to threaten, or deceive or other improper methods! 】

[Task Reward: Obtain no less than three information tips about fairy cards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang almost couldn’t help crying.

Paralyzed, what the hell is this!

He felt that the difficulty of this information prompt task was about to catch up with finding fairy cards.

But as a normal person, who would play Shabi’s live broadcast!

Although before his rebirth, Wang Mang often saw that some people on the Internet often said that they were live broadcast.

But who has really done it?

Don’t talk about the live broadcast!

Many people who eat shit live have said that, right?

But Wang Mang hasn’t seen anyone really do it yet.

Fortunately, it made Wang Mang a little relieved.

This is not without a chance.

He can find a guy who doesn’t need a little brother, and fool him live broadcast…

All right! Although this is indeed a bit wicked, but in order to be able to get hints.

Wang Mang was really helpless.

After all, expect a normal person willingly.

Moreover, it is still live broadcast, is this really possible?

Not yet able to threaten!

Can’t deceive yet!

Don’t use improper means!

never mind! Go out and look for it these two days!

Wang Mang couldn’t help thinking helplessly in his heart.

Early the next morning.

Wang Mang greeted his family and went out.

But after going out, Wang Mang walked in the bustling city, feeling a little at a loss.

He is looking for the kind of people who don’t want to live, preferably buddies who can’t.

But the problem is that after wandering around, Wang Mang didn’t find such a person!

Hackers and fights, street robberies, and heinous people can be seen everywhere.

But Wang Mang didn’t see it, he couldn’t think of it.

In one day, Wang Mang couldn’t find his goal.

This also made Wang Mang very frustrated.

Because, he didn’t take the initiative to ask.

But when Wang Mang asked him if he had any thoughts.

Every target basically yelled at him.

There is even a grumpy temper, and he has to do it directly!

Wait till it gets dark.

Wang Mang was a bit hit.

He walked down the street depressed.

This feeling of hitting a wall everywhere is very uncomfortable.

“Dude, join the Black Dragon Gang?”

At this time, a young man suddenly stepped forward and asked enthusiastically.

Hearing this, Wang Mang raised his head to look at the young man, and subconsciously looked at the opponent’s lower body.

But Wang Mang’s gaze immediately scared the enthusiastic young man, his face paled instantly.

The young man immediately distanced himself from Wang Mang, looked at Wang Mang vigilantly, and said vigilantly:

“You…what do you want to do?”

“You fucking wouldn’t be a G, are you!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang was speechless.

Wang Mang suddenly became speechless, and said helplessly:

“As long as you promise me a request, let alone join the Black Dragon Gang.”

“Even if you want me to help you realize a practical wish.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the young man’s eyes lit up and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

“Okay! As long as you don’t think too much of me, you can say anything!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s eyes lit up and said, “Is this true?”

The young man nodded proudly:

“Of course! Talk about your request!”

“Our Black Dragon Gang is rich and powerful! It’s hard to find us!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang quickly asked: “Absolutely not!”

“Little brother, this is the case, as long as you are willing to broadcast live!”

“Don’t say join a gang, even if you can help you build a gang!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the young man was stunned.

He looked at Wang Mang with an incredible face, and subconsciously felt a cold in his crotch.

The next moment, the young man opened the distance in horror, and looked at Wang Mang in fright:

“You fucking perverted! Let daddy live broadcast?”

“Daddy is just recruiting people for the gang. You fucking let me live broadcast?”

“I drafted the uncle! Come on! What gang are you from, I will join your gang, you can show me the live broadcast!”

Looking at the extremely angry young man, Wang Mang suddenly felt bitter and asked helplessly, “Is there really no more to talk about?”

The young man hurriedly smiled and said, “I am going to have no such fucking thing, what is the point of being alive? I’m fucking dead, forget me…”

“What else to talk about? Let’s talk a few!”

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